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525 N o t e s o f M i d d l e A m e r i c a n A r c h a e o l o g y a n d E t h n o l o g y Carnegie Institution of Washington Division of Historical Research No. 122 August 1955 Two New Gallery-Patio Type Structures at Chichen Itza Karl Ruppert and A. L. Smith Patio Condition. Only traces of walls exposed. Size. Interior 10.2 m by 11 m. Average thickness of walls 60 cm. Façade. None exposed. Interior. Some column drums lying about. Doubtful if any are in position. Diam. of drums 60 cm. Area in middle of patio may be slightly lower than around edges. Shrine room Condition. In poor repair. Location. On north side of patio. Size. Interior 2.60 by 3.50 m. Interior. No vault stones seen. STrUCTUre 4e3 (FIG. 122.1b) Platform Condition. Presence of platform not definitely indicated, although gallery is slightly higher than terrace to west. Gallery Condition. In poor state of repair. End wall at north. This wall turns inward toward south, giving the gallery an interior width of 3 m. No column drums seen. Near south end of back wall of gallery, a fragment of a secondary wall projects 1.6 m. While at Chichen Itza, April 5 to 14, 1954, for the purpose of locating and examining house mounds, we found two new gallery-patio type structures. Thirteen structures of this type are now known at Chichen Itza, but so far none has been reported from any other site. In looking for house mounds it was necessary to examine inconspicuous terraces and platforms where no large mounds are indicated or identified by numbers on the map (1952, Fig. 151). Thus some areas that had not been seen since the map was made in 1924 were examined with considerable care. One of the new structures lies 187 m east and 238 m south of the northwest corner of grid 5D. It has been given the number 5D7 (Fig. 122.1a). The other lies 182 m east and 432 m south of the northwest corner of grid 4E and has been given the number 4E3 (Fig. 122.1b). STrUCTUre 5D7 (FIG. 122.1A). Platform Condition. No platform indicated, although a low one may be present and now covered with debris. Gallery Condition. In poor state of preservation. No end walls seen. Gallery indicated by miscellaneous column drums apparently not in position. Small amount of debris. No vault stones seen. KArL ruppert And A. L. Smith 526 Patio Condition. Fair, with much wall exposed. Size. Interior 16.5 by 17 m. Walls 70 cm thick. Façade. None exposed. Interior. Entrance from gallery, 2.40 m. wide, leads into an antechamber measuring 3.25 by 4.20 m. Opening into the patio proper from this chamber must have been on east side, although jambs of a doorway were not found. Area in center of patio lower than around edges. Some column drums, 50 cm: diam., seem in position. Shrine room Condition. In poor state of preservation. No fa- çade exposed. Location. On east side of patio. Size. 3.7 by 4 m. Interior. No vault stones noted. Before the discovery of the two new buildings, eleven structures of the gallery-patio type were known at Chichen Itza. Of the thirteen now known, eight face west, three south, one east, and one north. No definite information is available as to platforms supporting the new structures, but it seems likely that the latter rose slightly above the great supporting terrace. In one structure the gallery is definitely of greater length than is the patio; this is the ninth example of a T-shaped building plan, the gallery forming the crossarm of the T. Str. 4E3 has an antechamber opening from the gallery and built into the patio. Excavations would be necessary to determine whether it is contemporaneous with the gallery or is a later construction. The nearest counterpart to this antechamber is in Str. 5B7. The latter has an antechamber, 2.2 m wide, extending across the entire end of the patio (1943, Fig. 3, d). Each of the newly identified structures has a shrine room. In Str. 4E3 this room opens from the back wall of the patio, so that it is on the east side of the building. In Str. 5D7 it is on the north side of the patio, making this building...
