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When the basic rights of the people are obstinately ignored, and when their most sacred rights are forcibly stripped away by an oppressor incapable of justifying its tyranny; and when it persists, by its arbitrary power, to continue its oppression; the people, bereft of the remotest hope for a solution, are left with no other option but to repel force with force. This is the painful case in which we find ourselves. —thirteenth amendment of the plan de veracruz by generals santa anna and guadalupe victoria in 1822 vol. ii saturday, december 11, 1835 number 75 interior the true plans of mejía for the expedition that he has led to occupy ttampico So that the Mexican nation becomes thoroughly aware of the true intentions of that foreigner and ungrateful ex-general Mejía and his associates Don Valentín Gómez Farías and Don Lorenzo Zavala, we publish their professed documents that fortunately have arrived into our hands. No one can doubt their authenticity, and we point out that they conform entirely to the plans for their intrusive rule that they developed and began to execute in 1833. Let the Mexican people, who are the true lovers of their country, their religion , and their own personal tranquility decide for themselves whether to die, ratherthansubjectthemselvestoliveundertheominousyokeof thoseJacobites and demagogues.Enough with the introduction,let’s get to the matter. Num. 1 New Orleans, September 7, 1835 My dear Pancho: Cheer up and take full pleasure in knowing that you are going to be free from the strangling dominion of the aristocrats and know Santa Anna, Appendix § el mosquito mexicano1 that rogue, traitor, and tyrant, will soon be shot and that the liberal federalists will be compensated, with interest, for that which they were made to lose through the perfidy of that wicked person and his stooge auxiliaries, Tornelito, Quintana, and the rest. The attached extract, which has been kept very secret, especially from all the profane [non-Masons] and even from those hh ⬖ [Masonic brothers] whose trustworthiness is in doubt,will inform you of what has been decided in the secret sessions of theAmphictyonic Council of this city and of our plan that is so advanced that in less than two months, the famous Mejía will have taken Tampico, Tamaulipas, and perhaps even San Luís (de Potosí), and possibly by the middle of the coming year our Republic will be truly free,because there will not be an aristocracy, or even a trace of a bishop, a friar, a nun, or any fanatic of those who have impeded and are impeding our nation from developing the abundant elements for happiness. I still don’t know if I will go with Mejía or travel toTexas,where I can be of more use, because Austin is a little hesitant and he chokes in shallow water. In any case, try to be in San Luís [de Potosí] during the month of December, where I hope to see you and give you a warm hug. Meanwhile, give Pepa and Ramona an affectionate hug from the boys and, again, receive the good wishes of your h ⬖ [Masonic brother] and friend. —Tomás Num. 2 Extract of the discussion and accord of the Amphictyonic Council of New Orleans in secret session held on the third of September, 1835, at number 103 Ursulines Street. With a sufficient number of members of that council assembled,Mexicans as well as North Americans, Mejía stated that the objective being promoted at the meeting was to give an account to some of the members of the status of his plan and of how much he had accomplished and particularly to tell them of the conditions that they have imposed upon him, forcing him to make concession in order to be able to furnish the money and all types of supplies for the expedition decided upon for the port of Santa Anna,Tamaulipas.Several capitalists generally interested in the cause of the liberty of man, as well as the interests of the State of Louisiana, were ready to furnish money even at the risk of losing it in the case of a misfortune. They provided the money on the condition that General Mejía gave his word of honor to promote and award all of the territory that, under the Spanish government, was called the Province of Texas and today is part of the State of Coahuila y Texas. It is to be sold at...
