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GLOSSARY Selected List of Russian Terms and Abbreviations Agit-Prop: The Administration of Agitation and Propaganda of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Central Committee: central decision-making body of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, elected by periodic national congresses of the party Glavnauka: Scientific Department of the Ministry of Enlightenment Gosplan: The Soviet Government’s Economic Planning Organization khozraschet: commercial cost-accounting (programmatic under NEP, critically relevant to book sales in the 1920s) kolkhoz: collective farm kolkhoznik (f. kolkhoznitsa): collective farm member Komsomol: Communist Youth League kraeved: the regional studies movement krai: province containing ethnically distinct autonomous regions (oblasts) in the Soviet period Narkompros: Soviet Commissariat (or Ministry) of Enlightenment (Ministry of Education) NEP: the New Economic Policy, introduced March 1921 obkomi: oblast (regional) Communist Party structures, provincial party committee oblast: administrative unit, province People’s Commissar: head of a government ministry (People’s Commissariat) Politburo: political bureau of Communist Party’s Central Committee raion: administrative district, subordinate to oblast or krai soviet: elected body with administrative functions Stakhanovite: peasant or worker recognized for outstanding production record VTsIK: All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Soviet of People’s Deputies ...
