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570 Richard Sibbes The bruised reed and smoking flax 1630 To the Christian reader, To prevent a further inconvenience, I was drawn to let these notes pass with some review: considering there was an intendment of publishing them by some who had not perfectly taken them. And these first, as being next at hand, and having had occasion lately of some fresh thoughts concerning this argument, by dealing with some, the chief ground of whose trouble was the want of considering of the gracious nature and office of Christ. The right conceit of which is the spring of all service to Christ and comfort from him. God hath laid up all grace and comfort in Christ for us, and planted a wonderful sweetness of pity and love in his heart towards us. As God his Father hath fitted him with a body, so with a heart to be a merciful Redeemer [Heb. 10:7]. What doth the Scriptures speak but Christ’s love and tender care over those that are humbled; and besides the mercy that resteth in his own breast, he works the like impression in his ministers and others to comfort the feeble-minded and to bear with the weak. Ministers by their calling are friends of the Bride, and to bring Christ and his Spouse together, and therefore ought upon all good occasions to lay open all the excellencies of Christ, and amongst others, as that he is highly born, mighty, one in whom all the treasures of wisdom are hid, &c., so likewise gentle and of a good nature and of a gracious disposition. It cannot but cheer the heart of the Spouse to consider in all her infirmities and miseries she is subject unto that she hath a Husband of a kind disposition, that knows how to give the honor of mild usage to the weaker vessel. That will be so far from rejecting her because she is weak, that he will pity her the more. And as he is kind at all times, so especially when it is most seasonable, he will speak to her heart, especially in the wilderness. The more glory to God and the more comfort to a Christian soul ariseth from the belief and application of these things, the more the enemy of God’s glory & man’s comfort labors to breed mispersuasions of them, that if he cannot keep men from heaven and bring them into that cursed condition he is in himself, yet he may trouble them in their passage. Some, and none of the worst, Satan prevails withal so far as to neglect the means, upon fear they should (being so sinful) dishonor God and increase their sins; & so they lie smothering under this temptation, 571 Richard Sibbes as it were bound hand and foot by Satan, not daring to make out to Christ, and yet are secretly upheld by a spirit of faith, shewing itself in hidden sighs and groans unto God. These are abused by false representations of Christ, all whose ways to such being ways of mercy; and all his thoughts, thoughts of love. The more Satan is malicious in keeping the soul in darkness, the more care is to be had of establishing the soul upon that which will stay it. Amongst other grounds to build our faith on, as the free offer of grace to all that will receive it; the gracious invitation of all that are weary and heavy laden . . . this is one infusing vigor and strength into all the rest: that they proceed from Christ, a person authorized, and from those bowels that moved him not only to become a man, but a curse for us—hence it is, that he will not quench the smoking wick or flax. It adds strength to faith, to consider that all expressions of love issue from nature in Christ, which is constant . God knows that, as we are prone to sin, so when conscience is thoroughly awaked, we are as prone to despair for sin; and therefore he would have us know that he setteth himself in the covenant of grace to triumph in Christ over the greatest evils and enemies we fear, and that his thoughts are not as our thoughts are, that he is God and not man, that there is heights and depths and breadths of mercy in him above all the depths of our sin and misery; that we should never be in such a forlorn condition wherein there should be ground of...
