In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

ix contents Acknowledgments xi Introduction Sir Garfield Todd, Rhetoric, and Zimbabwe’s Struggle for Democracy 1 1 Democratic Disciples 15 2 The Democratic Missionary 25 3 Moving toward Democracy: Todd as the Limited Democratic Politician 39 4 Todd the Prophetic: The Radical Democrat 69 5 The “Horrible Speech”: Todd’s Effort to End White Supremacy 91 6 Todd’s Narrative Rhetoric: The Preacher of Democratic Virtues 101 Conclusion: Fighting the Good Fight 117 Sermon Texts Conference Sermon 127 The Unfinished Task of Christian Missions in Southern Africa 136 Christian Unity, Christ’s Prayer 145 Our Timeless Missionary Mandate 156 The Church Knows No Boundaries 165 My World and Its Need 171 Casey.Rhetoric.indd 9 1/9/07 11:10:47 AM Political Speeches First Campaign Speech 181 Maiden Speech—June 3 and 4, 1946 186 Speech on Federation—June 23, 1952 198 1956 Congress Address by the Prime Minister 208 Franchise Speech 217 Immorality Debate Speech 227 Reply to the Toast “Southern Rhodesia” by the Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia at the St. Andrew’s Night Banquet at Bulawayo—Saturday, November 30, 1957 238 Prophetic Speeches Statement against the “Colour Bar”—March 10, 1959 245 After Independence, What? Political Imperatives 247 Letter Delivered to Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations—July 26, 1960 260 United Nations Speech 1962 262 Can Christianity Survive In Africa? 282 Danger! Men Thinking!—The First Feetham Lecture 286 1977 UN Speech 293 International Center of Indianapolis Luncheon on Basic Issues 305 University of Otago Graduation Speech 312 “The Speech that Says it All—in Silence”—The Second Feetham Lecture 318 The Tübingen Festival Address 324 Keynote Speech at the Celebration of Joshua Nkomo’s 72nd Birthday and 40th Wedding Anniversary 336 Concluding Sermon Reflections on Fifty-four Years of Service 343 Notes 347 Bibliography 371 Index 381  CONTENTS Casey.Rhetoric.indd 10 1/9/07 11:10:48 AM ...
