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51 Hidalgos of the Golden Age In Guyana underneath a glittering mountain lies a phantom lake a quiet mirror faithfully reflecting sky a find right out of the delirious fantasies of the conquistadors. In the rainy season, it exists. Otherwise it is a tranquil blot of green above the upper Orinoco. Princes used to come here their naked bodies covered with gold dust. After throwing their offerings of golden figures masks and jewelry into the center of the lake they would plunge in themselves. If they came up without a fleck of gold on their bodies it meant that the snake goddess governing the world from the deepest part of the water had accepted their treasures. Which is to say the sun would continue to shine the crops to grow. This is nothing less than a complete reversal of the contemporary delirium which believes although it doesn’t say so openly that the sun is dying inescapably. And that she’s unappeasable the goddess at the bottom of the quaint hallucination which was once a lake. ...
