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46 Glass, Memory, Mirror We’re restless when awake, along a road needing gas, doorknob in hand, glass of water, memory glass, as if a stranger possessed the mind and memory healed in one of us making the trip together, yet like someone without memory, the steam rises outside the window. Nothing moved. Everything changed (the unfolding of their bodies.Try to imagine no work). You backed out of your garage, saw yourself in the mirror, the open horizon toward blue. In a sea of unfinished curves, a sudden swerve in traffic, spell of glass between buildings, between racehorse names, likenesses, slots in the glass (freedom inside is the freedom behind glass). You cruise, so you can turn the base of the compass, pass a long clothesline stripped of its droplets 47 (breakthroughs blamed on bad memory). Like for like, glass for thought. Still glass. Feels like a driver looking out the windshield. It is not a rule. Experience pans out. Reality leads to uncertainty. ...
