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239 meAT He’d escape spurt out of the rabbit cage into our yard with our chickens two merino goats I had to chase him down tense and wiry breathing fast He’d freeze when I cornered him He seemed to divine me standing above him in the wraparound vision of his dark bulging eyes Then when I grabbed him he’d rake my forearms with his hind-legs all the way back to the cage A feral boy he terrorized his cage-mate a fluffy white rabbit half again his size But I didn’t kill him out of malice I killed him in dread His mistress was planning to make some rabbit fur gloves “Let me do it” I said “I’m a carnivore I need to know the mystery of meat” That’s how I fell athwart the mean white wire of his life I studied a pamphlet Take his hind-legs in one hand his head in the other thumb between the ears fingers curled under his chin and snap him like a branch like cracking the breech of a gun I set a day I set a time and I came to get him reached in he went into freeze mode stroked him to calm him as I got my grip And I did it I snapped him but he didn’t seem to die He convulsed terribly like gargling I panicked did it again and again and again 240 They skinned him roasted him stuffed with raisins and wild rice I took a ritual bite or two tough and chewy but I had no appetite Cloud rabbit he comes back to me broke-neck goggle-eyed rabbit ghost He’s malevolent but cold and blind and his murder brings no wisdom ...
