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105 EMPEror rudoLF High on his observatory, Kaiser rudolf49 sits in glory, gazing at a stellar chart, while pondering a fateful story that a star in misty flurry soon would touch the Empire’s heart. He summons his astrologer,50 in stars and orbits connoisseur, his eyes fixed on the heavens high. “Will cataclysm now occur if stars and earth in path concur, their orbits meeting on the nigh?” The wise astrologer demurs: “The stars are distant voyageurs in their ethereal galaxies.” He signals southward and avers: from there the danger now incurs. The Kaiser frets his world’s decrease. From South approaches early doom, Matthias51 comes, an heir in bloom, restricting rudolf to the Hradčany. So speaks the Kaiser, scornful in his gloom: “For me remains only the tomb, as for my brother i have died already. Friend! We ought to lift our troubled gaze, for right you are, above our ways the stars soar high and radiate. yet those who strive to reach the rays52 unwittingly have knotted their dark days their very lives with that lose rope of fate.” ...
