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279 l Index abortion: and age of women, 81; American public’s opinion on, 217n50, 272, 277n2; assistance for women with crisis pregnancies as alternative to, 90–91; availability even when prohibited, 88; and Catholic health care organizations, 249–50, 267n24; characterization as medical method for dealing with pregnancy, 85, 88; “conscience clause” provisions allowing refusal to perform, 104; debate about, 5, 46, 73–74, 75–76; and economic crisis, 209; and “Faithful Citizenship,” 195–97, 207–9; firsttrimester , 89, 101–2, 208, 242n33; as fundamental right, 216–17n47; funding, 84, 103–4, 208, 217nn51–52; informed consent requirements for, 86; as intrinsic evil, 233–36; John Paul II’s opposition to, 68n25, 89–90, 195, 215n33, 240n20, 276; late-term abortion ban, 88–89; as liberty interest, 216–17n47, 233, 242n34; partial-birth abortion, 102–3; and poverty, 81, 209, 217n53, 268n33; and prenatal testing, 120; protection for, 210, 233; realism of activists in opposing, 2–3, 88–89; restrictions on, 85, 99, 101–2, 217n51; state control over, 85–86, 216–17n47; in 2008 election, 208; as voting issue, 191, 195–97, 207–8, 244. See also Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA); pro-life movement; Roe v. Wade (1973) Abortion and Divorce in Western Law (Glendon), 91 Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood (Luker), 73–74 abstaining from voting, 197, 198, 216n39, 253 Abu Ghraib, 77 accessory liability, 245 ADA. See Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Adam’s original sin, 246, 261, 265n8 adultery, 225 aggregated agency, 262–63 A.G.R. v. D.R.H. & S.H. (2009), 69n42 Alan Guttmacher Institute, 94n26 alcoholism, harm from, 47 Allen, John, 233 Allen, Woody, 142, 144 Alzheimer’s victims, caregivers for, 81 American law: and autonomy and solidarity, 18–19, 33, 37; challenges for, xi–xii, 3–6; and free speech, 59; and pro-life movement, 78–82; “reasonable person” standard in, 80. See also criminal law; lawmaking Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 34–38, 65; employment provisions, 35–36; enforcement 280 Index Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) (cont.) provisions, 36; far-reaching social effects of, 82–83, 173; limits of, 36–37, 84; public accommodation provisions, 36; purpose of, 34–35, 77; relationship to autonomy and solidarity, 7, 35, 37, 272; undue hardship, 36, 43n77 Aquinas, Thomas: on caring for parents as moral duty, 79; on custom, 60, 64; on divine grace, 239n13; on functions of law, 29, 48, 58, 97; on good law, xi, 3, 30, 97, 226, 271; on harm to third parties, 267n25; on hope, 124; on human flourishing and happiness, 53–54; on intrinsic evil, 220, 221, 237n3; on justice, 32–33, 51, 57; on law as moral teacher, 29–33, 38, 49, 74; on limits of law, 34, 58–62; on lying, 225, 240n17, 240n19; on natural moral law, 57–58, 61; Thomistic legal theory, described, 18; on unjust law, 90 Arabs, war on terror limiting civil rights of, 41n36 Aristotle, 51, 74, 93n14, 221 ars moriendi. See art of dying [well] artificial nutrition and hydration, 161n36, 165, 175, 182n9 art of dying [well] (ars moriendi), 141–44, 158n3, 160n29 assisted suicide and euthanasia, 9–10, 146–49, 163–86; and Catholic tradition, 143–47; constitutional protection for, 163, 175; and Cruzan opinion, 165–66, 176–81, 186n47; debate about, 5, 46; defined, 146, 147, 159n23, 184n31; Dutch practice of, 174–75, 184n31; and economic considerations, 209, 218n55; and equality and exceptions, 167–70, 171; and good death, 142, 148–49; intentional vs. unintentional death, 148; involuntary as result of legalization, 174– 75; and pain and dignity issues, 170–73, 184n31, 185n33; and philosophical theory and practical experience, 173–76; prohibitions against, 147, 168, 171, 175; racial, political, and religious attitudes toward, 185n32; state laws on, 163, 165, 166, 170, 180–81, 181n5, 183n16; and withholding/refusing medical treatment, 176–79, 186n47 assumptions of fundamental morality, 4–5 Augustine (Saint), 238n12, 253 autonomy: in American law, xi, 18–19, 33, 37; defined, 7; and end-of-life decision making, 9, 151–55, 157, 165, 174; and freedom, 23–26; and genetic medicine, 8–9, 115–20; importance of, xi, 52–54; and persons with disabilities, 35; threats to, 26–27, 121; wartime limits on, 41n36 Baby M, In re (1988), 56, 69n42 banking industry and financial crisis of 2007–11, 54 bankruptcies and lack of health insurance, 84 battery, committed while prolonging life, 176, 180 Bellarmine, 158n3, 160n29 Benedict (Pope), 234. See also Ratzinger, Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, Joseph Cardinal: deciding...
