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index Adams, John, 32n72 Africa, 111 African American ethics and ambiguity, 154–55, 170n144 and conflict, 120–21 agency of immigrants, 20–25 John Paul II on, 40–41 moral, 154–55, 170n144 and solidarity, 123 agriculture, 10–11, 102 Niebuhr on, 16 trade policies and, 103–5 AIDS, 68, 156 Albrecht, Gloria, 72, 85, 87, 93n76, 98n167, 169n138 Alien and Sedition Act, 32n72 ambiguity, and ethics, 154–57, 170n144 American bishops, 49, 113, 130n103, 133n160 and transmission of values, 36, 50, 132n159 American exceptionalism, 53 Niebuhr on, 19–20 amnesty, 137, 146–47 Amnesty International, 9, 28n11 anamnestic solidarity, 144 anthropology, Christian, 8–34, 43 Anzaldúa, Gloria, 8 Appalachian bishops, 107, 132n150 Appiah, Kwame Anthony, 111 Aquino, Marı́a Pilar, 25, 157 Arendt, Hannah, 110 Arizona, 1–2, 159–60, 160n4 Arreola, José, 159–60 Asian bishops, 123, 126n40, 133n166 assimilation, 19–20, 82, 151 asylum categories, and women, 62–63 Australian bishops, 121 autonomy, Farley on, 21 Bail Romero, Encarnación, 93n61 base communities, 52–53 Baum, Gregory, 42, 46–47, 53–54, 56n35 Beharry v. Reno, 91n48 Behdad, Ali, 18–19, 31n69 191 Benedict XVI on economic issues, 11, 13, 71 on families, 74 on imperialism, 108–9 on migration, 115 on neighbor love, 142–43 on solidarity, 127n65 Benhabib, Seyla, 128n73, 128n81, 128n83, 151, 165n79 Bible and base communities, 52–53 and Christian immigration ethic, 142–43, 160 and hospitality, 144 birthright citizenship, 75 blindness, 48 liberation theology on, 42–45 recommendations for, 50 border(s) Catholic tradition on, 113 characteristics of, 8–9 frontier thesis and, 152 as meeting place, 25 rhetoric on, 126n48 Border Patrol, 9, 27n2, 141 Boyle, Gregory, 51, 116 Brack, Robert C., 137–38 Brackley, Dean, 50, 118, 127n57 Bush, George W., 69, 92n54, 134 Café Justo, 158 Cahill, Lisa Sowle, 41, 77, 86, 98n168 Campese, Gioacchino, 9, 36 campesinos. See agriculture Canadian bishops, 133n166 Canon, Katie, 154–55, 170n144 capital, relationship to labor, 11 capitalism, 100–102, 106–9 care, ethic of, 21 Caritas in veritate, 71, 108–9, 127n65 Carter, J. Kameron, 154 Castañeda-Liles, Socorro, 81, 96n134 Catholic Church and grassroots movements, 123 and social sin, recommendations for, 49–54, 158 and solidarity, 118 192 䡠 index Catholic ethics/tradition on common good, 129n97 on economic issues, 11–12 on families, 70–71, 73–78 on human rights, 12, 28n18 on nationality, 113, 151 on sovereignty, 113, 166n84 See also under Christian Catholic Relief Services (CRS), 10–11, 24, 50 Cavanaugh, William, 118, 126n48 CDF. See Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith CELAM. See Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano Centesimus annus, 77 Central American immigrants, 6n4 documentation status of, 7n5 Chevron Corporation, 159, 171n156 Chiapas, 8 children. See family(ies) China, 104, 126n35 Christian anthropology, 8–34, 43, 74–75 Christian family ethics, 73–78 issues in, 78–87 recommendations for, 86–87, 98n161 Christian immigration ethic, 3–4, 134–71 background of, 142–43 global solidarity and, 99–133 recommendations for, 157–60 and social sin, 35–60 Christiansen, Drew, 165n81 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 102, 125n19 citizenship Benhabib on, 128n81 birthright, 75 Catholic tradition on, 113 conceptions of, 167n104 cosmopolitan, 146 globalization of, 111 Warren on, 128n76 civic kinship, 149–53 civic nationalism, types of, 150–51 civil society, globalization and, 100 Clinton, Bill, 103 cognitive hygiene, 50, 118 collective egotism, 16–19 and conflict, 121–22 Niebuhr on, 14–15 Collins, Patricia Hill, 96n126 commodification critique of, 22 prison industry and, 140–41 social sin and, 47 common good, Catholic tradition on, 129n97 communitarianism, 43, 111–12 criticisms of, 112 complementarianism, 78–79 conflictual solidarity, 119–22 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), 39–40, 56n30 conquest capitalism and, 109 versus evangelization, 158 conscience, term, 35 conscientization, 50 term, 59n79 Consejo Episcopal Latino-americano (CELAM), 43, 57n49, 123 conservative civic nationalism, 150–51 consumerism, 47–48, 107–8, 116–17 control, ethic of, 155–57, 169n141 convivencia, 153–54 Copeland, Shawn, 63, 153 corn, 10–11, 103, 105 corporations alternative investment programs and, 158–59, 171n156 and corrections, 138, 140–41 globalization and, 101–2, 109, 124n16 Corrections Corporation of America, 141, 163n46 cosmopolitanism, 111, 113, 129n83, 145–46 coyotes, 23, 64 Cranford, Cynthia, 89 crime in Mexico, 17, 31n53 rhetoric on, 136, 138 crisis, economic, 102 Benedict XVI on, 109 and immigration policy, 134 Cross, James, 54 CRS. See Catholic Relief Services Cruz, Gemma, 72, 95n112 Crysdale, Cynthia, 65, 155–56, 169n141 cultural freezing, 17 culture of...
