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A absolute truth, 55–57 accountability, 209 actions, rightness of, 15 activities of daily living, 124–26 acute illness, 128 adaptability, 185–87 Adkins, Janet, 124, 127, 130 adolescents gender identity in, 190, 191, 202 relationships of, 202 sexual pairing by, 192 Aesculepius, 146, 153 affirmation self, 62–63, 64 worthy of, 68n3 affliction. See also illness; suffering agency and, 37–40 autonomy and, 37–38 communication and, 44 emotional, 37–38 empathy and compassion for, 41–43 identity and, 37, 38 isolation of, 38–39, 41–42 vulnerability and, 6–7, 37–41 Africa, AIDS in, 219 agape, 211 agency affliction and, 37–40 control and, 35–36 defective, 41 dying and, 42 empathy, compassion and, 41–43 relationships and, 43–45 responsible, 4, 34, 47 vulnerability and, 33–35, 47 agents in-control, 35–36, 49n6 political, 177n6 agnostics, 264 AIDS, 216, 217, 218–19 alienation, 121, 122, 174 All Africa Conference, 219 Alzheimer’s disease, 124, 130, 132–33 Ambrose, 97 Amos, 211–12 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 133–34, 136 Anabaptist tradition, 139n23 ancient healers, 146–47 anointing the sick in Christian communities, 174–76 contemporary rite of, 182n37 i n d e x 274 Index Letter of James on, 172–74 vs. political healing practices, 166–67 anonymity, 199 Anouilh, Jean, 261 anthropocentric anthropology, 250–51, 253–61, 262–63 anthropology anthropocentric, 250–51, 253–61, 262–63 bioethics and, 3–4, 9, 256–58 dialogue between types of, 261–67 philosophical, 20, 159, 254, 256–58 positivist-empirical, 254–56, 264–66 sexuality and, 7–8, 193 social, 7–8 theocentric/transcendental, 250–51, 252–53, 262–63 theological. See theological anthropology truth and, 5 typologies of, 249–52 Antigone, 261 antisocial behavior, 245 Apollo, 146 Aquinas. See Thomas Aquinas, St. “Aquinas on the Sufferings of Job” (Stumpf), 180n23 Archimedian point, 247 Aristotle on formation of virtues, 94 on friendship, 168 on human nature, 256–57 on integrity, 104–5 on invulnerability, 35 on natural law, 266 on truth, 22 Aristotlism, 194 artifacts, 74 assault, 37, 39, 40, 44 assistive devices, 125–26 atheists, 264 attributed dignity, 79–81 attributed values instrumental vs. noninstrumental , 73–74, 79–81, 80t vs. intrinsic values, 85 personhood and, 82 Augustine on integrity, 97–99, 105 on spiritual identity, 249 on subjection of women, 193 authority, moral, 250–51, 252, 257 autonomy affliction and, 37–38 the cross and, 135–36 cultural attitudes on, 127–28, 165–66 dignity and, 26 freedom and, 25 friends of the world and, 175 integrity and, 127–28 of patients, 100 vulnerability and, 36 aversion, 45 B barriers, disabilities and, 125 Beauchamp, Tom, 3 beauty, 128 being vs. doing, 128 patience of, 60–67 true, 54 value of, 133–34 beings, human. See human beings Bernstein, Richard, 16 the Bible. See also specific books on integrity, 98 on relationships, 210–13 biblical epistemology, 167, 179–80n17 bin Laden, Osama, 105–6 bioethics anthropocentric anthropology and, 250–51 anthropological typology for, 249–52 anthropology and, 3–4, 9, 256–58 the body and, 255 cosmetic surgery and, 244 health care practitioners and, 89 human flourishing and, 1–2 integrity and, 100–101 language of, 17 moral psychology and, 260–61 norms for, 248, 264–66 patients and, 89 philosophical anthropology and, 256–58 philosophical ethics in, 14, 89 positivist-empirical anthropology and, 255–56 postmodernity and, 15–19 President’s Council on Bioethics , 241–42, 247, 263, 264–66 primary care medicine and, 100–101 religion and, 264 research in, 201 richer, 247–49 science and, 254–56 secular, 17 social ethics and, 238 theocentric/transcendental anthropology and, 250–51, 252–53 theological, 210, 215–17, 218, 219–20 theological anthropology and, 4, 13–32, 96, 101, 159, 207–8, 239 theology and, 234 truth and, 257 vulnerability and, 3–4 biological manipulation, 242–45, 267 biology evolutionary, 256 sex differences and, 190, 192, 193–94 sexuality and, 196 biomedicine. See health care; medicine biosphere, 256 biotechnology. See technology Blackmore, Susan, 138n4 blaming the victims, 37, 39 blindness, 129 Blum, Lawrence, 42, 45 the body affliction of, 37 alienation from, 121, 122 bioethics and, 255 cosmetic surgery and, 107–8 deconsecration of, 65–66 dependence on, 122, 123 losing control of, 129 patient, 65–66 the soul and, 193, 257 taken-for-granted, 121–22 as threat, 120–24 body dysmorphic disorders, 244 body/mind connection bodily threat and, 121 in clinical encounters, 164 evolutionary psychology on, 137–38n4 in illness, 99 integrity...
