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Index Abbé St. Pierre, 22 Activism, xxiv; Barber’s views on, 246–248, 252–254; civility, 299–302; Cohen’s and Arato’s views on, 275–276; Putnam’s views on, 323–324; vs. passive roles, 182– 188, 314–315; Walzer’s views on, 307– 308, 320–321. See also Citizenship; Movements Agricultural work, 81–82, 91 Allport, Gordon W., 161–162 All That Is Solid Melts into Air (Berman), 257 Almond, Gabriel A., xix, 173–189 Ambition: Ferguson’s views on, 60–62; role of associations, 120–121 Ancient civilizations: division of labor, 59– 60; equality, 43–44; legal codes, 85; warmaking manners, 47–49, 52 Antagonism, 19–20, 22 Anti-Politics (Konrad), 317 Aquinas, Thomas, xiii–xiv Arato, Andrew, x, xxiv, 270–291 Arendt, Hannah, 246, 308 Aristocracy: Aristotle’s views on, 9–10, 13; Kant’s views on, 29–31, 29n2; need for associations , 123–124 Aristotelian thought, xi–xii, xxiii–xxiv; associations , 158; citizenship, 1, 7–12, 141, 237, 244, 247; friendship, 325; social aspects of human nature, 235 Aristotle, ix, 1–18 Armed citizenry, xii, xiin5 Associations, xiii, xiiin7, xvii–xix; and accountability , xx–xxi; active vs. passive roles, 182–188, 314–315; Almond and Verba’s views on, 173–189; Aristotelian thought, 158; civic, 122–126, 128–132; civic competence and, 173–174; class divisions and, 343; creation of comunity in, 145–147; de Tocqueville’s views on, 113– 132, 252–253, 252n24, 283–286, 325– 326, 335; developing countries, 326–327; Dewey’s views on, 135–138, 158; in the early United States, xvi–xvii, 133–135, 155–156; Evans and Boyte’s views on, 255–269; factionalism and, 70–75; forbidding of, 130–131, 130n3; freedom of assembly , 114; Gramsci’s views on, 199– 200; grass roots level, 271; Hegel’s views on, 196; interest groups, xv, xix, 154–157, 160–170, 273–274n7, 326; liberalism and, 313–317; Madison’s views on, 155–156, 170; Marx’s views on, 196; mediating structures, 173–174, 213–218, 227–231, 252, 257–258; membership, xix, 334–336, 336n12; and multiple memberships, 186 (table), 188, 200, 252–253; officer roles in, 183 (table), 184 (table), 185 (table); Paine’s views on, 65; pluralism and, 284– 285, 285n37, 317–321; political, 113–118, 128–132, 154–157, 163–172, 179–182; political competence, 178–187, 262; Putnam’s views on, 325–327; radical left views on, 258–259; relationship between civil and political, 128–132; role in political movements, 258–269; role of newspapers and, 126–128; survey data and, 173–189, 326, 338; symbiotic relationship with the state, 317–321; Truman’s views on, 164–165; Walzer’s views on, 306–307. See also Factions; Voluntary associations Attitudes: association membership, 176–177, 178–179; group development and common , 161–162, 172 Autonomy, xxiv; Cohen and Arato’s views on, 287–288, 290–291, 290n47; vs. communitarianism , 341; Evans and Boyte’s views on, 260–261; Marx’s views on, 296; Shils’s views on, 292–293, 295, 298, 302 Baczko, Bronis¬aw, 204 Bagehot, Walter, 135 Banfield, Edward, 324, 327 Barber, Benjamin, xxiii–xxiv, 234–254 Bauer, Bruno, 96–108 Beaumont, Gustave de, 100 Being at Time (Heidegger), 235n4 Bellah, Robert, et al., xxv, 256n4, 328–347 Berger, Peter, xxiii, 213–233, 235–236, 252, 252n25, 257–258 Berman, Marshal, 257 Bickel, Alexander, 236 Bieńkowski, W¬adys¬aw, 203, 205 Bismarck, Otto, 198 Black churches, 261, 263 Blanqui, Auguste, 196 Bocheński, Jacek, 204 Bourgeoisie, 195, 196–197, 295–296 Bouterwek, Friedrich, 39 “Bowling Alone: America’s Declining Social Capital” (Putnam), 335 Boyte, Harry, x, xxiv, 255–269 Brady, Henry E., 338 Brandys, Kazimierz, 204 Brazilianization of America, 346, 346n24 Britain, 174–178, 175 (table), 176 (table) Brownell, Baker, 255–257, 256n4 Brus, W¬odzimierz, 204 Bryan, Andrew, 263 Brzozowski, Stanis¬aw, 212 Buchanan, James, xx, 243–244 Buonarroti, Filippo, 196 Burke, Edmund, 66, 215 Business class, 82, 137–138 Calhoun, Craig, 259, 259n9 CAP. See Community Action Program (CAP) Capitalism, 296–298, 329; and the good life, 310–311, 315–316; Hegel’s views on, 80– 83; and regulated society, 194n1 Carlyle, Thomas, 133 Categoric groups, 159 Catholic Church: Polish opposition movement , xxii, 203–204, 206–208, 210–211; social teachings of, 331, 344, 344n20 Character of society, ix; Ferguson’s views on, 57–62; need for government, 63–66 Charity, 89–91. See also Welfare services China, 35–36n7, 58 Church, the. See Religious institutions Citizen Action, 268 Citizenship...
