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Index Abelard, Peter, 65–66, 69 Accolon, 78–79 Ackerman, Felicia nimue, 7, 180 Adam and eve, 133 Adulterated love/adultery: and “bodily peine,” 87; Lancelot and Guinevere, 4, 29–55, 99, 102, 123, 163–64, 169–70; Malory’s tidying away of, 18–19; tristram and Isolde, 101 Afterlife, 97, 169, 183–86, 189 Aggravaine, 18, 30, 38–40, 42, 99, 163, 182 Allen, Judson, 102, 164, 167 Alliterative Morte Arthure, 132, 149 Alms-giving, 83, 99 “Amen” addendum, 12 Aquinas, St.Thomas, 80, 187 Armstrong, dorsey, 5–6, 94, 107, 145, 167 Ars moriendi, 80, 84–85 Arthur, King: collapse of realm, 6–7, 38–41, 78, 99, 107, 121–22, 157, 159, 161–62, 164–66, 169, 171, 175; and constraint in love, 31; creation of Round table, 109; death of, 19–21, 88, 95–96; divine right of kingship, 13; as exemplar of Christian life, 151; at Gawain’s death, 185; and Healing of Sir urry, 60–61, 146; lament of, 165–66; and Morgawse, 161–62; and Palomides, 115; and Pellinore, 181; return of Guinevere to, 34–35; Round table fellowship , 164–67; weeping at Gawain’s death, 185 Ascham, Roger, 1, 9 Athanasian Creed, 65–66 Atheists/atheism, 180, 183, 185 Atkinson, Stephen C. b., 142 Atonement, 5, 84–85, 87, 89 Augustine, St., 66, 68, 170, 172 balan, 11, 80, 83 balin, 11–12, 80, 83 barber, Richard, 127, 149 bartholomew the englishman, 62, 65 batt, Catherine, 2–3, 18, 20–21, 47, 132 bede-roll, 84 bedivere, 19–20, 23, 88, 96, 99, 148 bedwere, 19–20 benson, C. david, 15, 17, 29, 92, 97–98, 148 benson, Larry d., 15, 49, 167 blamour, 101, 148, 157, 181 bleoberis, 101, 148, 157 book of Sir Lancelot and Queen Guinevere , 38–51 book of Sir tristram de Lyones, 113, 119, 128, 145 Book of the Ordre of Chyvalry or Knyghthode, The (Llull), 3 bors: and Grail Quest, 114; and Guinevere ’s suspicions of Lancelot, 43; and Lancelot, 39–40, 89, 101; and rape, 138, 181; return to and reestablishment of Round table, 169, 171–75; and secular aspects of Grail Quest, 159–160; and secularized salvation, 6, 128, 133–34, 136–43, 145, 147–48, 157; and shame, 181; and the trinity, 67 207 brewer, derek, 103, 107, 180 brown, david, 66 Brut (Layamon), 19 burial, 49, 78–79, 81, 85, 87–88, 172 Caritas, 57, 59–60 Carpenter, Christine, 3 Cassian, John, 64, 70 Caxton, William, 3, 6, 11–12, 23, 65–69, 95, 111, 151 Chambers, e. K., 2 Chantries, 82, 84 Charism of healing, 56, 58–60 Charity, 57, 59–60 Charny, Geoffroi de, 111 Chastity, 31, 34, 39, 45, 118 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 3, 87 Cherewatuk, Karen, 5, 17, 21, 29, 46, 49, 77, 121, 162 Cherry, Kelly, 187 Chesterton, G. K., 184 Chivalry: as basis of Round table’s basic principles, 5–6; vs. Christianity, 107–26; Galahad’s perfection in, 132; and good love, 33, 38; and honor, 58; Malory’s idea of, 3–6, 9–10; and Round table, 6–7; shaky foundation of, 112–19; Sir Walter Scott on, 180; spiritual (divine) vs. secular (earthly), 13, 92–95, 98, 102–3, 128, 130–31, 135–36, 138–39, 149–50, 157–61, 166, 168–70, 173 Chivalry (Keen), 3 Chrétien de troyes, 77 Christianity: balanced with earthly values, 29–55; vs. chivalry, 107–26; enhanced and original elements of, 12–23; in explicits, 10–12, 130–32; and knighthood , 114; Palomides’s conversion to, 114; practical, 149–151; pre-Reformation , 1–3; secularizing of, 161–64; and social instability, 107–26; vinaver’s view of Malory’s approach to, 1, 9–10, 13–15. See also Jesus Christian morality, 57 Christian rituals, 5, 77–91 Christian virtue, 57–60 Chronicle of Glastonbury Abbey (John of Glastonbury), 149 Cole, Harry e., 146 Collgrevaunce, 79, 142 Compassion, 57, 59, 70–71, 151 Concordance to the Works of Sir Thomas Malory (Kato), 86, 170 Concupiscence, 33–34 Confession, 83 Confessional manuals, 83, 87 Constancy in love, 16 Cooper, Helen, 99 Corbechon, Jean, 65 Corsabryne, 78, 109 Courage, 37, 58 Crafte and Knowledge For to Dye Well, 85 Crudel (king), 134 davies, R.t., 30 death: with dignity, 7, 181–82; earthly fellowship of, 171–75; holy, 19–23, 115; noble, 19–23; nonreligious, 180–89. See also specific characters deathbed practices, 5, 77–91 deeds, satisfaction by, 83 de Weever, Jacqueline, 123 dignity, 7, 142–43, 181–83...
