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LUKE 7 Luke 7:1–50 THE SUBLIMITY OF CHRIST THE TEACHER 1. When he had finished all his discourse, etc. Now that the Evangelist has treated the truth of Christ’s teaching, he here commends that teaching by showing the sublimity of the Teacher. And he shows Christ’s sublimity to be extraordinary for three reasons. The first is the preeminence of his power. The second deals with the manifestation of the truth where verse 17 reads: And this report concerning him went forth. Finally, there is overflowing mercy where verse 36 has: Now one of the Pharisees asked him to dine with him. The preeminence of power is shown in performing great miracles. The manifestation of the truth in approving true testimonies. The fullness of piety in forgiving sins. Luke 7:1–16 THE PREEMINENCE OF POWER PROVEN BY TWO MIRACLES ST. BONAVENTURE’S COMMENTARY ON THE GOSPEL OF LUKE 568 This first part has two sections because of the two miracles it recounts. The first is the cure of the boy at the point of death. The second concerns the youth already dead, which is described in 7:11: And it came to pass soon afterwards. For in healing the boy at the point of death he is shown to be the Lord of life, who can save the life of someone who is breathing his last. In the resuscitation of a dead person he is shown to be Lord of death, who can conquer death. Further, in curing a body about to die, he is shown to be the Lord of the body, who can restore the body to life. In the resuscitation of the dead he is shown to be the Lord over souls, who can call souls back to their bodies. Luke 7:1–10 CURE OF A BOY AT THE POINT OF DEATH Therefore, with regard to the miraculous cure of the sick boy the Evangelist introduces three points pertinent to the explication of the miracle. First is the opportunity to perform the miracle. Second is the dignity of the person requesting the cure where verse 3 says: And the centurion, hearing of Jesus, sent, etc. Third is the congruity of hastening the bestowal of the benefit where verse 6 has: And when he was not far from the house, etc. – Now the opportunity of performing the miracle is gathered from three considerations, namely, the time is right; the place is fitting; the sickness provides the necessity for action.1 2. (Verse 1). Now with regard to the right time it is said: When he had finished all his discourse in the hearing of the people, that is, after the perfect and complete preaching and teaching of that Teacher concerning whom Sirach 43:29 says: “We say much and yet are deficient in our words, but he is the consummation of all discourse.” That is, he is the Word abbreviated in the flesh, according to what Isaiah 10:22 has: “The abbreviated consum1 Bonaventure continues with delightful word play: commoditate, congruitate, necessitate, which I am unable to follow in English. [] Project MUSE (2024-04-19 07:59 GMT) CHAPTER SEVEN 569 mation will overflow with justice.” And Isaiah 28:22 reads: “From the Lord of hosts I have heard of a consummation and an abbreviation.”2 He said this in the light of the people listening to Christ. To them Christ spoke in Luke 4:21 above: “Today this Scripture has been filled in your hearing,” that is, in the hearing of the Jews. Second, with regard to fitness of the place the text continues: He entered Capernaum. It is said in Luke 4:23: “Whatever things we have heard of as done in Capernaum, do here.” So in Matthew 11:23 it is said: “And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven?” He said this because of the many miracles that he had performed there.3 – The reason for this lies in the fact that Capernaum is a city of Galilee, which was on the boundaries of the gentiles and Jews. The result is that Christ may be shown to be the corner stone, according to what Ephesians 2:15 has: “That of the two he might create in himself one new man, making peace.” And in this the prophecy of Isaiah 9:1 has been fulfilled: “At the first time the land of Zabulon and the land of Nephtali were raised up. And at the last...
