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Abate, Michelle Ann, xvii, 67n12 Abolition, xx, xxii, 1–19, 107–8, 185 Adoption, 109– 125, 250, 252–53 “Amanda: A Tale for the Times,” 4–5 American Monthly Magazine, 224 Adultery, 158, 161, 166–67, 211–12; innocent adultery, 211 Artist, 26, 33–36; function of, xiv, 36 Austin, J. L., 266, 271–72 Bailey, Gamaliel, 40, 107, 184, 197, 287; editorial control of The national era, xx, 10, 13, 27–29; views on fiction, 1–6, 12–13, 18–19 Bailey, Margaret, 184, 196, 199, 287 Baltimore sunday visiter, 7, 49, 286, 292n5, 294 Baker, Nicholson, 73n71 Bardes, Barbara, xvii, xviii, xxii, 233, 235, 242n45, 244 Barker, Deborah, 33, 37 Basch, Norma, 26–27, 223, 238n5, 238n6, 263n27 Baym, Nina, xvii, 65–6n2, 92, 127n10, 148n6, 150n27, 155–56, 166–67, 175n6, 180n74, 190–91, 197, 202n6, 236, 261n2, 267 Beecher, Henry Ward, 53, 55; norwood; or, village life in new england, 55, 68n30 Behn, Aphra, 206, 211–12; “The History of the Nun; or, the Fair Vow-Breaker,” 206, 211 Blanton, DeAnne, 130, 136, 149n10, 149n15, 151n30 Blackstone, William, 223, 229, 232, 239n9, 245 Bobbett, Alfred, 81 Bonner, Robert, xx, 32, 36, 49–65, 87, 100, 102n13, 105n46, 129–30, 145, 260–61, 287, 289–90, 293n16; advertising, use of to promote new york ledger, 40–42, 50–51, 63; business acumen, 50–52, 54–67, 81–82; concern with respectability, 52–53, 82, 87; illustration, use of, in new york ledger, 77–81; pursuit of authors, 52–54; pursuit of Southworth, 25–26, 38–42, 50–51; reserialization use of, 56–58; sons, Allen, Robert Edwin, and Fredrick, 61–63, 71n57. see also correspondence; exclusivity; new york ledger Boston Quarterly review, 177n37, 237, 242n48 Boyle, Regis Louise, xvii, 31–32, 43n6, 70n37, 101n2, 176n17, 179n52, 241n38, 289, 291n1 Bracegirdle, Anne, 214–15, 218n23 Brantlinger, Patrick, 86 Brisbane, William H. 45 Britomarte, The Man-hater, xxi, 129–47, 205, 213; crossdressing in, 132–35; homoerotic attraction, 133, 144–45; intertextuality, 137–47; masquerade, 133; plotting of, 131–33; possible plagiarism, 135–37; as serial publication, 131; sensational elements, 146; textual transvestism, xxi, 135–37; women’s rights, 132, 134–35 Bronte, Charlotte: Jane eyre, 88, 100 Brothers, The, 205–11; as classical tragedy 207–8; Gothic elements in, 207, 209; intertextuality of, xxii, 207–10; sentimental plot, 209–10; slave revolt, 210 Brown, Joshua, 80 Brown, Laura, 212 Bronson, S. P.: The Widow of Toledo, 87, 88 Cather, Willa, xiii–xix, xxv Capital punishment, xxii, xxiv–xxv, 184–94, 250–51 Carlisle, J. M., 249, 258 Civil War, xxiv, 211; Southworth’s participation in, 129–30; letters from participants, Index 312 Index Civil War (cont.) 140, 142. see also transvestite narratives. see under war Class, xxiv, xxv, 95, 105n50, 123, 95, 167–69, 172, 223, 245, 252, 266; middle-class readers , 81–82, 260, 283n18; satire of, 172. see under marriage: cross-class Cobb, Sylvanus, Jr., 53–54, 57–58, 60, 61, 81, 87; As Colonel Walter Dunlap, 87; Bion, 87; Gun Maker of Moscow, 54, 57–58; The Mystic Bride, 54 Cook, Lauren M., 130, 136, 149n10, 149n15, 151n30 Cooper, James Fenimore, 155–56, 170 Copyright, xxviin14, 36–37, 243, 290–91; Bonner’s concern with, 54–57, 59–60, 63; as plot device, 36–37 Coultrap-McQuin, Susan, xvii, 38, 40–41, 71n57, 101n2, 202, 292n6, Contracts; with Bonner, 39–42; Bonner’s view on, 38; with H. Peterson, 39–42 Correspondence, 30, 77, 108, 260–61, 267, 276, 286, 289; on Civil War, 129–31, 145; concerning illustration, 77, 79–80; with Bonner, 25, 38–39, 56, 59–60, 61, 72n67, 79–80, 129–30, 145, 289; with H. Peterson, 26, 28, 29–31, 37, 39–41; readers about Southworth, xv, 11, 62, 101n6; Southworth to readers, 31–32, 41–42 Cott, Nancy, 39, 274, 282n17, Coverture, 222–26, 228–30, 244, 278, 280; Drury v. foster, 248–50; equity courts, 223; feme covert, 30, 223, 225, 229, 232, 268, 270, 273, 275–76, 280; feme sole, 30, 222, 229; in Gothic fiction, 229–38; Southworth ’s, 30 Coviello, Peter, 226, 230 Cowie, Alexander, 160–61 Crime fiction, 170–71 Cross-dressing, xvii, xxi, 108, 129–47; during Civil War, 130; Civil War narratives (see transvestite narratives); in Southworth novels, xxi, 132–37, 148n9 Cummins, Maria Susanna, lamplighter, The, 92 Dallas, Mary Kyle, 57 Dayan, Joan, 225–26, 237, 240n18 Defoe, Daniel: robinson Crusoe, 136 DeLamotte, Eugenia, 237 DeLombard, Jeannine, 25 Deserted Wife, The...
