In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Acknowledamencs I would like to offer a special note of appreciation to Laura J. McClusky for the unwavering support and inspiration, both intellectually and emotionally, which she provided during the six-year gestation of this book and which she continues to provide today. I would also like to thank Dr. Robert Knox Dentan for the guidance, support, and editorial suggestions that he provided since the inception of this project. A very special thanks goes to my parents, Hank and Evelyn Niman, for teaching me to respect and appreciate the earth's diverse cultures, for believing in me and giving me emotional support during my many funky projects, and for volunteering for the laborious task of transcribing interviews for this book. Though my mother tragically and unexpectedly died as this book went to press, she lives on both in its pages, and in the memories and deeds of the many people whose lives she touched. My appreciation goes out to the many Rainbows without whose assistance and cooperation this project would never have gotten off the ground. Foremost among them is Joseph P. C. Wetmore, who spent countless hours reading drafts and sharing his comments and opinions. Also Garrick Beck, who for years has been a Rainbow ambassador without assuming a leadership role; Dianne, and the Ithaca crew; lIah Davis and the New York squatters crew; NERF; Collector, TC, Felipe and Taco Mike, for showing me how many hours a day a person can work; the D.C. Legaliaison crew; White Raven; Grey Bear; Kaloma Becker; the CALM crew and all those folks who provided interviews, questions, answers, tea, coffee, and food. xx • Acknowledgments lowe a special thanks to the people who made up Buffalo Camp at the 1990 and 1991 Gatherings, especially the tireless cook, Dave Hetherly, Jose Rodriguez, and Field Horne. A note ofappreciation goes to Donna Smith and Michael Schwartz of Discount Natural Foods in Dewitt, New York, who filled my truck with food, supplied the Buffalo Camp kitchen, and fed me for the year I wrote this book. Thanks also to New York City journalist and author Bill Weinberg and to Lisa Rentschler Lavelle, formerly of the Alternative News Collective, for ideas, feedback , and inspiration. Thanks also to Gabe Kirchheimer and Joe Levy for allowing the use of their photographs in this book. I would also like to offer my appreciation to Vicki and Shawn Perich, Holly Nelson and the friendly open-minded people of Cook County Minnesota, who made me feel welcome in their communities. I would like to thank Dr. Elwin Powell, who has encouraged me in my work for twenty years, as well as Dr. Charles Keil, Dr. Lawrence Chisolm, Dr. Michael Frisch, and Dr. John Mohawk, who helped guide me through my doctoral studies. Chapter 8, as well as some ofthe facts enhancing other sections ofthis book, would not have been possible had it not been for the authors and supporters of the Freedom of Information Act, an invaluable resource for scholars and journalists. A special thanks also goes out to supermarket managers across the country who don't lock their dumpsters! ...
