In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Appendix B Known Deaf Persons With Earned Doctoral Degrees (Compiled by Rosalyn L. Gannon) Age onset Collage Undergraduate Year Name School 01 deafness Degree University Major Degree 1869 Moore, Gideon Barllett School NY 18 years PhD Heidelberg lJ Psycnology, Yale U (Gefloany) CtlEIm tstry 1914 Nu~s, Edwin W lexington School early childhood DDS U 0 1 PBnnsYl'vama Denial Surgery Gallaudel 1938 Breunig, Latham Clarlte Senoal 5-7 years PnD Johns Hooklns U Chemlslry Wab9Sn College 1943 Steinbach, al blrlh MD SI LOuIs U RadlologV U C,L.A Howard L 1948 Vier, Marion C East H S. Colorado 3 years PhD U of Colorado Bloct'lemlslry U.of Colorado 1949 lill ie, ROber1 J Wright Oral Senoal at blrn1 PhD U 01 Maryland Animal Nulrilion Penn State '952 Ballantyne, CanterbtJrY Prep at birth Ph D Catholic U Biology Pnnceton Donald L School Marsters. James Wright Oral Scnoal al blfth DDS New York U Dentistry Umon Coliege C 1954 Hawkins Bruce ClaSSical H S 8 years Ph 0 Princelon PhySICS Amberst College Mass 1956 Mye1s. Lowell J 12 years JD Jotm Marshall law Law Roosevelt Scnool 1960 Randolph. John 0 Texas School and 3 years JD Georgetown U Law Gallaudct Fort Worth H S Law School Texas 1962 Price. Raptlael M self·educated at birth MD Jefferson Mad MediCine U of Pennsylvania College 1963 Weinberger. at birth MD Indiana U Medlc llle Indiana U Myron 1964 Thompson. Cla,ke School al birth Ph D Boston U Clinical Harvard U Richard E' BmwnefNIChols Psycl1ology Scnoal 1965 Mayes. Thomas A Baker Oregon H 5 6 years Ph D Mlct"lIgan Stale U Adull Education U 01 Chicago 1967 SllblCk. Jeffrey Howey Academy. at bH111 Ph D Catholic U Entomology Rollins College N L. Texas 1969 Guertin, Ralph F Clarke School 7 years PhD Yale Theoretical Physc Worcester Inst Potyt8chiS PhilliPs. Rlonard Arsenal Tech H S .5 years Ed D U of Maryland StudenT Personnel Gal tatJdet M '970 Marsha II . Wi lilam Catholic Schools. 13 moNtls ~a 0 U of illinOIS SpeCial Eaucallon Stonehlll J A Mass Schowe, Ben M , Jonn R Buchtel 7 years Ph.D OhiO Slate U Communlcallons GallalJdel J' H.S. SOCIology & Curriculum Sharpless. Nansle Westtown. Pa 14 years Ph.D Wayne Siale U Blocnemlslry' Oberlin College S Chemlslry Stewart. Larry G Gladewater Texas 8 years Ed D U at Arizona Education Rehab Gallaudet Public SChools PsychOlogy 197' Bushnaq. Trans·Jordar\ 5 years Ph D Catholic U EconomiCS GaUaudet Sufclman M Chatol! Michael Public SChools 22 years. LLM NYU Senool of General law Queens A Law Doyle, Thomas D. Bishop Lenghlin 8 years Pn D George Chemistry Fordham NY Mem HS . N Y Wast-linglon U Johnson. Richard Indiana SChool 12 years Ed D U. 01Artzona Rehabl;ltSllon Ga laudet K Administration 439 Age onset College Undergraduate Year Name Sehool of deafness Degree Unlversjty' MaJor Degree Pact1l28rz, Judill1 Sehlannon H S. II 2\.7 years Ph.D Sl Louis U Biochemlstryl Oberlin College Chemistry Vescovl. Germ M SI Mary EI. SChOOl 14 years Ed,D U of Arizona Counseling Gal/auder Psychology 1972 Davila. Robert R California School 8 years PhD Syracuse U Ed [ech Gallaudet IS) Galloway, Vlclor South Carolina 10· 16 months Ed D U. olAnzona Rehab l Ed Adm Gallaudel H Gustason, Genlee San Bernardino 5-6 years Ph D U ot Southern Education U. of Califom.a Calif Riverside Hammerschlag, al birth MD Alben Einstein Otolaryngology New York U PaulE College Jensema, Carl Public School, 9 years PhD U of Washington Psychometrics WlsconslO w ,s Multl.VaflateSlatlshcs Kapp, Leon Los Angeles H S 5 years Ph D U of Rochester BiophYSICS U 01 California. Berkeley Mba, Peter Nigeria 25 years Ed D U of Tennessee SpecCa! Education Galtaudet Propp, George Nebraska School 15 years Ed D U of Nebraska Educallon U 01 Nebraska AdmlnlS\fallon Stinson, Michael Public School 3 years Ph.D U of Michigan PSYChOlogy U of Mich igan Watson. Douglas Arkansas School 8 years Ph D Florida Slale U Counseling Gallaudet Weiner. Michael Overbrook H.S at birth DDS Temple U Dentistry Muhlenberg Pa 1973 Jordan, Irving PubliC Sc~ool 21 years Ph D U of Tennessoe Psyc~ology Gallaudel King Liebman! Jeffrey Evanston allJtrth PhD U of Cali/orma, PhySIOlogical Oberlin College Townsh iP H S. LA, Psychology II Mead, Richard Hackley School. 4 years PhD Harvard U Applied Malh Harvard U NY Nameland. Ronald Minnesota School at birth PhD Syracuse U Education Gallaudel E Technology Snyder, James G...
