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223 Index Page numbers in italics indicate photographs, page numbers followed by f indicate figures, page numbers followed by t indicate tables Abend, A., 19 abortions, forced, 113; case of Fanny Mikus, 87–90; diagnosis of “hereditary feeblemindedness” and, 85; emotional effects of, 85, 87; Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases and, 5–6, 84; length of pregnancy and, 85t; number of, 84; Pauline Home in Winnenden and, 85, 86f Adler, Rabbi S., 131 Albreghs, Fritz, 91, 92, 98, 100–2, 102, 106, 107 anti-Semitism: racial, 2, 3 Archive for Racial Science and Social Biology, 14 Association for the Advancement of the Interests of the Jewish Deaf, 133 Association for the Advancement of the Jewish Deaf in Germany, 137 Association of Former Students of the Israelite Institution for the Deaf in Weissensee, 137 Association of Rabbis of Traditional Law Observance of Germany, 136–37 Asylum for the Deaf in Winnenden, 73– 82 athletic associations, 91–93 “Audiological Studies of Deaf Twins” (Seidenberg), 31–32 Auschwitz, 10, 164 Baden Association for the Deaf in Heidelberg , 54 Ballier (REGEDE official), 100 Bauer, E., 18–19 Beck, K., 54 Berlin Deaf Athletic Association, 93 Berlin-Neukölln Training Institute for Teachers of the Deaf, 42–48 Bernburg killing center, 10 Bewer (school director), 53 Bezold, F., 28–29 Binding, Karl, 8 Blätter für Taubstummenbildung (Journal for Deaf Education), 16, 27, 28, 30 blind persons: sterilization of, 5 Bloch, David Ludwig, 138 Bloch and Meseritz Foundation, 133 Blood Protection and Reich Citizenship Laws, 35 Boeters, Gustav, 16–17, 18, 141 Bouhler, Philipp, 7, 9 Brack, Victor, 7, 163 Brandenburg killing center, 10, 165 Brandt, Karl, 7, 9 Breslau Educational and Training Institution for the Deaf, 24 Buchenwald, 164 Büldt (doctor), 116 Bumm (professor), 17, 18 burial urns: transport of, 167 Catholic church: opposition to sterilization , 70–71 Catholic Deaf Association in Münster, 112–15 Catholic deaf schools, 68–73 Chancellery of the Führer, 7 Charitable Foundation for Institutional Care, 9 Charitable Patient Transport Company, 163 children, deaf: effects of sterilization law on, 81, 82f; physical and psychological effects of sterilization on, 68, 150–52; resistance to sterilization, 46, 68–69; T4 killing operations and, 9. See also teacher-collaborators children, disabled: “euthanasia” actions and, 162–63; T4 killing operations and, 8–9, 10, 11 children, Jewish and Gypsy: murder of, 163 City of Berlin school for the deaf, 41 concentration camps, 163–64 condolence letters, 167 congenital feeblemindedness: forced abortions and, 85; Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases and, 5, 35; sterilization and, 74, 76, 79 Conrad (school director), 69–73 Conti, Leonardo, 115 “Contribution to the Investigation of Deafness in the Administrative District of Wiesbaden” (Wilcke), 30 Cooperative Association of the Jewish Physically Impaired of Germany, 137 Co-operative Group 3, 137 cremation, 161–62, 166 Darwin, Charles, 14 Das Band (The Link), 133 Davenport, Charles, 2, 3 deaf collaborators, 102–6, 107. See also Reich Union of the Deaf of Germany deaf institutions: number of sterilization victims from, 34, 35t; private, sterilization of students and, 68–83; regional, sterilization of students and, 41, 42–67, 82–83; studies on heritability of deafness and, 32–33, 34t. See also individual institutions Deaf Leader (newspaper), 112 deafness: heritability of, German research on, 28–34 deaf organizations: Catholic, 112–15; consolidation under Nazi authority, 91–93; Jewish, 133, 137; women’s, 106–7. See also Reich Union of the Deaf of Germany deaf persons: denunciations of, 6–7, 23– 24, 41 (see also teacher–collaborators); “euthanasia” actions and, 160–70; resistance to sterilization (see deaf resistance ); sterilization of (see sterilization ); T4 killing operations and, 9, 163, 164. See also Jewish deaf; victims of sterilization deaf resistance: active, 46, 112–29; Catholic deaf organizations and, 112– 15; by Catholic students, 68–73; extent of, 109; Jacob, Gertrud and, 121– 29; passive, 83, 110; Sommer, Hermann , 115–16, 202n. 15; Veltmann, August and, 112–15; Wacker, Karl and, 117–20 Deaf Union for Physical Training, 91 Deaf Union of German Girls, 94 Deaf Union of German Girls Athletes, 93 denunciations: of deaf persons, 6–7, 23– 24, 41; of deaf resistors, 114; of disabled persons, 6–7, 23–24; of Jewish deaf, 134, 136, 139. See also teachercollaborators depression, as a result of sterilization, 152–53 Deutsche Gehörlosen-Zeitung (German Deaf News), 98, 113 Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift (German Medical Weekly), 15 Dillingen school. See District Instructional and Vocational Institution for Deaf Girls Dirr...
