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I Preface This book has enjoyed 15 years of circulation and thousands of readers. It has been gratifying to know that my book, one of the first literary efforts to address the problems and ramifications of deafness by a writer who knows how it is to be deaf 24 hours a day, has received such wide acceptance. Although the hearing public has received much more exposure to deafness since 1980 and, on average, is more enlightened and sophisticated about the ramifications of this disability, I regret to say that the future that was referred to in such glowing terms in the second edition has not fully materialized. Greater conveniences and public understanding have been countered with more problems and concerns. For this new, third edition, I have revised the last chapter to provide an update of the important events that have occurred in the Deaf community since the second revision in 1980. Facts and statistics have also been updated throughout the book. On the plus side, I believe that the Deaf community itself is becoming more sophisticated about political action and so is quicker to employ this avenue whenever important issues arise. To paraphrase an old but very true adage, the squeaky wheel gets the grease first; the Deaf community is learning that those who speak up and protest are more likely to have their needs met. As the Deaf community refines its use of political action, I believe that the result will be first-class citizenship for all Deaf people. vii ...
