In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

authors’ note The senseless slaying of May Greineder is one that has garnered intensive media coverage for more than a decade, but at its core, it is one example among the thousands of domestic murders committed every year, most of which although not receiving the attention of May’s case are no less tragic and devastating to the families involved. The unimaginable loss felt by May’s family has touched us personally, and we hope to bring attention to ending the scourge of domestic violence. This book would not have been possible without the support and friendship of Ilse Stark and Belinda Markel. We are grateful to Belinda for sharing her intimate experiences involving May’s death despite the pain she and Ilse will always carry. We would also like to thank a number of others involved in Commonwealth v. Dirk K. Greineder who took time out of their busy schedules and lives to share their experiences and thoughts with us, including: Jill McDermott , Terry Cunningham, Wayne Cunningham, Gwen Pino, Tom Young, Steve Rosenthal, Brian O’Hara, Stan Smith, Michael Paul, Sara Barbera, Dr. Bill Giesecke, Cheryl Nixon, Elaine Miller, Stephanie Vitzthum, Jeff St. Armand, Charles Salvi, and Jahon Jamali. Thanks as well to Northeastern University Brudnick Professor of Sociology and Criminology Jack Levin for his unique insight into the minds of killers. 308 authors’ note Our gratitude also to editor Richard Pult for seeing the potential of this book and allowing us the chance to tell this story. Our thanks as well to Gary Hamel for taking our manuscript and making it so much better. We would also like to thank Francisco Stork, Bethany Wood, Anna Reppucci, Laurie Rizzelli, Eric Gedstad, Deepak Karamcheti, Joel Brown, Brian MacQuarrie , Todd Shuster, Stephanie Schorow, and Laurel J. Sweet for their help, advice, encouragement, and support of this project. We are very pleased to include the photographs of Boston Herald photographers Ted Fitzgerald, Mark Garfinkel, Nancy Lane, Matt Stone, and Patrick Whittemore and our gratitude as well to Herald chief photographer Jim Mahoney for allowing us to use their superb images and share their amazing talents in helping us illustrate this story. Finally, without the love and support of our families, who put up with our long hours away from home and the incessant demands of our professional lives and of the writing of this book, this project would not have been possible. Our thanks and our love to Sandi, Dan, and Ellen, and Cheryl, Tim, and Dan. You make us who we are. Tom Farmer and Marty Foley ...
