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Abenakis, 13, 63, 70, 189 abominable, definition of, 219–24, 226–27, 230, 263, 307n4, 307n12 absence, 144–45, 217, 233, 242–43, 245–47, 293n61 Abstract of the Sufferings of the People Call’d Quakers (Besse), 139 acknowledgment, ritual of, 217, 235–37, 310n12 Act against Bastardy (Bermuda, 1723), 217, 249, 258, 268 Act for the Better Preventing of a Spurious and Mixt Issue (Mass., 1705), 224, 249, 258–63, 268 Africa: dynastic wars in, 29; Portuguese wars of enslavement in, 29, 226. See also specific regions Africans: Christian, 151, 124, 205, 293n61; enslaved and free in New England, 86, 101–4, 107–11, 122–25 (see also New England: slavery in); European views of, as inferior, 116–17, 167, 220–21, 261; fears of European cannibalism, 33; general religious beliefs of, 9, 13; Long, Edward, on, 117; men marrying into Native communities, 70, 122; men and unlawful sex, 230, 240, 251, 254–58, 265–6. See also Bermudians of color; women: African; and specific regions Ahhunnut, Hannah, 182–83 Algonquians, southern, 3, 8, 54, 70, 200; Cautantowwit (deity), 65–66, 89, 178; Cheepi (deity), 178; community formation, 60–61; demography of, 70; enslavement of, 20, 69, 122; and fishing, 56–57; Hobbomock (deity), 61, 178; homelands of, 13–14, 52, 57, 183; Kiehtan (deity), 55, 89, 178; languages, 57; Maushop (culture hero), 60, 69; Saconet (culture hero), 60–61; Squant (culture hero), 60–61; Squauanit (deity), 67; Wétucks (culture hero), 60–61; and whaling, 69, 70, 182. See also specific tribes Allen, Doll, 203–4; William Allen, father of, 203–4 Almeida Mendes, António de, 280n27 ancestors, 49–50, 101, 123, 180, 186, 226 Anderson, Emma, 303n59, 308n26 Anglo-Virginians, 6–7, 109, 174, 250 Angola, 29, 32, 34, 39, 44, 206, 280n27 animals, English association of: Natives with, 187–88; Africans with, 116–17 anti-Catholicism, 85, 94, 157–60, 163, 176, 189–90; Popish Plot, 160. See also Catholicism/Catholics anti-Quaker publications, 128, 131, 136–38, 148. See also Society of Friends Aquinas, Thomas, 84, 111 Note: Page numbers in italic type refer to illustrations. Index 360 / index 81, 126, 208, 228; demography of, 13, 20, 27, 205, 255, 267; household economy in, 86, 245; human settlement of, 13, 20; map of, by George Somers, 32; maritime economy of, 12, 47, 146, 232, 244–45, 248, 255, 266, 311n31, 311n38; puritan influence in, 11, 80–82, 121, 126–27, 129, 222–23 (see also unlawful sex); Quakers in, 126–29, 138–40, 142, 144–48, 295–96n44; Scottish transportees in, 154; sloops, 47; slavery in, 3, 7, 13, 27, 34, 36, 42, 205, 247, 278n8; St. George’s, 80–81; tobacco in, 34, 42, 47, 203 Bermuda Company. See Somers Islands Company Bermudians of color, 86, 157, 200–13, 209–12; enslaved in Quaker households: Anthony and Frank, 145–47; essential work performed by, 12, 26, 266; exile of free, 2, 102, 201, 209; and freedom, 2, 122, 202, 209; and indentures, 2, 27, 192, 200–204, 209, 278n8; and kinship, 2–3, 201, 206, 209; militia service of, 108; and practice of Christianity, 7, 13, 129, 193, 201–13, 269, 305n56 Bernard, Jean Frederic, 80, 132 Bernhard, Virginia, 278n9 Besse, Joseph, 127, 139 Bible, 112, 168, 185. See also under ritual object(s); writing, alphabetic Bible, books of: 1 Corinthians, 58, 284n25, 92, 103, 121; Ephesians, 294n23; Esther, 127; Ezra, 98; Genesis, 117, 294n23; Isaiah, 113; Jeremiah, 118; John, 113, 287n21; Luke, 257; Proverbs, 178, 181, 301n23; Romans, 286n4; Psalms, 257 Bight of Benin, 33, 206 Blier, Suzanne, 282n75 Block, Kristen, 145 blood, 115, 141, 143, 258; circulation of, as metaphor, 8, 110–11, 156 body and soul/essence: relation between, 26; for English puritans, 113; for Haudenosaunees, 225; for Massachusetts (Natives), 61; for Quakers, 134, 136; for southern Algonquians, 225; for Taínoans, 49; for West and West Central Africans, 208, 226 body/bodies: approaches to the study of, 3, 6; as basis for interpretation of the archaeology, 6, 14, 27, 35, 54, 56–57, 62, 64, 67, 175, 285n45; castellations, 65, 66 architecture: domestic, along River Gambia, 44; domestic, in Loango, 44; domestic, Taínoan, 43; sacred, 77, 131–32, 207–8. See also praying Indians: built environment of archive: and grounded speculation, 27–28; limitations of documentary, 6, 26, 28, 71, 101, 103, 124, 204–7, 217, 233–34, 246–47, 305n65; of performance, 50, 53, 59–60, 71–72, 104, 129–30, 138, 140, 148, 246–47 Assembl...
