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index Adjutant General, 28, 29, 31, 48, 51, 79, 87 Alexander, Edward Porter, 1, 110, 113, 220 (n. 32), 221 (n. 45) Allabach, Peter H., 167, 168, 170 Alvarez, Juan, 70 American Revolution, 3, 17, 23, 49, 54, 199 (n. 3); Blue Book of, 26, 39; political goals after, 12–13. See also Continental army Ampudia, Pedro de, 57, 59, 61, 62 Anderson, George T., 99 Anderson, Robert, 95, 108, 123, 210 (n. 32); artillery tactics and, 47, 48–50, 72, 209 (n. 29) Antietam, 160–61, 162–63, 164–65, 186, 189, 232 (n. 44), 233 (n. 9); casualties, 163, 233–34 (n. 10); entrenchments and, 158, 165 Antimilitarism, 11, 12, 97, 135, 189, 214 (n. 1) Appomattox, 1, 8, 98, 122, 187, 198, 241 (n. 38) Arista, Mariano, 57, 59 Arkansas toothpick. See Bowie knife Army and Navy Chronicle, 43 Army Bill (1818), 26 Army of Northern Virginia, 172, 242 (n. 39); 6th Alabama, 162; Antietam, 161, 162–63, 165, 186, 233 (n. 9), 233–34 (n. 10); artillery, 165, 171, 174–75, 237 (n. 36); casualties, Antietam, 163, 233–34 (n. 10); casualties , Overland Campaign, 180, 239 (n. 21), 240 (n. 23); casualties, Seven Days battles, 232–33 (n. 50); command system, strength of, 135, 186, 187, 240 (n. 23); drill for volunteers, 141, 142, 227 (n. 20); entrenchments and, 156, 165, 173; final defeat, 178, 194, 195; Fredericksburg, 165, 166–68; Gettysburg, 174–75, 186, 237 (n. 36); Lee’s leadership, 133, 135, 156, 162, 186, 187; military superiority of, 134–35, 171; morale, 135, 154, 156; organizational weakness, 162–63, 171, 174–75, 186, 233 (n. 9), 237 (n. 36); Richmond and, 1862, 134–35, 154–55, 156; Second Bull Run, 160, 165; Seven Days battles, 134, 156, 175, 186, 232–33 (n. 50); Spotsylvania, 184–85, 238–39 (n. 17), 239 (nn. 18–19); strategy of attrition and, 178, 180, 191. See also Chancellorsville Army of Tennessee, 9, 63, 121, 165, 189–90, 231–32 (n. 43), 239–40 (n. 22); artillery, 152, 175, 237 (n. 38); Missionary Ridge, 175–76 Army of the Cumberland, 126, 175, 176 Army of the Potomac: 1st Corps, 161, 162; 2nd Corps, 166, 167, 168, 185, 189, 193; 5th Corps, 163, 188, 193; 268  index 6th Corps, 170, 185, 193; 9th Corps, 162, 164, 167, 188; 11th Corps, 171; 2nd Massachusetts, 136; 4th Rhode Island, 162; 5th New Hampshire, 167; 16th Connecticut, 162; 57th New York, 136; 71st New York, 136; 121st New York, 184; Antietam, 160–61, 162, 163, 164–65, 186, 189; artillery, 129, 155, 166, 171, 184, 193, 195; assault tactics, 165–68, 183–86, 188, 240 (n. 26); black troops of, 188, 189, 240–41 (n. 27); Burnside, in command , 164–66, 169, 170, 171, 172, 234 (n. 14), 235 (n. 26), 236 (n. 29); casualties , Antietam, 163, 233–34 (n. 10); casualties, Fredericksburg, 179–80; casualties, Overland Campaign, 186, 193, 239 (n. 21), 240 (n. 23); casualties, Seven Days battles, 232–33 (n. 50); cautiousness of, 135, 187; cavalry, 147, 183; command system, weakness in, 160, 168, 170, 186–89, 240 (nn. 23, 25), 241 (n. 28); discipline of, 113, 184; at Fredericksburg, 165–68, 179–80; Grant’s leadership, 135, 186–87, 240 (nn. 24–25); infantry tactics and, 82, 133, 146–47; Iron Brigade, 106, 132, 220 (n. 32); large-unit coordination, 147, 161, 185–86; McClellanites and, 145–46, 160, 163–64, 169–70, 200 (n. 6), 234 (n. 12), 235 (nn. 25–26); McClellan’s leadership, 4, 133, 135, 136, 156–57, 160, 186, 233 (n. 3); military inferiority of, 160, 177; morale of, 1862-63, 170–71; organizational strengths of, 192–93, 241 (n. 37), 242 (n. 39); organizational structure, 135–37, 145–46, 160, 236 (n. 29); organizational weakness, 170–71, 183; Overland Campaign, 187, 193, 238 (n. 4), 239 (n. 21), 239–40 (n. 22), 240 (n. 23); politics and, 181, 188–89, 190– 91, 240–41 (n. 27); Provost Guard, 143; Richmond and, 1862, 134, 154–56; Second Bull Run, 160, 164; Seven Days battles, 232–33 (n. 50); shock tactics, 183–85; Spotsylvania, 183–86; training programs, 136–37, 141–44, 146–47. See also Chancellorsville; Gettysburg Army of the Tennessee, 145 Army Regulations of 1821 (Scott), 25–26, 28, 32 Artillerist’s Manual, The, 132 Artillery, 25, 36, 74, 76, 102, 206 (n. 43); army organization and, 29–31, 37; artillery tactics, 21, 46–51, 131–33; batteries, 50, 51, 52–53, 57...
