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AASK trial, 55 ABCD trial, 55, 1, 214 Abrahamson, M. J., 254–55 Absolute risk reduction, 37, 247 Accretion, 155 Acetaminophen, 124, 128, 134 Acetyl salicylic acid, 123 Acronyms, 52 Actonel, 166–67 Acupressure, 309 Acupuncture: clinical trials of, 195; supplementary readings on, 304, 308–9 Adams, Stewart, 124 Adenomas: development of, 69; prevention of, 73–74 Administration, health-care: in current delivery system, 216–17, 226; in reform plan, 224–25 ADOPT trial, 254 Adult onset diabetes mellitus (AODM), 47 Advertising. See Marketing Affective disorders, 278 African Americans, Metabolic Syndrome in, 43, 250 Age: and bone mineralization, 154–56; and breast cancer screening, 78–79, 92; and colorectal cancer screening, 66; and type 2 diabetes, 47 Aged workforce, 188–89 Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR), 280 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), 169, 280 Aging, 153–70; and fragility fractures, 156–60; as illness, 153–54; medicalization of, 154, 169–70; social construction of, 153. See also Elderly Agues, antipyretics for, 122 Air Force, U.S., 40, 244 Albright, Fuller, 161–62, 295 Alendronate, 166–67, 168, 297–98 Allopathy, 196–97 Alternative medicine, 191–212; belief in, 193–95, 211–12, 309–10; benefit/risk ratio for, 194, 201–2; clinical trials of, 195, 208–10; dietary supplements in, 203–7; ethics of, 210–12; history of, 195–202; modalities of, 193, 202–12; prejudices against, 194; prevalence of use, 207–8, 209; promises of, 193; recommendations on, 193–94, 201–2, 211–12; supplementary readings on, 304–10; therapeutic envelope of, 194, 202–10; traditional medicine combined with, 207–8 American Cancer Society: on breast cancer screening, 91; on colorectal cancer screening, 72; on prostate cancer screening , 95 American College of Physicians: on breast cancer screening, 90–91, 93; on cholesterol , 40; on diabetes, 51 American College of Rheumatology, 128, 285 American Diabetes Association: on diabetes monitoring and treatment, 51; on Metabolic Syndrome, 44, 249, 250 American Heart Association, 34, 44 American Home, 124 American Medical Association (AMA), 200 American Osteopathic Association, 199 index 358 | index American Urological Association, 95 Amitriptyline, 195 Analgesics, 114 Angina, 19–32; causes of, 19; coping with, 30–32; crescendo, 23; definition of, 19, 32; diagnosis of, 32; role of plaque in, 20– 24; supplementary readings on, 239– 42; symptoms of, 19, 32; vs. transient ischemic attack, 29–30 Angina treatments, 19–30; angioplasty, 25– 28; clinical trials of, 21–26, 28; coronary artery bypass graft, 22–24; ligation, 21– 22; pericardial poudrage, 21; placebo effect in, 21, 28; recommendations on, 31–32 Angioplasty: clinical trials of, 25–26, 28; vs. coronary artery bypass grafts, 17, 25, 26; costs of, 27; definition of, 17, 25; forms of, 26; outcomes of, 25–27; supplementary readings on, 238–42; symptoms after, 28; timing of, 26–27 Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, 54 Animal magnetism, 197 Animal models, 124 Annals of Internal Medicine, 51, 92 Antidepressants, 278 Antifreeze, 125 Antihypertensive agents: clinical trials of, 52–54, 55; decision making about, 55; supplementary readings on, 256–57 Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial—Lipid-Lowering Treatment (ALLHAT-LLT), 40, 54, 55, 244, 256– 57 Anti-inflammatories: mechanism of, 125; NSAIDs as, 124, 125 Antimalarials, 122 Antioxidants, 63, 206–7, 307 Antipyretics, 122, 197 Arab world, 196 Arm pain: alternative therapies for, 195; in workforce, 174 Artificial discs, 282–83 Artificial diseases, 12 Aspirin: acetaminophen competing with, 124; for colorectal cancer, 73–75, 262; development of, 123–24; hazards of, 37; for heart attacks, 17, 32, 37; marketing of, 123–24; mechanism of, 125; vs. NSAIDs, 125; sales of, 124; for transient ischemic attacks, 30 AstraZeneca LP, 54 Atherosclerosis: and angina, 19; definition of, 20; lipid metabolism and, 41–42; plaques in, 16–17, 20 Athletes, bone mineral density of, 167 Australia, breast cancer trial in, 92, 270 Avicenna, 201 Baby-boom generation, 10 Backache, 111–22; adverse work context and, 180, 185–87; alternative therapies for, 207, 210; causes of, 116, 177–78; as compensable injury, 174–80, 183–85; coping with, 111–12, 114, 173; in elderly, 157–58; ergonomics and, 178, 179, 183–85; history of theories about, 174–77; ineffectiveness of treatments for, 115–16; prevalence of, 111; regional, 111–12; supplementary readings on, 279–89; truths about, 113–16; vignette of, 117; in workforce, 173– 80, 185–87. See also Regional musculo­ skeletal disorders Back belts, 187 Back sprain, 177 Bad days, 135–36. See also Syndrome of Being Out-of-Sorts...
