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Acknowledgments I would like to thank my University of Cambridge supervisor, Professor David M. Thompson, for taking a chance on a strange American girl who had a steep learning curve when it came to European history, a penchant for journalistic colloquialisms, and a tendency toward self-indulgence when it came to word limits. I appreciate your direction and patient reading in helping me transform my broad vision into a feasible research project. Further, I am thankful to Dr Richard T. Hughes for sparking my interest in civil religion, supporting my application to Cambridge, providing sage advice along the way, critiquing my work, and for connecting me with Walter Rauschenbusch’s great-great grandson and Fortress Press. Fellow former professors Dr Ken Waters, Dr Lynn Reynolds, and Dr Dan Rodriquez were also instrumental in getting me to Cambridge and supporting my research and teaching work. I am grateful to now call two of them colleagues. I am thankful to Dr Peter Harland, the Divinity Faculty, and Trinity Hall for supporting my research. I am indebted to numerous archivists for their assistance, particularly Wayne Kempton of the Episcopal Diocese of New York, Dr Deborah Bingham van Broekhoven and Betsy Dunbar of the American Baptist Historical Society, and Dr Peter Nockles at the University of Manchester John Rylands Library. I must also thank Megan Wells Jamieson and Carol Goldberg for hosting me during my research travels. I am further beholden to Dr Bettina Beinhoff for her German translation skills and her friendship, as well as to those who reviewed my work—my grandmother Peggy Carter and personal friend Michelle Swafford. I am thankful to them and all of my family and friends who supported me, loved me, and put up with me while I completed this book. I would not be here today without my two grandmothers. Bonnie Littlefield, whom I lost during this journey, supported me financially even though she did not understand my desire to pursue a PhD. My Grandmommy Peggy was the only family member I told when I applied for Cambridge, and she has been my rock of support—financially, emotionally, and intellectually—ever since. I cannot thank her enough. I am further grateful to my parents and my aunts who showered me with encouragement. My childhood friends, my Devonshire Road roommates, and my Trinity Hall comrades were also instrumental in my vii success. Finally, my thankfulness to Nathan Lee Eng, my husband and best friend, cannot be expressed in words. viii | Chosen Nations ...
