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Acknowledgements Neil Elliott suggested this volume, and showed real encouragement and patience with me during its gestation period. In addition, Neil’s editing of the work has made it a better product than it would be if I were working alone. I wish to register my sincere thanks to him. I wish to thank other staff of Fortress Press, Lisa Gruenisen, and copyeditor Jeff Reimer for their patience with me. I wish to thank Joe and Lori Anderson and Fortress Press for making it possible for me to use material from Baylor University Press’s Associations of the Greco-Roman World in this volume. Their generosity has enriched the content of this book. James Harrison gave helpful advice on the project. His counsel on the intersection of the Roman world and the New Testament has proven helpful to me in recent years, and I am very grateful to him. Seth Ehorn and Richard Pervo read the introduction to this volume at a formative stage. I thank them for their attentive reading and resourceful help. Steve Reece guided me to a helpful resource, for which I am grateful. No sourcebook, especially one that covers the Roman Principate, an age so abundantly attested in literary and material evidence, can include all the primary sources that scholars will consider useful. I accept responsibility for the omission of such sources and for any mistakes related to those that are in this volume. I would be very grateful if readers impressed with glaring omissions and those who discover mistakes in my treatment of sources included here would inform me of these infelicities. vii ...
