In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

On Reading Genesis 25-50 We imagine ourselves self-sufficient and then we run short... short of time, short of life, short of stamina, short of newness. We find our future closed off and at risk And we with varying degrees of resolve and determination and panic and despair Find ourselves—surprisingly— back in your presence, waiting instead of acting, receiving instead of making invited to gratitude instead of success. We wait and we receive and we thank ... because you are the only Lord of the Future, you are the one who births at the eleventh hour, you are the one who comes to barrenness and makes new, you promise like the stars for number while we count according to the old math. You are out beyond us. We are staggered, stunned, awed. We did not know you had such futures in you and now we know... You do indeed! Amen. September 18, 2002 63 ...
