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507 Bibliography Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s papers and personal library, including some correspondence from others and relevant material from other archives, have been cataloged in the Nachlaß Dietrich Bonhoeffer volume compiled by Die­ trich Meyer and Eberhard Bethge. All such citations in DBWE are indicated by NL, followed by the corresponding reference code within that published index. Not all this material is part of the actual Bonhoeffer Nachlaß in the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin; footnote citations of NL material from other archives also include the numbering from the respective archive. All the material listed in the Meyer and Bethge catalog, however, has been included on microfiches now located at the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin (previously at the Bundesarchiv in Koblenz) and in the Bonhoeffer Collection at Burke Library, Union Theological Seminary, New York. The designation NL-Bibl. in some bibliographic records indicates that a copy of the book was found in Bonhoeffer’s personal library. 1. Archival Sources and Private Collections Archiv des Diakonischen Werkes der EKD, Berlin (now part of the collections at the Evangelische Zentralarchiv, Berlin) KSB 410: Bestände des Kirchlich-Sozialen Bundes CA/AC 22: Bestand Apologetische Centrale. Allgemeiner Schriftwechsel Archives of the World Council of Churches, Geneva (WCC Archives) World Alliance for International Friendship through the Churches Youth Commission of the World Alliance Archiv SEN Uppsala (Sandegren Collection, Church of Sweden Archives), Uppsala, Sweden Bundesarchiv Berlin-Lichterfelde (BA Berlin-Lichterfelde) Nachlaß Hans und Christine von Dohnanyi Bibliography 508 Evangelisches Zentralarchiv, Berlin (EZA) Bestand 623: Nachlaß August Wilhelm Schreiber Bestand 626: Nachlaß Friedrich Siegmund-Schultze Karl Barth-Archiv, Basel Correspondence about the Dehn case Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Bayern, Nuremberg (LKA Nuremberg) Personen XVIII, Nachlaß Wilhelm Stählin Nr. 163 Paul Lehmann Collection, Special Collections, Princeton Theological Seminary Library, Princeton, New Jersey Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Nachlaß Dietrich Bonhoeffer (Nachlaß 299) Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin Nachlaß Adolf Deißmann (previously located at the Stadtbibliothek Berlin) Private Collections (locations at the time of German DBW publication) Eberhard and Renate Bethge, Wachtberg-Villiprott Christine and Hans von Dohnanyi, Heidelberg Franz Hildebrandt, Edinburgh Jürgen Winterhager 2. Literature Used by Bonhoeffer Adam, Karl. Das Wesen des Katholizismus. 1924. 3rd ed. Düsseldorf: L. Schwann, 1926. NL-Bibl. 6 B 1. Translated by Dom Justin McCann as The Spirit of Catholicism. Introduction by Robert A. Krieg. New York: Crossroad , 1997. Althaus, Paul. Grundriss der Dogmatik (Outline for dogmatics). 2 vols. Erlangen : R. Merkel, 1929–32. —. Grundriss der Ethik (Outline for ethics). Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus , 1931. Augustine, Aurelius. Ausgewählte Schriften: Aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt (Selected writings: Translated from the Latin). Vols. 1–11. Kempten: Kösel, 1911–25. —. De praedestinatione sanctorum. Translated as Predestinacion of saintes: Perseveraunce unto thende. New York: Da Capo Press, 1968. —. Opera omnia (Complete works). New edition, edited and corrected by Jacques-Paul Migne. 11 vols. Paris: 1841–42. Barth, Karl. “Der Begriff der Kirche.” Zwischen den Zeiten 5 (1927): 365–78. Translated by Louise Pettibone Smith as “The Concept of the Church” [] Project MUSE (2024-04-24 01:55 GMT) Bibliography 509 in Barth, Theology and Church: Shorter Writings 1920–1928, 272–85. New York: Harper & Row, 1962. —. Die christliche Dogmatik im Entwurf. 1: Die Lehre vom Worte Gottes: Prolegomena zur christlichen Dogmatik (Christian dogmatics in outline. 1. The doctrine of the word of God: Prolegomena to Christian dogmatics). Munich: Chr. Kaiser, 1927. NL-Bibl. 3 B 9. Also published in Gesamtausgabe (Collected works), vol. 2, edited by Gerhard Sauter. Zürich: Theologischer Verlag, 1982. —. Fides quaerens intellectum: Anselms Beweis der Existenz Gottes im Zusammenhang seines theologischen Programms. Series 4, vol. 3 of Forschungen zur Geschichte und Lehre des Protestantismus. Munich: Chr. Kaiser, 1931. Translated by Ian W. Robertson as Anselm: Fides Quaerens Intellectum ; Anselm’s Proof of the Existence of God in the Context of His Theological Scheme. London: SCM Press; Richmond: John Knox Press, 1960; Pittsburgh : Pickwick Press, 1985. —. “Der heilige Geist und das christliche Leben.” In Karl Barth and Heinrich Barth, Zur Lehre vom heiligen Geist (On the doctrine of the holy spirit). Zwischen den Zeiten, Beiheft Nr. 1, 39–105. Munich: Chr. Kaiser, 1930. NL-Bibl. 3 B 12. Translated by R. Birch Hoyle as The Holy Ghost and the Christian Life. 1930; London: Frederick Muller, 1938. —. Kirchliche Dogmatik. Zurich: Evangelischer Verlag, 1932–67. NL-Bibl. 3 B 8. Translated by G. W. Bromiley as Church Dogmatics, edited by G. W. Bromiley and T. F. Torrance, 4 vols. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1956–77. Vol. 1, pt. 1...
