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accusation, 3, 5, 34, 56, 157 activism, political, 66, 67 agency: black, 39; filmic, 107; self-definitional, 34 ahmed, sara, 6, 7, 8, 9, 20, 21, 24, 28, 44, 45, 49, 132, 156, 158 alcoff, Linda, 110, 142 alienation, 19, 20 allen, anita, 53 allen, ricky Lee, 51 alterenlightenment, 91, 95, 96 alterity, space of, 20 alterrenaissance, 87, 90, 91, 103 american africanism, 3, 95 american philosophical society, 135 anderson, James Craig, 4, 5 anger, 153, 174 anonymity, difficulty of, 4 Apology (plato), 16, 129, 137, 141 apple, michael, 79 applebaum, Barbara, 20, 24, 135, 152, 162, 164, 167 ariel, treated as something to be manipulated, 94 authority: antiracist, 5; philosophical, 30; teacher interest in, 62; top-down expression of, 62; white epistemic, 82 Avatar (film), 86 awareness: critical, 78; feeling of opaqueness and, 136; of worth, 153 Bacon, Francis, 98–99 Baldwin, James, 5, 33, 48 Banks, Taunya Lovell, 38 Bartmann, sarah, 94 Beauvoir, simone de, 94, 104 Bederman, Gail, 118 Being: in anger, 153; and appearing, 26; beingin -the-world, 23, 39; calcified modes of, 23; meaning of, 84; phenomenology of, 44; prejudice as way of, 22; stopped, 24; white-in-theworld , 25; as white subject, 24 Being White, Being Good (applebaum), 152 Berlak, ann, 66, 69, 168 Bernasconi, robert, 32 “Big Black Good man” (Wright), 43, 44 Big Stan (2007), 41 Birth of a Nation (1915), 52, 109 Black arts movement (Bam), 95 Black body: as always already guilty, 49; brutalization of, 130; colonial demands for, 103; color line performances fixing meaning of, 27; constructed as dangerous, 31; as dangerous outsider, 27; deemed a threat, 4; degradation of, 47; denigration of, 31; depicted in animalistic terms, 44; disparaging treatment of, 115; distortions of, 111; effect of white privilege on, 7; exaggeration of appearance of, 44; exposure to white racialized drama, 156; fictive nature of, 41; film images of, 109; location of, 34; meaning of as always ahead index 200 index Black body (continued) of itself, 36; mimicking racist images of, 107; need to control, 49; negative impact of racial assumptions on, 52; negative impact of whiteness on, 14; neutralization of, 114; ontological disjointedness and, 35; ontological markers of, 23; perceived in terms of distortions created by white world, 39; as predacious animal, 52; presumptive sexuality of, 49; problematic images of, 42; problematic positioning of, 114; profiling of, 152; racist beliefs on, 5, 113, 114; racist regime designed to control, 47; rendered invisible, 46, 47; representations of, 109; seen through racist lens, 114; sexually rapacious presentation of, 109; as signifier, 84; signifying zone of threat, 49; as site of social stress, 49; stoppability of, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49; suffering in, 39; superfluous presence of, 41; white assumptions about, 78; white myths about, 2, 108; white policing of, 52 Black Looks: Race and Representation (hooks), 1, 107 Blackness: negative valuation of, 47; relation to world of, 24; social reality of, 49 Blacks: always marked as different, 4; assumption of intellectual incompetence of, 77; black possibility, 46; counter-gaze of, 8, 10, 78; deemed devoid of critical subjectivity, 110; as epistemic subjects, 157; eroticization of black athletes, 120; immediate recognizability of, 4; inhabiting the negative and, 20–21; literature of, 79, 80; as morally suspect, 164; perceived inferiority of, 18; as target of white insults, 160 Black Skin, White Masks (Fanon), 17 Blazing Saddles (1974), 4 Boundaries: created by color lines, 31; drawing, 23; enforcing, 23; moving beyond, 54; negotiating , 66; racial, 23; “sacred,” 64, 65; of white subject formation, 31–32 Brandt, richard, 53 Brathwaite, Kamau, 15, 82–106 Brown, James, 85 Butler, Judith, 16, 114, 152, 166, 170, 172, 173 Caliban: and failure to reverse consciousness, 96; as racial Other, 15; referred to as “thing of darkness,” 95; rendered particularistic, 91; said to be evil, 95; as site of raw material for exploitation , 86; as site of teratology, 91; as target of prospero’s hegemonic consciousness, 85; treated as something to be manipulated, 94 Campbell, Katia, 138 Capital: cultural, 26; symbolic, 45 Careerism, 27 Carlton, vanessa, 117, 126 Carradine, david, 41 Cartoons, 111 Césaire, aimé, 15, 82, 86, 90, 94, 97 Champong nanny, 85 Chodron, pema, 80 Civil rights movement, 143 Clarke, austin, 88 Classroom: “back talk” in, 63; chasm between theory and practice in, 56; communicative emancipation in, 133; creating spaces for voices to be heard in, 63; critically engaging questions of racism in, 62; dangerous spaces within, 130, 132; demands in, 132; dynamics of race in, 15; enactment of rituals on control in, 66...
