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Aggregate large donors, 56–57 Aggregate small donors, 53, 54t Allen, Sen. James, 23 Americans for Campaign Reform, 38, 226 Analysis Group survey on public campaign financing, 130–131, 132t, 136–137 Arizona: public attitudes in, 239–246, 242t; public campaign financing in, 63, 66–67, 69, 71, 73n5, 206, 220, 226–227; state legislative election campaigns in, 207–208, 208t, 209– 220, 210t, 211t, 213t, 215t, 221t; voter turnout in, 228, 228t Attitudes. See Public attitudes toward government ; Public attitudes toward public financing Barron, Charles, 161 Bauer, Gary, 41 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA), 13, 14, 16–17, 31, 46 Bloc grants for full public financing, 68–70 Bloomberg, Michael, 156, 170 Boren, Sen. David, 26, 29 Broadcast communications, 20; congressional -level study of, 180–182; federally funded vouchers for, 27; mayoral-level studies of, 179–180; in New York City Council campaigns , 158–159 Brown, Jerry, 41 Buchanan, Patrick, 41, 42 Buckley v. Valeo, 16, 25, 37, 40, 64, 151, 229 Bundlers, 12, 56, 59; in New York City elections , 154–157, 167–169, 171n14 Bush, Pres. George H. W.: 1980 campaign of, 41, 42; S. 3 veto by, 30 Bush, Pres. George W., 2, 53–55; refusal of public funds by, 4, 37, 46, 47; 2000 campaign of, 42, 44 California Clean Money Campaign, 227 Campaign Finance Institute, 5, 6 Candidate-centered campaign, 11–12 Cannon, Sen. Howard, 23–24 Capehart, Sen. Homer, 20 Carter, Pres. James Earl, 25–26; 1976 campaign of, 41, 43, 45–46 CBS News survey on public campaign financing , 136, 136t CBS/New York Times polls on public campaign financing, 135t, 136, 137, 137t, 139t Center for Governmental Studies, 6 Chapel Hill, North Carolina, public campaign financing in, 62, 63 Citizens’ attitudes. See Public attitudes toward government; Public attitudes toward public financing Citizens’ Clean Elections Act, 220, 226–227 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission , 15 Index Note: Page numbers followed by t refer to tables. 254 index Clinton, Pres. William, 31, 42, 44, 176 Clinton, Sen. Hillary, 47–49, 48t, 50t, 51–54, 54t Collins, Sen. Susan, 60 Common Cause, 226–228 Competition, 176–183; in gubernatorial elections (see Gubernatorial elections); incumbency and, 177–178; mayoral-level studies of, 179–180; New York City Campaign Finance Act and, 150–152, 162–166, 164t, 168–169; observational studies of, 178; public financing and, 40–42; randomized field experiments on, 178–182; in state legislative elections, 206–208, 218, 235 (see also State legislative elections) Confidence in government, 24–25, 226, 227, 229, 238–246, 245t Congressional campaign financing, 16–32; Federal Election Campaign Act regulations on, 16–17; 1956 public financing legislation and, 16, 18–21; 1960s public financing legislation and, 20–21; 1970s public financing legislation and, 17t, 21–26; 1980s public financing legislation and, 26; 1990s public financing legislation and, 17t–18t, 26–31; self-financing and, 16; 2007–2008 public financing legislation and, 31–32; winning-campaign spending and, 14, 15t Congressional elections (2006), Spanish-language radio advertisements in, 180–182 Congressional elections (2008), spending for, 14–15, 15t Congressional elections (2010), spending for, 15 Connecticut, public campaign financing in, 63, 69, 71 Contribution limits: in Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, 13–14, 14t, 40, 46, 56; in New York City Campaign Finance Act, 147, 149– 150, 153–154; in state public campaign financing, 72, 96t–102t Coordinated expenditures, 11, 57, 157 Corporations, 2, 15, 137, 150, 155, 167, 167t, 171n11 Corruption: risk for, 20; risk of, 12; Sen. Kennedy on, 22–23; Sen. Mondale on, 23 Crotty, Jane, 156 Dean, Gov. Howard, 42, 48, 48t, 54t; Internet use by, 46; refusal of public funds by, 4, 37, 44 Democracy, 21, 59–60 Dinkins, David, 155, 157, 158 Dole, Sen. Robert, 1996 campaign of, 43–44 Domenici, Sen. Pete, 25 Durbin, Sen. Richard, 31, 60 Edwards, Sen. John, 42, 48t, 50t, 51, 54t Eristoff, Andrew S., 156 Fair Elections Now Act, 31, 32, 238–239 Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA), 13–14, 14t, 16–17, 19, 21, 23–24, 40 Feingold, Sen. Russell, 2, 13–14, 60 Ferrer, Fernando, mayoral campaign of, 155, 156, 160 First Amendment, 16, 30, 37, 39, 157 Fisher, Kenneth, 169 501(c), 2, 15 527 group, 2, 15 Florida, public campaign financing in, 71 Forbes, Steve, 3–4, 43 Ford, Gerald R., 1976 campaign of, 45–46 Front-loading, 42–45, 46 “Functional equivalency,” 52–57 Fund-raising, 1–2 Gallup polls, on public campaign financing, 125–127, 126t, 134–137, 135t Garamendi, Lt. Gov...
