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Index AA. See Alcoholics Anonymous abuse: child, 145; physical, 34; sexual, 35; substance, 23, 72, 157, 169, 201 Access to Medical Treatment Act, 174, 211 ACS. See American Cancer Society ACT-UP. See AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power acupuncture, 3-4, 7-8, 14, 40, 47, 50, 56, 58-59,75, 115, 120, 122-124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 156, 160, 166, 171-172,179, 182, 188, 209210 , 217, 221-225 Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, 3, 40,112113 , 135, 191 , 192 AHMA. See American Holistic Medical Association AHNA. See American Holistic Nurses Association AIDS, 7, 33, 51 , 90, 124, 129-130, 132, 146, 154, 157, 177, 182, 188, 189, 206, 221 AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power (ACT-UP), 154 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 21, 9192 Alcott, William, 54, 139 Alexander Technique, 52, 188, 205 . See also Alexander therapy Alexander therapy, 216 aloe vera, 1-2, 187, 197 Alpert, Richard. See Ram Dass, Baba A1ster, Kristine, 43 alternative medicine, defining: 6, 4142 ,69,121,126, 133,160, 162, 165, 171-172,179,182 Alternative Therapies (journal): as cosponsor of alternative therapy training programs, 117; mission statement, 114,119; and politicization ofOAM, 181; and role of alternative medicine in the workplace, 205 AMA. See American Medical Association American Cancer Society (ACS), 2829 , 128, 169 American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA), 8, 67, 90, 116, 161162 American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA), 116, 162 American Medical Association (AMA), 41 , 124-125, 128, 213, 221-223. See also Journal ofthe American Medical Association (lAMA) American Medical News: and terminology shift from "quackety" to "alternative medicine," 222 Anderson, Ron, 126 A nnals ofInternal Medicine, The: on doctors with patients also using alternative therapies, 223 AT&T, 214 autoimmune deficiency syndrome. See AIDS, HIV Ayurveda, 40, 46, 50-51, 54-56,59, 62, 63, 65,71 , 75, 88, 93, 112-114, 116, 123,162, 188, 210, 226 Bach, Edward, 53-54 Bach Flowers, 53-54 Bedell, Berkley, 176, 177 271 Copyrighted Material 272 Index Bell's Theorem: as keystone of the new physics, 18 Benson, Herbert, 93-94, 103,208 Berliner, Howard: and policy considerations ofholistic movement, 121122 bioenergetics, 52, 166 biofeedback, 45,50-51,57,65, Ill, 122,125,126,130,132,223 British Medical Journal: and favorable review ofSt. John's wort clinical trials, 217 Brody, Jane, 216-217 Buddhlsm,53,93,103,104,156 Burzynski, Stanislaw, 147, 170-171, 178 cancer: breast, 27-30, 208; liver, 190; lung, 83, 190; pancreas, 190; prostate, 31,176,183,208. See also chemotherapy, Laetrile, radiation, shark cartilage, spirituality Cancer Chronicles, The (website), 9 Cancer Control Society, 146-147, 189 CBS News poll (1997): on legalization of marijuana for medical use, 158 Center for Complementaty and Alternative Medicine Research in Women's Health, The, 127 certification of alternative providers, 31, 67,107,119,121,132,133,159, 160-166,173,176,184,203 Charles, Prince ofWales, 173 chelation therapy, 61,111,125 chemotherapy, 9,156,187,208 chi (also qi), 58-59, 62, 113 Chicag{} Tribune: on falsification of patient information in lumpectomy study, 28 chiropractic, 5,7,8,52-53,56,60,61, 63,75,90,97,111,115,116,122, 124,127,128,130,132,161,162, 163,165,166,203,207,209,213214 ,220,221-222 Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best Conventional and Complementary Approaches to Cancer: and JAMA review of, 222 Choosing Cancer: as moderate view on individual responsibility and health, 143 Chopra, Deepak, 3, 12, 38,46, 55-56, 59,61,74,88-89,93,98,99,109, 112-113, 140, 191-193 Clinton, William (Bill) Jefferson, 36, 66, 175 Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, 127 Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, 127 Commission E (Germany): and herbal medicines, 173 Complete Wellness Research Institute, 120-121 Consumer Reports: calling for training standards in homeopathy, 165 core beliefs, alternative medicine: and AHMA, 161-162; and AHNA, 162; and body-mind, 49,53,96-97; and collective identity, 134-136; as compatible with/challenge to mainstream medicine, 70; and holism, 43-44, 47,49; and integration into mainstream medicine, 224-227, 231232 ; and making sense to the individual , 130-131; and marketability, 7273 ; and nature, 70; and personal responsibility , 228; and political goals, 159-161; and public sentiment, 71; and psychosomatic medicine, 97; and social movements, 71-72, 153-155; and spirituality, 10, 14, 53, 105; and variation in, 42-44, 68-70 Coulter, Harris: on homeopathy and key to wholeness, 45 Cousins, Norman, 3-4,64,98 Creation ofHealth, The: as extreme view on individual responsibility and...
