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Index Ackelsberg, Martha, 110 Activity theory of aging, 171-172 Adolescence, familial support during, 67 Age stratification theory of aging, 175-178. See also Generational self-definition Aging. See Old age Anarchism, and opposition to marriage, 49 Anderson, Donna, on social activism vs. isolation, 91 Anthony, Susan B., 29, 31, 57 Asch, Adrienne, on disabled women, 11 Asian-American women, familial support for, 74-75 Atchley, Robert, his continuity theory of aging, 172-173 Austen, Jane, 38 Autonomy: in childhood, 42, 186 n.10; in relation to families, 32-33; vs. intimacy, 37-38; lack of, associated with marriage, 31-32; in old age, 151, 182 Barrett, Michele, on familial intimacy, 90 Beecher, Catherine, on autonomy in childhood vs. adulthood, 186 n.10 Bell, Robert, 95 Bellah, Robert, 56 Black women, never-married, 33; employment and wages of, 114, 140; familial attitudes toward marital status, 7-8; familial support for, 71-73; occupational segregation of, 118-119 Blake, William, 2 "Boston marriages:' 101-105, 152-153 194 / Index Braito, Rita, on social activism vs. isolation, 91 Capitalism. See Patriarchal capitalism Chambers-Schiller, Lee, 19; on roles of 19th-century single women, 3, 13 Childbirth, fear of, 45-46 Childrearing: ambivalence about, 48-49; disabled women and decision against, 53; precluded by work commitments, 44-45 Class differences: among black women, 8; friendship and, 99-100; and gender, 82-83; and the impact of World War II on women, 137-138; resourcefulness in old age, 82 Commitment vs. conformity, 17-18 Community and social service: commitment to, 53-57; in old age, 164-166; through work, 124-128 Competitiveness, as a strategy for reducing stigma, 15-16 Continuity theory of aging, 172-175 Coser, Lewis, on greedy work institutions, 128-129 Cult of Single Blessedness, 3 Cumming, Elaine, on aging, 169 Davis, Alan G., 78 Death, dealing with losses due to, 167-169 "Designated daughters;' 77 Disabled women: in old age, 162(table); self-definition of, 52-53; stereotypes of, and role reduction, 11 Disease, and generational identity, 59-60 Disengagement theory of aging, 169-171 Domestic work, 114, 125-126 Douglas, Mary, on power and marginality, 10-11 Dowd, James, his exchange theory, 170 Dyadic relationships, intimacy in, 91-92 Emma, 38 Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 150 Essentialism, doctrine of, 55 Exchange theory, 170 Experience-near/ experience-distant concept, 30-31 Factory work, 114 Faderman, Lillian, 102-103 Families of never-married women, 63-88; intimacy achieved through, 46-47; living arrangements in old age with, 156-158; obstacles/ interference of, 76-88; roles in, 32, 34-36; stereotype of overprotection by, 64; support from, 64-76. See also Parents Faulkner, William, 2-3 Female gender: class, social status and, 82-83; and stereotyping Index / 195 process, 9-10 Feminism: and opposition to marriage, 49; vs. pragmatism, 56-57 Financial affairs: familial interference in, 86-87; independence valued in, 42, 123-124; in old age and retirement, 146, 149-151; support of parents in, 80-81 Fine, Michelle, on disabled women, 11 Foucault, Michel, 104 Freudian psychology, impact on unmarried women, 13, 102-103 Friendships of never-married women, 89-110; derivations of, 109(table); family interference with, 85-86; gender patterns of, 101(table); intimacy achieved through, 46; living arrangements and, 151-156; with men, 96-97, 101(table); with neighbors, 105-108; with other single women, 16-17,95-105; relative duration of, 93(table); through work relations, 108, 109(table), 112-113. See also "Boston marriages" Geertz, Clifford, on individuals' self-descriptions, 6, 30-31 Generational self-definition, 57-62. See also Age stratification theory of aging Goffman, Erving, on strategies for reducing stigmatization, 11-12 Goldin, Claudia, 123 Goldman, Emma, 49 Gordon, Suzanne, 13 "Gray Power" movement, 177 Great Depression, impact of, on women, 60, 80-81, 82, 133-136 Greedy institutions, 128-133 Gubrium, Jaber, 168 Habits of the Heart, 56 Havighurst, Robert, his activity theory of aging, 171 Health care services, costs of, 60-61, 164, 181 Henry, William, on aging, 169 Hess, Beth, 106; on social policy toward the aged, 180 Heterosexism, directed toward never-married women, 110 Higginbotham, Elizabeth, on class differences in the priorities of black women, 8 Hispanic women, never-married: familial attitudes toward marital status, 8-9; familial support for, 73-74 Hochschild, Arlie Russell, 166 Hughes, Everett, on the stereotyping process, 9 Intimacy: vs. autonomy, 37-38; dyadic relationships and, 91-92; familial, 46-47; through friendship, 46, 90-110; loss of, due to deaths...
