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List of Maps, Figures, and Tables Maps 2.1 Detroit area 1940 population: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area municipalities over 2,500 16 2.2 Detroit area 1950 population: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area municipalities over 2,500 17 2.3 Detroit area 1960 population: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area municipalities over 2,500 18 2.4 Detroit area 1970 population: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area municipalities over 2,500 19 2.5 Detroit area 1980 population: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area municipalities over 2,500 20 5.1 Selected redevelopment projects in Detroit, 1948- 1984 159 5.2 Targeted areas for Detroit Overall Economic Development Plans 188 5.3 Approximate allocation of targeted Community Development Block Grants funds by subcommunity and sector, 1975 - 1982 193 5.4 Percentage of poverty in Detroit subcommunities, 1978- 1979 195 Figures 2.1 Population shift in metro Detroit, 1960- 1980 21 2.2 Shift in assessed valuation in metro Detroit, 1960- 1980 21 Tables 2.1 Detroit share of total Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area employment in selected industrial sectors, 1929- 1982 (percentage) 22 2.2 Employment loss in selected economic sectors, city of Detroit, 1958- 1982 23 2.3 Trends in location of retail sales and the 20 major shopping areas (MSAs), city of Detroit and suburbs, 1958- 1977 26 2.4 Employment by type of industry: Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne counties, 1981 29 2.5 Population of Macomb County, 1900- 1980 30 2.6 Population change, Southern Macomb County suburbs, 1970- 1980 31 2.7 Population trends in Downriver communities, 1950- 1980 41 3.1 The pattern of racial segregation between municipalities, 1940- 1980 78 3.2 Places added to the Detroit Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area and the population by race, 1950- 1980 79 Copyrighted Material List of Maps, Figures, and Tables Maps 2,1 Detroit area 1940 population: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area mUnicipalities over 2,500 16 2.2 Detroit area 1950 population: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area municipalities over 2.500 17 2.3 Detroit area 1960 population: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area municipalities O\'er 2.500 18 2.4 Detroit area 1970 population: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area munici palities over 2.500 19 2.5 Detroit area 1980 population: Standard Metropolitan Stat istical Area municipalities over 2.500 20 5. 1 Selected redevelopment projects in Detroit. 1948- 1984 159 5.2 Targeted areas for Detroil Overall Economic Ocvelopment Plans 188 S.] Approximate allocation of targeted Community Development Block Grants funds by subcommunity and sector. 1915- 1982 193 5,4 Perce ntage of poverty in Oct roit subcommunities. 1918- 1919 195 Figures 2. 1 Population shift in metro Octroit. 1960- 1980 21 2.2 Shift in assessed valuation in metro Detroit. 1960- 1980 21 Tables 2.1 Detroit share of total Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area employment in selected Industrial sectors. 1929- 1982 (percentage) 22 2.2 Employment loss In selected economic sectors. city of Octroit. 1958- 1982 23 2.3 Trends in location of retail sales and the 20 major shopping areas (MSAs). city of Det roit and suburbs. 1958- 1911 26 2.4 Employment by type of industry: Macomb. Oakland. and Wayne counties. 198 1 29 2.5 Population of Macomb County. 1900- 1980 30 2.6 Population change. Southern Macomb County suburbs. 1910- 1980 3I 2.1 Population trends in Downriver communities. 1950- 1980 41 3. I The pattern of racial segregation between municipalities. 1940- 1980 18 12 Places added to the Det roit Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area and the population by race. 1950- 1980 19 Copyrigllted Materia' viii List of Maps, Figures, and Tables 3.3 Spatial variation in black suburbanization in Detroit, 1970- 1980 82 3.4 A typology of suburbanization in Detroit 85 3.5 Residential segregation of blacks in the Detroit Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA), central city, and suburbs, 1940- 1980 87 3.6 The relationship between the location of blacks and the location of low-rent housing (LRH) and low-value housing (LVH), 1960, 1970, and 1980 90 3.7 Occupied housing units by race in selected suburbs of Detroit, 1980 92 3.8 City/ metropolitan disparity in household income for the 33 largest U.S. metropolitan areas, 1983 99 3.9 Class and race inequality in metropolitan Detroit, 1980 101 5.1 Detroit Overall Economic Development Plan: priority projects, 1983- 1985 189 5.2 Geographic dispersion of selected Community Development Block Grants expenditures, city of Detroit. 1975- 1982 194 5.3 Community Development Block Grants expenditures, city of Detroit, 1975 - 1982 196 6.1 Relationship of school...
