In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Index Abortions, 47 Accessions: availability of women and, 15867 ; geographical assignments and, 172- 73; making judgments about, 174-78; in traditional vs. nontraditional jobs, 173-74; utilization of women and, 156-58; value of women and, 167-72 Active-duty personnel: fitness of, 195-96; grade of, by service, 270-71; grade title of, by service, 270; number of, by service, 269 Activities, women-only, 20 Advanced Individual Training (AIT), 196 Affirmative action plans, 55, 155 Afghanistan, 123, 181 "After-Action Report on Seminars Held for the Army Chaplains," 152 Age (see also Generations of enlisted women): 29, 30-31; support for compulsory service by, 186-87 Aggressiveness, male, 26 Air Force: 13, 28, 35, 66; accession model, 60-61; attrition rates, 169-70; discharge for homosexuality in, 129; end-strength goals, 56-58, 66, 160; enlistment standards, 56n, 163-64; family policy, 215, 217-18; fraternization policy, 209; geographical assignments, 172-73; jobs open to women, 51, 157, 158-67, 173; male opinions on women's work, 85; physical testing, 165-66, 197-98, 199-200; pregnancy issue in, 117, 174, 211-12; promotion rate, 171-72; research studies, 89-90, 135-36, 176-78; retention expectations, 167-72; security specialists, 88-89 Air Force Academy, 3-4 Air Force Human Resources Laboratory (AFHRL), 135 Air Force Manpower and Personnel Center (AFMPC), 135, 172 Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC), 15 Air Force Times, 57, 136 Airman performance reports (APR), 168, 171 Alert status, 15 Alexander, Clifford L., Jr., 54 All-Volunteer Force, 31-32, 38, 40, 45, 55, 155, 160, 169, 170, 221 American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 53, 116, 129, 130 "Analysis of the Effects of Varying Male and Female Force Levels, An," 176, 177 Anti-Defamation League, 48 Antifeminism, 45 Antiwar movement, 2 Armed Forces Examining Entrance Station (AFEES), 199 Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQn, 163-64 Armed Services Committee (House), 55, 57, 120, 121, 175, 206 Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), 163-64 Army: availability of women in, 159; attrition rates, 169-70; basic training, 61-62, 66, 196-97; combat readiness, 63, 14950 ; end-strength goals, 56-58, 64-65, 143; enlistment standards, 56n, 143; family policy, 214-15; fitness scores, 198; fraternization policy, 209; jobs open to women, 156-57; physical strength policies, 63-65,66,138-39,143-44,146-47, 200-205; policy on homosexuality, 127-28, 129; pregnancy issue in, 117, 138, 140, 141, 143, 145, 147, 150-51,210,211-13; research studies, 90-104, 137-53 Army Magazine, 55 Army Nurse Corps, 204 Army Policy Review Group, 64 Army Research Institute (ARI) study, 90-91, 100-102, 140-42, 160 Army Times, 61 Army War College, 60 Aspin, Rep. Les, 175-77 - 325 Copyrighted Material 326 - Index Assignments, geographical, 11,97, 172-73, 236; for service couples, 218, 282-83 Athletics, 77, 88, 197 Atrocity stories, 190 Allitudes toward women in military, 239-40; Army studies of, 90-104; DOD, Navy, and Air Force studies of, 83-90; of young people, 187-89 Allrition, female, 54, 60, 115, 117, 138, 14445 , 149, 174,218; Black, 213; vs. male, 144, 149, 169n; rates, by service, 169-70 Aubrey, Darlene, 126 Availability of women for military service, 158-67 Baldwin, Adm. Robert 8.,117 Ballard, Robert C., 122 Baltimore Sun, 206 Banks, Ann, 60 Basic Initial Entry Training (BIET) Program, 138 Basic training, 4, 17, 19,28,39, 69, 141, 196-98; sex-segregated, 61, 196 Bathrooms, 56, 112, 157 Becraft, Carolyn, 63 Becton, Gen. Julius, 56, 58, 141 Beirut, 134 Benefits, military, 47, 214, 219, 236 Benjamin Franklin (U.S.S.), 121 Blackmail, homosexuality and, 127 Blackmun, Justice Harry, 114 Black(s), 87; aliitudes toward military, 188, 190; enlistment rates, 159; homosexual women, 130; men, rates of discharge, 135; and sexual harassment, 207-8; studies on, 153-54; women's allrition rates, 213 Blue-collar jobs (see also Nontraditional jobs): 14 Bonding, women's, 43 Bonuses: bonus pay, 103; for reenlistment, 170-71,236 Brennan, Justice William, 114, 122 Brown, Harold, 160 Burger, Chief Justice Warren, 109, 114 Byerly, Kathleen, 119 Califano v. Goldfarb, 119 Carlucci, Frank, 59 Carpenter, M. Kathleen, 54, 63 Carter, President Jimmy, 120, 123, 181 Carter administration, 54, 56, 58, 110, 111, 134, 160, 176 Categories of work, physical strength and, 202-4,232n Celli, Pamela Doviak, 121 n Chayes, Antonia, 54 Childlessness, 35, 40, 42-43, 215-17, 219 Children (see also Dependents; Pregnancy): 21-22,61, 174, 176,210,214-15,217,219...
