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temple university press philadelphia Dangerous TraDe Histories of Industrial Hazard across a Globalizing World edited by Christopher sellers and Joseph melling temple university press philadelphia, pennsylvania 19122 Copyright © 2012 by temple university all rights reserved published 2012 library of Congress Cataloging-in-publication data dangerous trade : histories of industrial hazard across a globalizing world / edited by Christopher sellers and Joseph melling. p. cm. includes bibliographical references and index. isBn 978-1-4399-0468-8 (hardback) isBn 978-1-4399-0469-5 (paperback) isBn 978-1-4399-0470-1 (e-book) 1. industrial hygiene. 2. hazardous substances. 3. industrial toxicology. 4. industrial safety. 5. environmental health. i. sellers, Christopher C. ii. melling, Joseph. rC967.d36 2011 363.1109—dc22 2011015413 the paper used in this publication meets the requirements of the american national standard for information sciences—permanence of paper for printed library materials, ansi Z39.48-1992 printed in the united states of america 2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3 1 ...
