In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Acknowledgments T HIS WORK would never have seen the light of day without the assistance of Richard Descoings, the administrator of the National Foundation of Political Science; Gérard Grunberg, the foundation’s scientific director; and Pascal Perrineau, director of CEVIPOF. Initial support of the Jean-Jaurès Foundation, as well as financial support from the government’s Information Services, the Research and Forecasting Center of the Ministry of the Interior, and the Foundation for the Action and Support of Integration and the Fight against Discrimination were all essential in order to carry out this unedited survey. We express our gratitude to CEVIPOF and to Valérie RosselliniPapillon , its secretary-general, for their assistance in designing the questionnaire, and especially to the team that gathered to work on this project as well as that of our commercial partner TNS-SOFRES: Martine Bartélémy, Madani Cheurfa, Jean Chiche, Guénaëlle Gault, Camille Hamidi, Hanane Harrath, Carine Marcé, Nonna Mayer, Guy Michelat, Henri Rey, and Cécile Riou-Batista. Finally, we thank Christelle Brouard, Madani Cheurfa, Hanane Harrath, Patrick Le Galès, Nonna Mayer, Pascal Perrineau, and Cécile Riou-Batista for editing the French manuscript, as well as for their commentary and always constructive critiques. The English version of the book would also not have been possible without the dedication of Paul M. Sniderman and Jennifer Fredette, as well as Temple University Press and its director, Alex Holzman. We warmly thank them for their support. Responsibility for the analyses presented in this work remains solely with the authors. xviii ■ Acknowledgments As French as Everyone Else? As French as Everyone Else? ...
