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Inde Advocacy ads, 35, 42t, 44 Affirmative action policies, 24, 27t, 76 African American candidates. See Black candidates African American voters. See Black voters Age of research participants, 55t, 81t Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 207 Alabama, Davis–Hilliard contest in, 4, 7, 44, 69, 175–182 Al-Arian, Sami, 173, 233n52 Alien immigrants, 4; images of, 151–152, 152f; language describing, 135, 156 Allen, Klyde, 167 All in the Family television program, 28 American dream theme in Martinez ads, 171–173, 174–175 America’s pAC, 4, 223n3 Angelides, phil, 132t Archive resource on televised political ads, 15, 224n3 Arizona republican party, 132t Ashcroft, John, 36, 37f, 101t, 119t Asian American candidates, 16, 92, 100, 101t, 121; character content of stories on, 116t; policy issues in stories on, 117t; racial Framing Index scores for, 109t, 110t, 112t, 114t; racial stereotypes applied to, 21t Assimilation, resistance to, 71, 76 Attack ads, 35, 42t, 64; in Castor–Martinez contest, 171; in Corker–Ford contest, 164– 166; immigration issues in, 138; with racist potential, 43–44, 226n16 Audience: and composition of non-candidate images in ads, 23; for racial authenticity appeals, 40, 77–78, 82–90; for racist appeals, 23, 24, 25, 27t, 30, 44 Austin, J. l., 145 Authenticity appeals, racial, 4, 39–40, 67–93, 120–121; audience for, 40, 77–78, 82–90; and collective group racial identity, 75–76, 77; in Davis–Hilliard contest, 4, 69, 177– 178, 180; experimental research on, 78–90; implicit, 78, 83, 84t, 88t–89t, 90–91; and individual racial identity, 75, 77; linked fate concept in, 71, 77, 78, 82, 84t–87t; in Majette–McKinney contest, 176, 233– 234n61; and norm of racial solidarity, 73– 75; of Obama, 189, 192–194; policy issues in, 76–77; and psychological aspects of Black voting behavior, 69–73 Ayers, Bill, 213 Baker, Gail F., 72 Balcetis, emily, 47 Baldwin, Tammy, 132t Balz, Daniel, 196 page numbers followed by the letter “f ” refer to figures, those followed by “t” refer to tables, and those followed by “n” refer to endnotes. 0 Inde Baptist Center for ethics, 167 Barber, John T., 96, 97 Barnett, Jim, 132t Barrow, John, 132t, 136 Barthes, roland, 142 Beauprez, Bob, 101t, 119t, 121 Beebe, Mike, 132t Bias: in media coverage, 95–97; unconscious, 17 Biden, Joe, 197, 235n6 Bin laden, Osama, 206 Birmingham News, 181, 182 Bishop, Sanford, 101t, 112, 119t, 120 Black candidates, 3, 16. See also specific names of candidates; authenticity appeals of, 67– 93, 120–121 (see also Authenticity appeals, racial); coded language on (see Coded language ); de-racialization strategy of, 38; news media coverage of, 94–126 (see also news media coverage); as not “Black enough,” 4; playing the race card, 64–66, 228n14; in post–Civil rights era, 5, 72, 176; racial inoculation strategy of, 36–39, 187–192; racist appeals from opposition candidates of (see racist appeals); resentment of White voters toward, 46–48; skin color and tone of, 47–48, 69, 167; stereotypes applied to, 18–22, 21t, 28, 29 Black entertainment Television, 200 Black psychology, 74, 75; and voting behavior , 69–73 Black voters, 3, 7; group identity of, 70–71, 72, 75–76; impact of racist appeals on, 46– 66; individual identity of, 75; political party identification of, 4, 68, 74, 223n3, 228nn1–2; psychological aspects of voting behavior of, 69–73; racial authenticity appeals to, 67–93; racial solidarity norm of, 68, 73–75, 78; supporting latino candidates , 170 Blackwell, Ken, 4, 68 Blagojevich, rod, 220 Bonilla, Henry, 4, 101t, 112, 119t, 121 Booker, Cory, 4, 13, 69, 72, 175, 176 Booker, Washington, 180–181 Border problems, immigration ads on, 156– 157; images used in, 147–151, 148f, 150f; language used in, 137t, 137–138 Border protection, Anti-terrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act (2005), 130–131 Bordonaro, Molly, 101t, 119t Boyd, Betty, 132t Boykins, Clarence, 132t Bredesen, phil, 132t, 162, 163 Brooke, edward, 161 Brown, Corrine, 101t, 119t, 120 Bryson, Jim, 132t Burns, Max, 132t, 136 Burrage, Sean, 132t Burris, roland, 230n1 Bush, George H. W., 1, 139; Horton ad in campaign of (see Horton, Willie, campaign ad on) Bush, George W., 13, 28, 158, 168, 169, 172, 173 Butler, Judith, 145, 146 Byrd, James, 171 Cain, Herman, 68 Calvert, Ken, 101t, 119t Canadian border, 148, 230n7 Candidates of color, 6–7, 43–44; Asian American (see Asian American candidates); Black (see Black candidates); images of, in ads of White candidates, 22, 29; latino (see latino candidates); media coverage of, 3, 7, 94–126...
