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INDEX Abel, Theodore, 72 Accountability. See Moral responsibility Adorno, Theodor, 204, 209, 218, 228, 231, 235, 237, 238, 311 Aggression, human, 307, 309-10 Ainsztein, Reuben, 22 Altruistic Personality Project, 179n Amery, Jean, 163, 178 Amoralism, 56-62, 136, 188. See also Moral indifference Anatomy of Destructiveness, The, 311 Angress, R. K., 322 Anielewicz, Mordecai, 22-23 Antimodernism, 70, 75 Anti-Semitism: among blacks, 11114 , 116n; Christianity and, 9-12, 42, 106,251-52,427-28; domination and, 236-37; evolution of, 5-14, 367-68; as expression of antimodernism, 70; Fascism and, 45; in Germany before World War II, 14, 16, 427-28; Hitler's, 76-77, 890; legitimation of National. Socialism and, 62-63, 66-69, 71-73, 76-80; in literature, 11-12; in occupied Europe, 36-39; usage of term, 44n Anti-Zionism, 41 Archibald, Katherine, 287n Arendt, Hannah, 20, 55, 56, 81, 150, 183, 184,190,204,214,216,217,247,307, 310,320, 403 Aries, Philippe, 42, 246 Aron, Raymond, 96 Asch experiments, 81-82, 90n Auden, W. H., 187 Auschwitz, 34-35, 39, 46n, 95, 143, et passim; authority at, 30, 169; as "deathworld ," 332-33; doctors at, 33, 82-83, 138,277-79; mass killings at, "31-33, 131; starvation at, 273-74; survival at, 119-26 Austria, 12, 15, 16, 45n, 167, 399 Authoritarian Personality, The, 311 Authoritarianism, 311 Authority, obedience to, 59-60, 82-84, 187-89, 215, 255, 266, 310-12, 428-30; moral pathology and, 144-47; religions and,249-53 Autonomy, group, 112-14, 117n Aviel, Avraham, 162n Baader-Meinhof group, 401 Babi Yar, 163, 231 Baeck, Leo, 20, 46n Bauer, Yehuda, 15 Baum, Rainer, 37, 184, 188 Becker, Ernest, 214 Beliefs, nonmoral, 141-42 Belzec camp, 168-69 Bender, Patricia, 204 Berenbaum, Michael, 207, 391 Berkowitz, Eliezer, 425 Bettelheim, Bruno, SOn, 378n, 382, 386, 388 Biarritz, 13 Biberstein, Ernst, 163-64 Bitburg cemetery, 398-99, 400, 406 Blacks, Jews and, 111-14, 116n, 117n Blauner, Robert, 287n Blobel, Paul, 26 Blood from the Sky, 438 Bolshevism: genocide and, 396-97; Jews and,S, 24, 43n Borkin, Joseph, 272 Bormann, Martin, 72 Borowski, Tadeusz, 125, 332 Bosch, Carl, 289n Brandt, Willy, 401, 406-7 Brecht, Bertolt, 257-58 Bronstein, Leo, 157 Brown, Robert McAfee, 379 Buber, Martin, 204 Buchenwald camp, 370, 377n Buchheim, Hans, 82 Bureaucracy, 188-89, 323 Bury, J. B., 224 Camus, Albert, 204 Caring concern, in modem society, 57-59 Catholicism, 64, 65, 249, 251, 259n "Choiceless choice," 120, 121, 123, 125, 126 Copyrighted Material 447 448 I INDEX Christianity: anti-Semitism and, 912 ,42, 106, 251-52; concept of God in, 294, 297, 425; individual moral responsibility and, 248-52; Judaism and,436 Clauberg, Carl, 33, 277 Code words, Nazi use of, 345-53 Cohen, Arthur, 91-92, 101 Colonialism, 208 Commissar order, 4-5, 24 Complicity, victims', 149-61; anticipatory compliance and, 155-56; corruption and, 157-59; fatalism and, 154-55; self-deception and, 156-57; victim selection and, 159-61 Comprehensibility of Holocaust, 426-30 Comte, Auguste, 225, 234 Concentration camps, 376n; code words used in, 353; distinction between death camps and, 338n; at ethical level, 335-38; experience of the vital in, 331-35; life-world and, 327, 328; social science techniques in studying, 365, 372-75. See also Death camps Conscientious objection, 260n Conscientiousness, moral indifference and, 58-59, 81-82 Consciousness, 267; militarized, 323 Covenant between Israel and God, 293-94 Culture, Jewish, 152-53 Cunning of History, The, 185 Dawidowicz, Lucy,S, 99-100, 260n, 387-88,417, 427-28, 430 Death: industrialization of, 27-29; as salvation, 433-34 Death camps, 168; code words used in, 353; distinction between concentration camps and, 338n; revolts in, 23; role of science and technology in, 231-32, 263-64, 271-74, 279-84; survival in, 119-26; in totalitarian framework, 368-69. See also Concentration camps; names of individual camps "Death-world," 327, 332, 334-35, 403-4 Defeatism in Western democracies, 16-17 Delbo, Charlotte, 438 Denmark, 17, 35-36 Deportation of Jews, 251-52, 305, 368, 375n; rates of, in occupied Europe, 35-36 Deputy, The, 28 "Desk killer," 213-15, 218, 221n, 322 Destruction of the European JruJs, The, 150, 245,321 Dewey, John, 201, 206, 388, 393n Dialectics of Disaster, 241 Dialectics of Enlightenment, 235-39 Dicks, Henry, 288n Diels, Rudolf, 376n Doctors, Nazi, 82-83, 138, 184, 210-11, 277-79,309, 322 Dollard, J., 309 Dollfuss, Engelbert, 167 Domination: language of, 255...
