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IntroductIon The trajectory of German Philosophy After Kant, and the “difference” Between Fichte and Schelling the most obvious symptoms of an epoch-making system are the misunderstandings and the awkward conduct of its adversaries. —G. W. F. Hegel, The Difference between Fichte’s and Schelling’s System of Philosophy1 Although Hegel doubtless had reinhold’s new interest in philosophical realism or perhaps Schleiermacher’s psychological interpretation of religious truth in mind as the “awkward symptoms of the age” and its dichotomizing reception of Kant’s legacy when he penned these words, they can stand as the epitome of the relations between Fichte and Schelling in the years leading up to Hegel’s first published essay. After 1800, Fichte and Schelling each viewed the letters and publications of his “collaborator” with suspicion. Periods of trust and encouragement alternated with spasms of mistrust and outbreaks of accusations of personal betrayal and intellectual short-sightedness. only one who with Hegel fervently believed in the “power of the negative” could be edified at the sight of titanic strife between powerful intellects who so deftly perceived the divisive issues of the times and addressed their solution with such insight and breadth of knowledge, but who persistently failed to identify the common position they were publicly seen to represent and complained instead of a single, massive “difference” that separated them. neither Hegel’s essay nor any single utterance by Fichte or Schelling exactly pins down the difference between them or underscores the underlying common position that it presumes. That work is left to the reader and her detective instincts. The editors and translators wish to let the texts speak for themselves, and by “texts” they mean both the letters exchanged between the principals from 1800 to 1802 and the published works from those years, which they exchanged in hopes of resolving the “difference.” 1 2 J. G. Fichte/F. W. J. Schelling We think the letters and published works have roughly equal standing, for when the former turn to philosophical topics they generally focus on very broad issues of philosophical presuppositions, certainty, and methodology left over after their various and intricately argued versions of “the system” had been sent to their respective publishers. The letters are placed first to provide an introduction to the texts that follow, not because they have explanatory priority or because the cultural and biographical situations they reference illuminate the “difference” better than the published works. Similarly, the comments in the pages that follow are offered to point out a possible reading of the legacy of German philosophy after Kant, but they will not open up a royal road through the by-ways of the history of philosophy nor will they suggest that what the principals and their contemporaries saw as the one difference was the one that will necessarily stand today as the central philosophical issue. In particular, we are agnostic on Hegelian presuppositions that outcomes are better than prior conditions or that one can make an easy separation between reflection—or the work of intellect—and reason or intellectual intuition. no philosophical distinction can be univocally deployed, and if quantum indeterminacies arise in physics, one can hardly expect unambiguous meanings in social discourse, much less philosophy. The Legacy of Kant [t]he metaphysics of nature as well as morals, but above all the preparatory (propaedeutic) critique of reason that dares to fly with its own wings, alone constitutes that which we call philosophy in a genuine sense. This relates everything to wisdom, but through the path of science, the only one which, once cleared, is never overgrown and leads to error. —Immanuel Kant, Architectonic of Pure reason, Critique of Pure Reason A850/B8782 By the early 1790s the bulk of Kant’s great systematic writings had appeared, including the three Critiques and the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science, but it was not widely recognized that the critical philosophy formed a comprehensive system instead of multiple preliminary sketches for a future system. Kant had given the Critique of Pure Reason a partial rewrite that distanced his position from idealism, furthered its claims to have definitively reconciled rationalism and empiricism, and announced that theoretical philosophy had been given a “scientific” foundation by a copernican reversal of perspective.3 The enduring achievement of the First Critique was to insist that philosophy must settle questions of foundations and methodology before it embarked on comprehensive explanation—that quid facti? could not be settled without quid juris?4 If Kant thought his contribution had ended metaphysics...
