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a Note on Transliteration and Style arabic and Persian terms have been transliterated in accordance with the system employed by the International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies (IJMES), with the following major exceptions: (1) no distinction is made in transliterating consonants shared between arabic and Persian; (2) complete transliterations of book and article titles have been retained throughout; (3) in contexts where transliteration is not an absolute necessity (i.e., book/article titles and technical expressions ), certain terms that appear on the IJMES word list, namely hajj, imam, kalåm, qibla, Qurʾan, shahåda, shariʿa, Shiʿi, sunna, ṭar¥qah, and ʿulamaʾ, appear here as Hajj, Imam, Kalam, kiblah, Koran, Shahadah, Shariah, Shiʿite, Sunnah, Tariqah, and ulama respectively; (4) in several special cases (e.g., when paired with the word koran), the term hadith appears as hadith. Grammar and punctuation has been standardized in accordance with Garner ’s Modern American Usage (3rd ed.). The bibliographical format for references in this book closely follows the Chicago Manual of Style (15th ed.), with some minor adaptations. With the exception of the “Editors’ Introduction,” a shorthand citation method has been adopted in the volume’s notes. ix ...
