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Index of Subjects ability to be otherwise [Anders-seink önnen], 18–19 ability, being able to [Können], xviii, 19, 64, 90, 91, 103, 115, 318–319, 325, 346 freedom as possibility of being able to [Freiheit als Möglichkeit zu können], 155 abstraction [Abstraktion], 111, 117 in Husserl, 220 across from [Gegenüber], 115–116 action [Handeln, Handlung], 20–22, 45,§ 17, 91 communicative [kommunikatives], 2, 238 elementary [elementares], 160–161 enactment of [Handlungsvollzug], 167 schema of [Handlungsschema], 166– 168 activity [Tun], 18, 22, 65, 67, 74–75, 82, 93–94, 99, 144, 279 mediatory [vermittelndes], 184 actuality [Wirklichkeit], 19, 67, 97–100, 158, 194, 321–322. See also reality affect [Affekt], 54–55, 206 affection [Widerfahrnis], 6, 39, 43, 45, 194, 285–286, 292–294, 325–326 affirmation [Zusprechung], 204 agreement [Verständigung], 36, 37 aim [Ziel], 18 of an action [einer Handlung], 156– 159 aiming at [Abzielen], 158 alien, the [Fremdes], 14, 233–234 allegory [Allegorie], 84 also otherwise [auch anders], 18, 156, 159, 167, 184–185 announcement [Kundgabe], 10–11 answer [Antwort], 58–60 and philosophy [und Philosophie], 44–45 anxiety [Angst], 34–35, 40, 41, 289–291, 345 appearance [Erscheinung], 29, 53, 117,§ 14, 131, 151, 322 in Plessner, 181 of things [der Dinge], 51 of things in time [der Dinge in der Zeit], 258 appearing, appearance [Erscheinen], 25, 117, § 14, 138–139, 151–152, 322 application [Applikation], 22 apprehension [Vernehmen], 88, 333. See also perception appropriation [Aneignung], 49–51, 95, 134, 138 archetype [Urbild], 37, 74 arrival [Ankommen], 145, 253, 275–276 art [Kunst] as fine art [schöne Kunst], 6–8, 68, 75, 115, 117, 119, 138, 148 as t°cnh, 19, 64, 103, 240, 242, 309 art, piece of [Kunststück], 19, 64, 115 articulation [Artikulation], 56, 202, 250 artifact [Artefakt], 309, 312–313 artwork, work of art [Kunstwerk], 11, 13, 23, 27, 75, 117–119 as, hermeneutical [Als, hermeneutische], 49–50 asserting [Behaupten], 198, 238 425 426 Index of Subjects assimilation [Assimilation], 52, 65, 320 astonishment [das Staunen], 40 attentiveness [Aufmerksamkeit], 10–11, 40, 69–70, 242, 271, 284–285 in listening [beim Hören], 195–197 in showing [beim Zeigen], 201 attitude [Einstellung], 37, 42, 54, 152 everyday [alltägliche], 24 methodologically directed [methodisch gelenkte], 6–7 natural [natürliche], 16, 125–126, 127–128, 150–151 phenomenological [phänomenologische ], 24 shift of attitude [Wechsel der Einstellung ], 184–185 toward temporality [zur Zeitlichkeit], 284–285 aura [Aura], 138 authenticity [Eigentlichkeit, Authentizität], 14–15 becoming [Werden], 25–26 and passing away [und Vergehen], 253–254 beholder [Betrachter], 16, 24. See also viewer being [Sein], 4, 10–11, 20–21, 23, 26, 40, 41, 44, 90, 93, 111, 131, 146–147, 150, 314–323 constitution of [Seinsverfassung], 137 ethical [sittliches], 22 historical [geschichtliches], 12, 14 without self [selbstloses], 13 being able to [Können]. See ability being directed toward [Sich hinweisen auf], 198. See also reference being-there [Dasein], 40–41. See also Dasein; existence being-withdrawn [Entzogensein], 25, 40, 43 being, understanding of [Seinsverständnis ], 20, 301 beings [Seiendes], 18, 18fn, 31, 112, 134, 135–136. See also what is being [Seiendheit], 311 as a whole [im Ganzen], 33–35 beings as beings [Seiendes als Seiendes] (»n fi ≈ ~ ∫n), 19, 172, 301 between [Zwischen], 40, 46–47 blink of the eye [Augenblick], 40. See also moment body [Körper], xxv, 306, 316–318, § 39 body quick [Leib], xxv, § 39. See also movement of the body book [Buch], 61–64, 72 boredom [Langeweile], 34, 291–292 boundedness [Bindung], 44, 148, 295 bringing forth [Hervorbringen], 157, 335 bringing into language [zur Sprache bringen ]. See putting into language caricature [Karikatur], 70 carrying over [Übertragung], 46 § 7, 72, 180–181 cave, allegory of [Höhlengleichnis], 377 certainty [Gewißheit], 6 loss of [Verlust an], 6 uncertainty [Ungewißheit], 39 change [Veränderung], 263, 286, 309. See also transformation chiasmus (also fold [Verschränkung]), 99, 152, 233, 275, 306, 307, § 36, 322 Christianity [Christentum], 119, 147 circle, hermeneutical [Zirkel, hermeneutischer ], 80, 81 claiming [Ansprechen], 8, 16, 236 clarification (i.e., in interpretation) [Deuten], xv, 5, 83, 86, 122 clarification [Klärung], 21, 23, 28, 35, 68 and interpretation [Interpretation], 57–58 self-clarification [Selbstklärung], 3 clearing [Lichtung], 128 clock [Uhr], 253, 261–262, 280 clockwise [Uhrzeigersinn], 61 cogito, 32, 127 pure [reines], 9, 11 of the thinking subject [denkendes Subjekt], 132 cognition [Erkenntnis], 17. See also knowledge; recognition theory of [Erkenntnistheorie], 5, 6 [] Project MUSE (2024-04-26 08:25...
