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PREFACE One of the advantages of studying Israeli political behavior is the large amount of unexplored territory which is left to scout. This book is, in essence, the first study of political participation in Israel. It is hoped that the ideas which are presented will offer some insights into the rather unique nature of Israeli political culture. It is a pleasure to acknowledge all those who helped make this work possible. The research which is reported within these pages was made possible through the generosity of the Shinbrun Fund of the Hebrew University and a grant from the furd fuundation which was provided by the Israel fuundations Trustees. I was fortunate to obtain access to two very important sources of data. I want to thank the Israeli Institute for Applied Social Science Research for allowing me to use information which was collected within their continual survey of Israeli society. The data for the cross cultural analyses in chapter 1were provided by the Zentralarchiv fuer empirische Sozialforschung (ZA). They were originally collected by individual institutions in each country for the study, "Political Action -An Eight Nation Study." Neither the original collectors of any of these data, nor the ZA bears any responsibility for the analyses or interpretation presented here. I also want to acknowledge the department of political science at M.l.T. which provided a wealth of services and facilities during my sabbatical stay in Cambridge. Aspecial thanks goes to Lucian Pye and Russell Neuman of that department who provided the moral, intellectual , and financial support which enabled me to complete this work. I owe a special thank you to my gifted research assistant, Gil Askenazi , who diligently carried out the many and varied tasks which fell into his realm of responsibility. Of the many colleagues who read this manuscript before its publication , I want to single out Elihu Katz and Bill Gamson. It was Elihu who suggested the final title for this book after my own efforts in this area had all failed. Bill's guidance and insights were quite remarkable, and his suggestions have certainly improved the final product. 1also want to thank other colle
