In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Aspects of]ewish Culture in the Middle Ages ‫ן‬ Edited by Palll E. Szarlnacl State University of New York Press Albany, 1979 Pub'lislled by State University of New York Press 12246 Albany, New York 1979 First Printing 1979 State University of New York @ ! All rigllts reservec Printed in tlle United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data : Main entry under title . Aspects of ]ewisll culture in tlle Middle Ages . 1ncludes bibliograpllical references 1 . ]ews-HistorY-70-1789-HistoriograpllY Congresses . 2. Cllristianity and antisenlitism . Congresses. 3. ]ews in Spain-History-Congresses 4 . ]udaism and art-Congresses. 5. Grail 711- , period j‫ן‬ Congresses. 6. Spain-History-Ara . 1492-Congresses. 1. Szarmacll, Paul E 11 . New YOl'k (State). State University at Bing Ilamton. Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance . Studies 77-29046 924 ' 04 .' 909 DS124·A74 0-87395-165-4 ISBN ...
