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Index ofNames and Subjects Aaron: 121 Abraham: 9, 10,39,40,60,61,220, 224,262 Abramson, Shraga: 236 Adam: 157 Adam and Eve: 240 Adultery as metaphor: 58 A fortiori arguments: 34, 118, 119, 120, 124, 136, 137, 154 Aggadah: 51,52,96,116,123,211, 239,243,257,259 Agnitus: 87, 88, 239 Agnon, S. Y.: 192 Albeck, Chanoch: 237, 255 Albeck, Shalom: 246 Alexander, Philip S.: 171 Alexander Severus: 199 Alexander the Great: 77 Alexandria: 7, 172 Alexandrian commentaries: 176 Alexandrian exegetes (anonymous): 8 Alexandrian grammarians: 181 Allegorical commentaries: 17 philosophical: 176 Allegorical interpretation: 7, 9, 179 Alon, Gedaliah: 204, 225, 245, 246, 250 'Am ha)are~: 221 Ammon: 32 Ammon and Moab descendants of: 33 Ankersmit, N. R.: 229 Angels: 31,41,93,196,197,202, 212,219,224,225,242,266 accompany God at Sinai: 42 Antiochus of Soko: 257 Apocalypse: 38, 156, 158,278,279 Apocalypse of Baruch: 154 Aptowitzer, V.: 248 Arabic language: 30 Aramaic language: 38, 195, 196 Arios: 101,247 Aristobulus: 177 Ark of the covenant: 56 Austin, J. L.: 183 Authorial voice: 17 absence of in midrashic commentary: 16 Avi-Yonah, Michael: 199,223 Baer, I.: 205 Bakhtin, Mikhail: 183, 184, 188 Balaam: 37,53 Bar-Asher, Moshe: xvii, 185 Bar Kokhba revolt: 72, 213 coins of: 232 Barthes, Roland: 22,171, 186, 190, 191,263 Baruch: ISS, 156 Baskin, Judith R.: 267 Basser, Herbert W.: 175,212,233, 265,267,268,269,270,271,272, 279 Beer, Moshe: 245 Belshazzar: 118 Benjamin tribe of: 128, 265 Beoit, P.: 245 Ben Yehuda, Eliezer: 200 Berman, Saul: 198 Bickerman, Elias: 230 Bietenhard, Hans: XVlll 331 332 From Tradition to Commentary Black, Matthew: 276 Bogaert, Pierre: 278 Book ofJubilees: 171, 172 Book ofthe Watchers: 153 Borgen, Peder: 178 Borges, Jorge Luis: 189 Boston, J. R.: 264 Boyance, Pierre: 177 Boyarin, Daniel: 205,241 Braudel, Fernand: 275 Bregman, Marc: 241,256,263,274 Brooke, A. E.: 181 Brooks, Peter: 126, 183, 184,261, 264, 275 Buber, Salomon: 203 Carr, David: 261,263 Carroll, David: 188, 194,262,275 Cazeaux, J.: 180 Chain of tradition: 70, 230 Charlesworth, James H.: 278 Chartier, Roger: 184, 194 Chatman, Seymour: 263 Christendom: 39, 195 Christianity: 227,228. See also Polemic, anti-Christian Chrysippus: 176 Clark, Katerina: 184 Clement of Alexandria: 177, 181 Clouds of glory: 225 Cohen, Boaz: 215 Cohen, Gerson D.: 200, 205 Cohen, Jeremy: 270 Cohen, Norman J.: 267 Cohen, Shaye J. D.: 229, 232 Commandments Israel's transgression of: 56, 143 Commentaries to Sifre Deuteronomy: 190 Commentary anthological nature of: 15, 17 definition of: 1 deictic and dialogical: 182, 183 early Christian: 181, 182 Greco-Roman, non-Jewish: 7, 178, 181 legal to Scripture: 163 non-totalizing aspects of: 23 social function of: 12 talmudic to the Mishnah: 189 Conacher, D. J.: 280 Constantine: 200 Converts: 220, 255 Corners of fields left for the poor: 141 Courts: 84,85, 103,236,237,239, 246,249. See also Judges, appointment of Craigie, Peter c.: 195 Cross, F. M.: 191 Culler, Jonathan: 263 Cultural history: 164 Curriculum of rabbinic Torah studies: 97, 116,214,239,243, 244,254,256 Damascus: 82, 236 Daniel: 89 as inspired interpreter: 174 Daube, David: 181 David: 28,29,49,54,98,212,218, 245,262 as a pamas: 50 compared to Moses: 195 Dawson, John David: 177,179,180 Dead Sea Scrolls: 174 courts in: 236 study as a religious obligation Ill: 241 Dead Sea sect: 3 Dedering, S.: 278 Deicticexegesis: 7,13,31,175 Deuteronomy, Book of: 74 Dialogic: in interpretation and commentary: 13,21,32,62,79,121,178,183 in midrashic commentary: 149, 156,161,162,163,164,278 of textual reception: 190, 264 Dialogic and deictic forms of commentary: 32 Dialogue: 14 as a literary form: 178 Indices 333 between Israel and God: 38, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 145, 146, 148, 149, 152, 156,274,275 between Israel and the nations: 27, 42,43,52,205,227 between Jews and Christians: 204, 205 in apocalypse: 156, 157 Dillon, John: 177,179 Diocletian: 199 Disciples of the sages: 19, 48, 71, 92,93,107,109, Ill, 113, 117, 120,121, 124, 163,206,210,211, 219,221,222,230,234,242,245, 252,254,256,257,258,280. See also Master-discipline relationship ; Rabbinic sages Divine throne: 94 Divine voice: 79,93, 129, 130, 145, 156 Divorce: 222 as a metaphor for Israel's infidelity to God: 132 Domitian: 215 Dorrie, Heinrich: 177, 178 Driver, S...
