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Figures and Tables Figures 1.1 Coup attempts around the world between 1950 and 2000 4 2.1 Choosing sides during a coup attempt 25 2.2 Risk dominance 32 3.1 Coup attempts and success rate Lowess smoothed and mapped over time 53 3.2 Effect of coup level on the probability that a coup attempt will succeed 71 4.1 Sequentialized coup dynamics 84 Tables 1.1 Coup attempts in Ghana, independence to present 12 3.1 Predicting coup attempts 1950–2000 54 3.2 Summary of hypotheses and findings on coup attempts 59 3.3 The regional distribution of coup attempts and outcomes 65 3.4 Coup outcomes and success rate by coup level 66 3.5 Predicting coup outcomes 1950–2000 67 3.6 Summary of hypotheses and findings on coup outcomes 72 3.7 Predicting the level of coup attempts 1950–2000 73 This page intentionally left blank ...
