publisher colophon
  • Page lxEditorial Symbols

Boston Overstruck letters

Legible manuscript cancellations; crossed-out or overwritten letters are placed before corrections.

[Boston] Text in brackets

Material supplied by editors

[Boston?] Text with a question mark in brackets


[Boston?]a Text with a question mark in brackets followed by a textnote

Conjecture of illegible text

〈Boston〉 Text in angle brackets

Marginalia; in Edison’s hand unless otherwise noted.

[ ] Empty brackets

Text missing from damaged manuscript

[---] Hyphens in brackets

Conjecture of number of characters in illegible material

Superscript numbers in editors’ headnotes and in the documents refer to endnotes, which are grouped at the end of each headnote and after the textnotes of each document.

Superscript lowercase letters in the documents refer to textnotes, which appear at the end of each document.

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Editorial Policy

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List of Abbreviations
