publisher colophon
  • April–June 1880

Edison acknowledged in mid-April that a fundamental change was taking place in the nature of his work at Menlo Park. Reporters visiting the laboratory noted that he had taken most of his electric lamps out of service. Edison reportedly explained that

There is a wide difference between completing an invention . . . and putting the manufactured article on the market. . . . I have solved all the problems I was engaged on in the matter of the electric light, and have finished it. I can light a city at one-fourth to one-half the price of gas; I have proved it here, and I have put out my lights because there is no longer any need of them. The lamps, conductors and generators are now being made for the demonstration on a larger scale, first here, then in New York. But this involves all the details of manufacturing, and it takes time.1

As is true of many of Edison’s published interviews, this one presented the issue rather simplistically and with his characteristic optimism. In essence, however, it accurately reflected the shift at Menlo Park from the work of invention to that of developing and manufacturing a product for commercial use. Edison had discontinued night work at the laboratory in late March, to which he attributed his changed appearance: “I am getting fat. I weigh 190 at least; I guess more. Sleep from 11 to 7 every night, eat three straight meals a day. . . . I have escaped from the hard work and worriment that the electric light imposed.”2 To prepare for commercial lamp manufacture, Edison purchased the former electric pen factory building along Page 693the railroad tracks in Menlo Park in late April. His workmen quickly began rehabilitating the structure and configuring it for use as the lamp factory. Charles Batchelor and other laboratory assistants began the long process of devising and constructing necessary equipment, from carbonizing moulds to complex clamp-making machines. Ludwig Böhm and the glassblowers began fabricating vacuum pumps, completing the first one hundred by 2 June.

Further development of the electric light and power system as a whole proceeded in several directions. Improvements in the lamp were sought in the laboratory, where John Lawson experimented extensively during the spring with wood fibers as possible filament materials. Experimental carbonizing techniques were also tried, including one that resulted in a patent for thoroughly carbonizing the thickened filament ends. In mid-June, Edison attempted to explore further the phenomenon of “electrical carrying,” which shortened the useful lifetime of his lamps. He enlisted the aid of Princeton physics professor Charles Young to make spectroscopic observations of a bluish discharge around the clamps which seemed associated with the darkening of the glass bulbs. Lawson and Francis Upton continued making tests related to the meter, including measuring the effects caused by rolling the copper plates, such as would be done during the commercial manufacturing process. Upton, Charles Clarke, and Francis Jehl also made calculations and tests designed to ensure a uniform voltage drop throughout the distribution system. In order to test the entire system in operation, Edison planned a scaled-down version of a central station district at Menlo Park. Around the first of May his workmen began laying nearly five miles of underground conductors for several hundred lamps.

The central station was the one system component in which Edison planned a major change, specifically in the size and number of dynamos. In April engineers from the journal American Machinist made their own tests of Edison’s machine and concluded that his claims for its efficiency were undermined by the large amount of energy lost as friction in the bearings and slippage in the drive belts. Edison disputed their findings and directed Charles Clarke to embark on a series of careful experiments to measure the heat produced in the bearing journals. In the meantime he also began to study the merits of high-speed steam engines, such as the form devised by Charles Porter. When Clarke’s results confirmed large frictional losses, he and Upton immediately began designing a much bigger dynamo Page 694that could absorb the full horsepower of a large highspeed engine without using belts or shafts, and Edison began making arrangements for Porter’s company to build a 120 h.p. engine to be coupled directly to the generator. 3 This represented an entirely different conception of the central station from what was planned as recently as January and shows Edison’s attention to practical operating details of the system at this time. It also demonstrates his conviction, reported in a February newspaper interview, that “the great item of importance to be secured in connection with his electric light is cheap steam engineering. . . . [Edison] says ‘steam engineering forms 75 per cent. of the electric light, 20 per cent. is in the system itself, 4 per cent. is in the dynamos and 1 per cent. in the lamps.’”4

During April, laboratory staffers built four generators and made about one hundred twenty lamps, some with frosted bulbs, for the steamship Columbia. In late April and early May, Francis Upton, John Kruesi, and others spent several days on the ship in New York, supervising the installation and testing of equipment. The lighting system was operational by 27 April, when Edison, his wife, and several assistants attended a reception aboard the ship.

Edison ordered construction of an electric railroad in order to demonstrate the practicality of electric power. It consisted of a locomotive and car and a half-mile of track. The locomotive, driven by a modified Edison dynamo run as a motor, was tried on the track for the first time on 13 May. Although there were problems with the mechanical transmission it otherwise worked so well that Edison shortly extended the track and added three cars. Laboratory employees, Edison’s wife, and numerous visitors went for rides along the steep and curving track. Among these was Grosvenor Lowrey, who required Edison’s personal assurances to overcome his reservations about the train’s safety before climbing on. The train jumped the rails on a curve, vaulting John Kruesi, who was driving, into the brush. Lowrey recounted to his future wife that Kruesi, bloodied and “a good deal shaken,” got up mimicking Edison in his accented English, “‘Oh yes pairfeckly safe!!!’”5 Francis Upton made intermittent tests of motors in the laboratory but Edison was sufficiently convinced of their efficacy by late June to offer a hydroelectric power system to a Nevada mine operator.

One other significant laboratory project was the adaptation of the process for extracting platinum ore from hydraulic mine wastes. No longer in need of platinum, Edison had been working Page 695instead to capture the small amounts of gold that passed through the hydraulic clean-up. He applied for a patent on an ore separator in early April. In mid-May he wrote to Frank McLaughlin in California that his process was “absolutely perfect” and he was “ready for business” whenever McLaughlin could make contracts with mine owners.6

In other matters, Edison agreed in April to underwrite the publication of a new journal, Science, which its prospective editor intended would cover all scientific fields in the United States much as Nature did for Great Britain. About the middle of the month he received word that Joshua Bailey and Theodore Puskas had at last come to terms with each other and rival telephone interests to form a unified French telephone company in which Edison was to have a forty per cent stake. In London, months of complex and often acrimonious negotiations finally produced an agreement in early June to combine the Edison and Bell interests into the United Telephone Co., Ltd. One of the major obstacles had been whether Edison would cash out his interest in the old company or preserve it in some way with the new firm; the matter was put in abeyance by appointing a trustee for the disputed interest.

It is impossible to state precisely how many men Edison had working for him at any particular time because of the incomplete nature of extant payroll records. He seems to have hired only a handful of new faces during this period, among them Cornelius Van Cleve, husband of Mary Edison’s half sister, who helped carbonize lamp filaments.7 Michael Griffin worked on the electric railway.8 Little or nothing is known about the others, including two who have only a single pay record apiece, suggesting that they stayed for a very brief period. 9 Dates for the termination of service are generally as difficult to fix as those for the beginning. Laboratory assistant William Breath seems to have left in April. 10 George Carman, Edison’s purchasing agent who also assisted in the laboratory, accompanied Frank McLaughlin to California in early April.11

1. “Edison at Home,” Denver Tribune, 25 Apr. 1880, Cat. 1015:18, Scraps. (TAEM 24:11; TAED SM015018a); see also “Our New York Letter,” 17 Apr. 1880, Cat. 1241, item 1495, Batchelor (TAEM 94:597; TAED MBSB21495).

2. “Edison at Home,” ibid.

3. This is probably the device that was listed on laboratory time sheets as “direct converter.” Time Sheets, NjWOE.

4. “The Coming Light,” 12 Feb. 1880, Cat. 1014:34, Scraps. (TAEM 23:648; TAED SM014034a).Page 696

5. Lowrey to Kate Armour, 5 June 1880, Reed.

6. Doc. 1938.

7. See Doc. 1674 n. 1.

8. See box 145, Employee Records, NjWOE.

9. See records for Michael Donegan in box 145, Employees Records, NjWOE, and John Harvey in box 146, ibid.

10. Box 144, Employee Records, NjWOE, but also see Doc. 1914.

11. Mott Journal N-80-03-14: Lab. (TAEM 33:709; TAED N053:26); Carman’s testimony, Edison v. Maxim v. Swan (TAED W100DID [images 4, 7]).

  • From John Harjes

Paris, April 1st 1880.a

Dear Sir,

Since I wrote you last on the 24th feby1 I am without any of your letters—. In answer to my cablegram of the 18th ulto I received however on the 23d your reply as follows:2

You may accept for me and sign any contract which will produce a reasonable return and will put a stop to the present intriguing which will most quickly put telephone in practical operation in France— Edison

and have myself telegraphed you yesterday as per enclosed copy advising you that I had signed for you the contract for the disposal of your Telephone patents for France—a copy of said contract I forward to you by this steamer under separate & registered cover.3

Mr Bailey speaks of going to New York on a short visit, in about a week or 10 days4 & it is therefore useless for me to refer to any details of the negotiations of the last few weeks.— I may however say, that under no circumstances would I have accepted the Trust conveyed by your letter of Decber 2d 79b with power of atty,5 could I have imagined, that in its bearing and consequences it would bring the tenth part of the excessive annoyances, intrigue and trickeries besides great loss of time, to whichc I have had to submit during the late negotiations here.

Mr Bailey’s never ceasing activity and perseverence against frequent difficulties to keep up and further the interest represented by your patents deserves all praise. It was the Auberjon’s6 group which gave him the first helping hand, this fact and the influence they represented, made me advise you in favor of that contract— I desired however certain modifications, a greater precision on many points, especially as to the minimum sum to be paid for the patents, a fixed limit of time Page 697withind which the Company had to be formed, a sufficient sum to be named which the parties would be willing meanwhile to expend for pushing and developing before the public the Edison Telephones, and particularly a complete cancellation of the so-called “option” clause, which both the Bailey= as well as Puskas= party claimed and under which they reserved for themselves the option till December of this year to withdraw from the undertaking and be re-imbursed by you in cash for all their expenditures. I was unable to succeed with the Auberjon group but carried all the points just named with the party represented by the Banque Franco Egyptienne (Société de Credit Industriel & Commercial, 7 Société Financière,8 A. Fleine of A. & M. Fleine,9 Reinach of John Reinach10 &c &c) and finally closed with them, to which, much to my gratification, both Mr Bailey as well as Mr Puskas expressed their entire satisfaction, all the more gratifying to me as both representing sundry interestse had to sign the contract.

You will notice that Article 5 of the contract provides for a non-formation of the company, all what the party represented by the Banque Franco Egyptienne is to receive however as a reimbursement for all expenses incured, is limited to a part-ownership of the patents, i.e. their expenditure gives them a proportionate ownership of the patents as a total of fr 500,000 would bring them 60%.11

Although I had no cause to fear that their expenses might be unreasonably increased, mainly by charges for securing certain indirect influences or newspapers under their own control or ownership and thus run up a large bill for which eventually a large percentage of ownership of the patents could be claimed, I thought best to provide a control till the formation of the Company, both as to the expenditures as well as selection of the Board of Directors of the new Coy. Muchc against my inclination I have been compelled to accept that position myself in absence of any other suitable party here.

A day before closing the contract I was approached by the Gower telephone Co represented by Mr d’Erlanger as to selling your patents to them—. I thought it to your interest not to entertain their ouvertures but thought proper to guard your name and therefore your interest (as provided for in Article 7) in case a fusion should after all take place.12

In my negotiations for the disposal of your patents I tried to secure two objects, the one an immediate return in money as large as possible, the other, a proper development of your telephone Page 698before the French public. and had I been sole owner of your patents I should not have been able to secure better terms.

Since signing the contract, the Banque Franco Egyptienne and Mr Bailey have represented to me the advisability of making a present of five per cent (to be borne equally by the parties to the contract, i.e. yourself and the Banque Franco Egyptienne) to Mr Jenty to which I felt constraint to consent for your interest. Mr Jenty was the principal party to the late Auberjon’s contract, (he is a member of the french chambre des députés) a man of influence, part owner of sundry newspapers “La France,” “Le petit Journal” (the latter with a circulation of about 600,000.) and others ind which already some weeks since long articles appeared in favor of your telephone and the object is thus to recompense Mr Jenty for past services and to secure his continued good will and influence, as naturally he feels rather hurt not to have himself secured the contract—. Mr Bailey however can give you full particulars about this—. Besides what goes to Mr Jenty, the Syndicate represented by the Banque Franco Egyptienne has to give, I am told, twice 5% to other parties for certain influences so that in reality the Syndicate receives for itself not 60% but only 47½ %.

I have had several interviews with the Director of the Banque Franco Egyptienne as to the appointment of a proper chief Director together with the necessary staff to immediately commence active business and development of the enterprise and to judge from present appearancesc the Banque Franco Egyptienne seems desirous for an early formation of the new Company.

I shall keep you advised as anything of special interest occurs. I remain, Dear Sir, Yours very truly,

John H. Harjes

LS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 56:129; TAED D8048ZBU). Letterhead of Drexel, Harjes & Co. a“Paris,” and “18” preprinted. bInterlined below. cObscured overwritten text. dInterlined above. e“representing sundry interests” interlined below.

1. Harjes recommended that Edison have Joshua Bailey continue to seek new sources of capital rather than have the French telephone forced into judicial liquidation. He enclosed a letter to the same effect from Henry Harrisse. Harjes to TAE, 24 Feb. 1880; Harrisse to Harjes, 24 Feb. 1880; both DF (TAEM 56:43, 45; TAED D8048ZAC, D8048ZAD).

2. Harjes twice cabled Edison on 18 March. The first was a long message advising that Edward d’Auberjon’s investors were “much displeased with action of Puskas party” and consequently refused to modify the contract signed two weeks earlier (see Doc. 1909). Harjes warned that “affairs are suffering much by present inaction and uncertainties and Page 699that your earliest possible decision by cable is necessary equity and the probability of success seems to be in favor of the contract with Auberjohn mailed march fifth; besides withdrawal of Auberjohn and his party owing to their powerful influence might prevent success of any company formed by others.” About five hours later he cabled again: “should you be in favor of contract Auberjon advise me so but do not sign same until I report further as I should prefer first to secure from Auberjon additional clauses in your favor.” On 22 March Edison cabled Harjes: “You may accept for me and sign any contract which will produce a reasonable return and will put a stop to the present intriguing and which will most quickly put telephone in practical operation in France.” Harjes to TAE, both 18 Mar. 1880; TAE to Harjes, 22 Mar. 1880; all DF ( TAEM 56:96, 98, 105; TAED D8048ZBD, D8048ZBE, D8048ZBK).

3. Harjes enclosed a copy of his telegram saying that he “Could not carry sufficiently advantageous conditions with Auberjon. Have just closed and signed contract with group represented by Banque Franco Egyptienne which remains binding without any optional clause. New company will probably be formed immediately, but must be formed during this year, meanwhile they will expend if necessary up to five hundred thousand francs for furthering the enterprise, such expenditures subject to my approval.” He reported that Edison would have a forty percent stake in the new company, or at least 900,000 francs; however, the contract specified that this portion was for all the patentees jointly. The old company was to be liquidated. The previous week Bailey sent Edison a 358-word cable urging acceptance of Auberjon’s proposal, which had been amended to guarantee Edison a 200,000 franc minimum share. Harjes to TAE, 31 Mar. 1880; Agreement with Franco Egyptienne Bank, Bailey, Elisha Gray, and Theodore Puskas, 27 Mar. 1880; Bailey to TAE, 20 Mar. 1880; all DF (TAEM 56:128, 109, 100; TAED D8048ZBT, D8048ZBS, D8048ZBG).

4. Bailey was still in Paris the last week of April; he was in New York by 18 May and planned to visit Menlo Park the next day. Bailey to TAE, 27 Apr. and 18 May 1880, DF (TAEM 56:161, 165; TAED D8048ZCU, D8048ZCZ).

5. Edison enclosed the power with a letter to Harjes on 21 November 1879. The power was dated 2 December, probably the date Harjes signed it, but no letter from that day has been found. Harjes to TAE, 16 Dec. 1879, DF (TAEM 52:450; TAED D7940ZDS).

6. Edward Auberjon has not been further identified.

7. The Credit Industriel et Commercial was a large deposit bank. Chartered in 1859 largely to promote the practice of writing checks in France, it also underwrote securities for domestic and foreign ventures. Cameron 1961, 172.

8. Probably either the Société Financière d’Egypte, a joint stock bank that predated the Banque Franco-Egyptienne, or the Société Financière, which was heavily involved in railroad construction on the Continent. Cameron 1961, 186, 317, 320.

9. Unidentified.

10. Unidentified.

11. This article provided that the bank was to advance up to 500,000 francs prior to the formation of the company. In the event it advanced the full amount but the company was not organized by the last day of 1880, Page 700the bank was to have a sixty percent share of the patents, or a smaller share in proportion to its contribution. The bank’s share was not to exceed sixty percent under any circumstance.

12. This section stipulated that a company resulting from a merger with the new Edison company would have to include Edison’s name in any circulars which advertised the patents it controlled.

  • From Edward Johnson

London Apl 1st 1880a

My Dear Edison


This is assuming the proportions of an immediate probability1 I must therefore try and set before you the Pro’s & Con’s so as to have your approval in advance—an Essential now since your representative has become an obstructionist. You must bear in mind the following points in determining what is best=

1st Two companies multiply the already extraordinary difficulties of overcoming the prejudices of the British Public in the matter of House top & other rights of way concessions— As one company they could systematiseb the overhead wire running and avoid the present cut throat policy—

2nd The jealousies of the two Co’s stand as an ever present weakness in the face of the P[ost]. O[ffice]. opposition jointly they would be ably to defy that concern—

3rd Divided— Each is holding over the other the sword of Patent weakness—neither Patent is so strong as to be absolutely sure of being sustained in a severe legal struggle— United— Both Patents would & could be sustained—thus shutting up the makers of both magneto & microphones and practically abolishing the enormous legal expenses both Co’s are now incurring— true the Patent question would go on to an issue, but unopposed except by the small outside makers

4th The rates could be raised to a figure which would net a profit—not now the case—

5th Capital for conducting the business on a large scale and in a vigorous manner could Easily be had— In fact is already assured. Many other less important advantages would accrue—and a more important one than all—would be the fact that the P.O. in dealing Eventually, as Every one holds it must—with the question of purchase would have a united body to dicker with—& not two seperate concerns—one of which it could play off against the other=

It is the opinion of Every one that the stock of the united Co would immediately command a large premium—Especially as Page 701that of the Bell Co. is Even now at a premium of from 30 to 60%=

There have been several propositions as to your share— how your half interests in the Profits2 should be provided for—whether in shares—in money or in your retaining a half interest in the share of Profits accruing to the stock of the in the United Co—allotted to & held by the Edison Company— The last plan finds most favor—as it ensures a permanent revenue both to you & to the shareholders I would like to have your views as to whether you would prefer to close out your interest at once—or retain it as now ie—a half interest in the Profits My opinion is that there is more money in it for you by a clean sale—even if you take shares in payment—as they will hardly fail to command a premium I enclose a memoranda from White which shows the present & most probable Terms—3 The proportion of 115 to 200 is had by virtue of the Larger plant & superior financial position of the Bell Co and has nothing to do with the value of the Patents= They are set down in Every case as on an equality

If we amalgamate on this basis our Co. will have to raise privately the money to pay you 15,000£ 30,000 to go on with— and about 12,000£ to buy up Glasgow so you see a heavy load has in any event to be carried—4 The two companies would go on under some arrangement as to organization but the Earnings would be Pooled—& Dividends declared in the proportion of 200 to Bell & 115 to Edison— It has not yet been fully determined how these details would be carried out—but of one thing you can rest assured—viz: that Bouverie will consent to nothing that does not look to putting our interest in a Dividend earning position

I’ll write you more fully on this subject now by Every mail—as Every day opens up some new scheme—& you can see from this Letter that at present nothing well defined has been agreed upon5 Yours Truly

E. H. Johnson

ALS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 56:564; TAED D8049ZCY). Letterhead of the Edison Telephone Co. of London. a“London” and “18” preprinted. bObscured overwritten text.

1. In an undated note, probably written on 1 or 2 April, Johnson enclosed Edward Bouverie’s 31 March letter stating that negotiations with the Bell interests had gone so far “that we could not honourably back out of it—if the other side are willing to go on.” Johnson explained that he had urged Bouverie to “make Haste slowly with amalgamation giving as a reason that I was informed you were again experimenting with the Page 702chalk” and that he believed “the early expectations as to this frictional principle business were on the verge of being realized.” Johnson concluded his letter to Edison by noting that “we are in a financial hole— & amalgamation seems the only way out.” Johnson to TAE, n.d; Bouverie to Johnson, 31 Mar. 1880; both DF (TAEM 56:560, 561; TAED D8049ZCW, D8049ZCX).

2. Article twenty of Edison’s contract with the telephone company reserved to him one-half the company’s “goodwill,” or difference between its capital investment and market value upon expiration of the patents. Agreement with Edison Telephone Co. of London, 14 July 1879, DF (TAEM 52:617; TAED D7941ZCV).

3. Arnold White explained in this letter to Johnson that it was proposed to have stockholders “exchange their existing shares for shares in the new Company in the proportion of Bell 200 Edison 115.” He assured Johnson that Bouverie and his advisers had “determined that the whole thing might go to blazes before they departed from the honourable understanding with Mr Edison to the effect that his name and interest shd be maintained under all circumstances.” The new company was to be named the “United Telephone Co. Lim. (Bell & Edison patents).” White expressed misgivings about the merger but assured Johnson that “Bouverie has taken the right course in the interest of Mr Edison & the shareholders. The great mistake we made in founding the Company, was in raising far too little money in the first instance. When we found we wanted more, the patent suit and the P.O. case cropped up, & while the Board persist in disclosing to intending investors the true facts of the case, no money can be got from the public, especially as it is the opposition, and not we who have the financial standing in the U. States.” White to Johnson, 1 Apr. 1880, DF (TAEM 56:571; TAED D8049ZCZ).

4. On 16 April Arnold White drafted a circular letter from the company apprising shareholders of the proposed merger terms. It suggested that some of the additional capital needed to complete the process could be raised by offering a new stock issue to existing shareholders. Edison Telephone Co. of London draft circular, 16 Apr. 1880, DF (TAEM 56: 598; TAED D8049ZDM).

5. Arnold White advised Johnson that it had become apparent that to maintain Edison’s rights to the company’s goodwill it would be “necessary to maintain the skeleton of the Company in order to hold the existing shares of the present holders. This will of course debar them—the holders—from realisation of their shares in case of death or emergency & will handicap them with a crushing weight in comparison with the ‘Bell’ holders in the new Company.” Johnson promptly relayed this information to Edison, cautioning him that “Under these Circumstances the Edison Co will find it difficult, if not impossible to induce Capitalists to put in any money.” White to Johnson, 3 Apr. 1880; Johnson to TAE, 5 Apr. 1880; both DF (TAEM 56:575, 579; TAED D8049ZDA, D8049ZDE).

  • Charles Mott Journal Entry

[Menlo Park,] Thursday April 1 [1880]

Ott still at work on Telephonic motor experiment.1 Hipple2 and Crosby 3 on centrifugal apparatus.4

Mr. Edison tonight commenced experiment on pumps with the view of using single instead of double pump as at present also of combining or arranging a large number in small space. 5 has on two lamps of fiber carbon, globes made tube shape

AD, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-03-14:42 (TAEM 33:705; TAED N053:22). Written by Charles Mott.

1. See Doc. 1914. John Ott appears to have resumed work on this device the previous day. On 5 April he “finished a new receiver and motor connected therewith but does not think it a success himself, the chalk being directly on shaft of revolving armature, revolves too rapidly, and not running as quietly as those previously made.” Mott Journal N-80-03-14:40, 48–49, Lab. (TAEM 33:704, 708; TAED N053:21, 25).

2. James Hipple began working as a glassblowing assistant earlier in the year and remained connected with Edison lighting companies for many years. Jehl 1937–41, 496; Alfred Chatard to Charles Batchelor, 9 July 1883, Batchelor (TAEM 92:501; TAED MB091B); Hipple to TAE, 25 Sept. 1887; Philip Dyer to TAE, 7 June 1889; both DF (TAEM 120:50, 125:262; TAED D8741AAE, D8905ADV).

3. As a favor to Edwin Fox, Edison took in George Crosby as a laborer, promising to pay only his room and board but no wages. Crosby later stated that he began working at the laboratory in November 1879; the first extant time sheet for him is the week of 19 March 1880. Edison’s testimony, 41, Crosby’s testimony, 25, 29, Böhm v. Edison (TAED W100DED032 [image 10], W100DEC025 [images 1, 5]); Fox to TAE, 9 Aug. 1880, DF (TAEM 53:510; TAED D8014T); Time Sheets, NjWOE.

4. Mott recorded the previous day that workers were “Experimenting tonight on drying sand by centrifugal machine driven by electricity, took sewing machine motor from office for the purpose find the sand to dry very quickly and rendered fit to seive in a few minute (say 10).” More trials were made on 2 April. Edison noted in his April 1880 ore separator patent application (U.S. Pat. 228,329) that wet sand could be dried before being processed but did not refer specifically to a centrifuge. Mott Journal N-80-03-14:40, 43, Lab. (TAEM 33:704–705; TAED N053:21, 22).

5. The “double pump” refers to the Sprengel and Geissler combination (see Doc. 1816). Mott noted that the next day Edison was “still on pumps.” Edison testified in a subsequent patent interference that in the spring of 1880 he “started two of my assistants, Dr. Moses . . . and Francis Jehl, experimenting to obtain a cheap and rapid pump, and less complicated than the ones that we were using.” Jehl stated in the same proceeding that he wanted to “do away with all fancy glass blowing about the pumps, to cut all the scollops off, and have a simple vacuum pump for practical use,” one “which could be constructed by a boy having two or three weeks practice in glass blowing, which was easily prepared, and took a good deal less room than the combination.” Mott Journal N-80-03-14:43, Lab. (TAEM 33:705; TAED N053:22); Edison’s testimony, 35, Page 704Jehl’s testimony, 16, 15, Böhm v. Edison (TAED W100DED032 [image 4], W100DED002 [15, 14]).

Böhm’s 13 April drawing of a “Single Sprengel pump devised by Upton.” The upper mercury jet did not work.

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Moses designed a pump referred to by Mott as a “cyphon pump” which was built by Ludwig Böhm on 9 April and tested the next day. It was unsatisfactory, which Edison attributed to the “cyphon” attachment rather than the pump itself but further tests failed to produce good results. On 13 April Böhm constructed an apparatus for Upton in which the mercury apparently passed successively through two jets in a single Sprengel tube. Mott Journal N-80-03-14:59, 61, 66; N-80-03-19:7–17; N-80-02-08.1:98, Lab. (TAEM 33:713–14, 718; 34:610–15, 281; TAED N053:30, 31, 34; N068:4–9; N063:80).

Jehl’s attachment for sealing lamps to the pump without traditional ground glass joints.

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About 16 April Jehl devised an alternative to the ground glass joints through which lamps were connected to the pump. He inserted the open tube of an unsealed lamp through the center hole of one of the rubber stoppers used in the chemical laboratory, and placed the stopper into a cone-shaped glass fixture blown by Böhm and attached to the pump. He incorporated this into a pump made on 18 April by William Holzer, an American glassblower who began working as Böhm’s assistant in January. Mott described it as “very simple, free of stop cocks, takes but little room, and comparatively little mercury.” Jehl successfully tested this during the next week and it became the basis of the pumps in Edison’s Page 705first lamp factory (N-80-03-19:29, N-80-03-14:84, both Lab. [TAEM 34:620, 33:727; TAED N068:14; N053:43]; Jehl 1937–41, 495, 800–804). However, other pumps were made and tested throughout April and Böhm made almost daily sketches of related apparatus through the beginning of May (N-80-03-14:72, 74, 78, 86–87, 94, 102, 104, 106; N-80-03-19:15–25, 31–99; both Lab. [TAEM 33:721–22, 724, 728, 732, 736–38; 34:614–19, 622–54; TAED N053:37, 38, 40, 44, 48, 52–55; N068:8–13, 16–48]). A number of these drawings were copied into a separate notebook and Edison later submitted some of them as evidence in the interference case (N-79-02-20.2:27–45; Lab. [TAEM 38:909–18; TAED N146:13–22]; Edison’s exhibits 2–4, Böhm v. Edison [TAED W100DED059B, W100DED059C, W100DED059D]).

  • Henry Morton, Alfred Mayer, and B. F. Thomas article in the Scientific American

[Hoboken, N.J., c. April 5, 18801 a]



Much has been written and said within the last few months on the subject of Mr. Edison’s new horseshoe lamps, and with all the writing and saying there has been wonderfully little produced in the way of precise and reliable statement concerning the simple primary facts, a knowledge of which would give the means of estimating both the scientific and commercial status of this widely discussed invention.

It was, therefore, with great pleasure that the present writers found themselves, through the kindness of the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, placed in possession of one of these horseshoe lamps of recent construction.

To satisfy themselves as to the real facts of the case they soon made a series of careful measurements and determinations, and as the results of these are likely to interest others, they now put them in print for general benefit.

A further examination of other lamps would have been made at the same time had opportunity offered; but as a communication on this subject addressed to Mr. Edison did not evoke a reply, they are obliged to content themselves with the one lamp as a subject of experiment.4

They would, however, here remark that the behavior of this lamp, under the tests, and the agreement of its results with information otherwise obtained, convince them that it is at least a fair specimen of the lamps of this form so far produced at Menlo Park.Page 706

The first object, on receiving the lamp, was to determine roughly what amount and character of electric current would be needed to operate it efficiently. With this view a number of cells of a small Grove’s battery were set up, having each an active zinc surface of twenty square inches and a platinum surface of eighteen square inches.5

The lamp being placed in the situation usually occupied by the standard burner in a Sugg’s photometer,6 the battery was, cell by cell, thrown into circuit.

When ten cells had been introduced the horseshoe showed a dull red, with fifteen cells a bright red, with thirty-four cells the light of 1 candle was given, with forty cells the light of 4½ candles, and with forty-five cells the light of 9⅕ candles, and with forty-eight cells 16 candles.

Having thus determined what amount of electric current would be required for experiments, arrangements were made to measure accurately the resistance of horseshoe while in actual use and emitting different amounts of light. The resistance of this carbon thread at the ordinary temperature had been already determined as 123 ohms in the usual way, but it was presumed, as had been shown by Matthiessen (Phil. Mag., xvi., 1858, pp. 220, 221), that this resistance would diminish with rise of temperature.7

To measure the resistance under these circumstances the apparatus was arranged as follows: The current from the battery was divided into two branches, which traversed, in opposite directions, the two equal coils of a differential galvanometer. One branch then traversed the lamp, while the other passed through a set of adjustable resistances composed of German-silver wires stretched in the free air of the laboratory, to avoid heating. (Careful tests of these resistances showed that no sensible heating occurred under these circumstances.)

Matters being thus arranged, the resistances were adjusted until the galvanometer showed no deflection when the candle power of the lamp was taken repeatedly in the photometer, and the amount of resistance was noted.

These measurements were several times repeated, shifting the coils of the galvanometer and reversing the direction of the current.

The results so obtained were as follows:

Resistances. Condition of Loop.
123 ohms Cold.
94 ohms Orange light.
Page 707
83.7 ohms 9⁄16 candle.
79.8 ohms 5 candle.
75 ohms 18 candle.

The photometric measurement was in all these cases taken with the carbon loop at right angles to the axis of the photometer, which was, of course, much in favor of the electric lamp. On turning the lamp round so as to bring the carbon loop with its plane parallel with the axis of the photometer, i.e., the edge of the loop turned toward the photometer disk, the light was greatly diminished, so that it was reduced to almost one-third of what it was with the loop sideways to the photometer disk.

Having thus determined the resistance of the lamp when in actual use, it was next desirable to measure the quantity of the current flowing under the same conditions.

To do this the current from fifty cells of battery was passed through a tangent galvanometer as a mere check or indicator of variations, and then through a copper voltameter, i.e., a jar containing solution of cupric sulphates with copper electrodes immersed, and then through the lamp, placed in the photometer.

Under these conditions it was found that during an hour the light gradually varied from about 16 candles at the beginning to about 14 candles at the end, making an average of about 15 candles, measured with side of loop toward disk.

The galvanometer during this time only showed a fall of half a degree in the deflection of the needle.

Carefully drying and weighing the copper electrodes, it was found that one had lost 1.0624 grammes.8

Now, it is well known that a current of one weber takes up 0.000326 9 gramme of copper per second, which would make 1.1736 grammes in an hour; therefore the current in the present case must have been on the average 1.0624⁄1.1736 = 0.905 webers, or a little less than one weber.

Having thus obtained the resistance of the lamp when emitting a light of 15 candles, namely, 76 ohms, and the amount of current passing under the same conditions, namely, 0.905 weber, we have all the experimental data required for the determination of the energy transformed or expended in the lamp, expressed in foot pounds. For this we multiply together the square of the current, the resistance, the constant 0.737335 (which expresses the fraction of a foot pound involved in a current of one weber traversing a resistance of one ohm for one second), and the number of seconds in a minute. Thus, in the present case, we have 0.9052 = 0.8125, and 0.8125 × 76 × 0.737335 × 60 = 2753.76 foot pounds.Page 708

Dividing these foot pounds per minute by the number of foot pounds per minute in a horse power, that is, 33,000, we have 0.08, that is, about eight one-hundredths or one-twelfth of a horse power as the energy expended in each lamp.

It would thus appear that with such lamps as this, one horse power of energy in the current would operate 12 lamps of the same resistance with an average candle power of 10 candles each,* or 120 candles in the aggregate. The candle power being 15 candles in the best position, and 5 candles at right angles to this, the average or general illuminating power of the lamp is 10 candles. 10b

Assuming that a Siemens or Brush machine were employed to generate the electric current, such a current would be obtained, as has been shown by numerous experiments, with a loss of about 40 per cent of the mechanical energy applied to the driving pulley of the machine. To operate these 12 lamps, therefore, we should have to apply more than one horse power to the pulley of the machine, so that when this loss in transformation had been encountered there should be one horse power of electric energy produced. This would call for 1⅔ horse power applied to the pulley of the dynamo-electric machine, by the steam engine.

To produce one horse power in a steam engine of the best construction about three pounds of coal per hour must be burned, and therefore for 1⅔ horse power 5 lb. of coal must be burned.

On the other hand one pound of gas coal will produce 5 cubic feet of gas, and will leave, besides, a large part of its weight in coke, to say nothing of other “residuals,” which will represent practically about the difference in value between “steam making” and “gas making coal,” so that it will not be unfair to take 5 lb. of gas coal as the equivalent of 5 lb. of steam coal.

These 5 lb. of gas coal will then yield 25 cubic feet of gas, which, if burned in five gas burners of the best construction, will give from 20 to 22 candles each, or 100 to 110 candles in the aggregate.

We have, then, the twelve Edison lamps producing 120 candles and the five gas burners producing 100 to 110 candles, with an equivalent expenditure of fuel.

If each apparatus and system could be worked with equal facility and economy, this would of course show something in favor of the electric light; but when in fact everything in this regard is against the electric light, which demands vastly more machinery, and that of a more delicate kind, requires more Page 709skillful management, shows more liability to disarrangement and waste, and presents an utter lack of the storage capacity which secures such a vast efficiency, convenience, and economy in gas, then we see that this relatively trifling economy disappears or ceases to have any controlling importance in the practical relations of the subject.

PD, Sci. Am. 42 (1880): 241. A transcript from a subsequent reprint in the Teleg. J. and Elec. Rev. is in Edison Electric Light Co. v. U.S. Electric Lighting Co., Vol. VI, pp. 4237–41, Lit. (TAEM 48:630; TAED QD012G4237). aPlace and date not those of publication. bThis sentence printed at bottom of page, its proper position in text indicated by asterisk.

1. The Stevens Institute is located in Hoboken. The article appeared in the 17 April Scientific American, which usually was available about ten days before the issue date.

2. Alfred Mayer had worked as a machinist, studied chemistry, physics, physiology, and mathematics, and taught at various colleges before organizing the physics program at Stevens Institute in 1871. He visited Menlo Park several times in 1878 and published an article on the phonograph in Popular Science Monthly (Mayer 1878a). ANB, s.v. “Mayer, Alfred Marshall” and TAEB 4:13 n. 9, 32 nn. 1 and 7, 76 n. 1, 158 n. 1.

3. Benjamin Thomas was a research assistant to Alfred Mayer at the Stevens Institute, where he earned a doctorate in 1880. He continued his research in photometry and enjoyed a long teaching career at the University of Missouri and Ohio State University. WWW–1, s.v. “Thomas, Benjamin Franklin.”

4. Mayer wrote to Edison on 2 March that one of his students had visited Menlo Park and reported “that you had expressed some surprise at my having one of your electric-lamps in my possession, as only a few had left your hands which were in good order.” Mayer “had no idea that the lamps were not in the hands of many persons, thereon I should have applied directly to you.” He explained that he requested one from Scientific American about three weeks earlier “because it was convenient for me then to get it without going to Menlo Park.” Mayer had since “been making many experiments on the lamp,” mainly to determine the carbon’s cold resistance. He requested “the loan of a few of your lamps to extend my work in the direction of ascertaining the amount of light given by definite amounts of electromotive force.” Stockton Griffin docketed Mayer’s letter “no ans.” Mayer to TAE, 2 Mar. 1880, DF (TAEM 53:678; TAED D8020ZCE).

5. A Grove cell produced 1.9 volts. TAEB 1:615 n. 1.

6. William Sugg & Co. manufactured photometers in London, both of Sugg’s own and others’ design. The reference here may be to an instrument devised by Sugg in which the flame from an Argand lamp passed through a screen so that the lower, more stable part of the flame could be used as a reference (Dibdin 1889, 10, 193). The practice of laboratory photometry at this time was devoted to efforts to measure and standardize lamps and commercial illuminating gas; visual instruments generally provided a means for comparing the intensity of light from a Page 710test lamp to a known standard over a fixed distance. Despite great commercial and, especially in Britain, bureaucratic efforts in recent years to reduce uncertainty in the testing process, contemporary photometers employed a variety of ways to view the light, such as through reflectors, screens, slits and disks. Additionally, although actual candles had been widely supplanted by lamps there was no consensus about what type of lamp or even what kind of gas to use in determining a uniform standard (Dibdin 1889, 1–50; Johnston 1996, 273–81); on the disparity of luminous standards see Dredge 1885, 2:151–73.

7. The English chemist Augustus Matthiessen studied the electrical, physical, and chemical properties of metals, and had served on the British Association Committee on the Standards of Electrical Resistance. Matthiessen 1858 states the change in conductivity with temperature of nearly three dozen substances including three forms of graphite and two of coke. DSB, s.v. “Matthiessen, Augustus.”

8. In a correction published in the 1 May issue the authors stated that this figure “was, in fact, the amount gained by the cathode, the loss of the anode being a trifle greater. The gain of weight was, of course, what it was intended to take, so that the error was only in the expression, and not in the process or result.” “Some Electrical Measurements of One of Mr. Edison’s Horseshoe Lamps”, Sci. Am. 42 (1880): 273, reprinted in the 15 May Telegraphic Journal and Electrical Review, p. 178, Edison Electric Light Co. v. U.S. Electric Lighting Co., Vol. VI, pp. 4241–43, Lit. (TAEM 48:632–33; TAED QD012G:138–39).

9. Misprinted as “0.00326”; cf. Doc. 1852. The deposition rate per hour given below is of the correct order of magnitude.

10. In their published correction (see note 8) the authors explained that this was determined by “measuring the light at every azimuth varying by ten degrees between 0° and 180°, that this was approximately the true expression for the total amount of light emitted.” They noted that the mathematical analysis given in Rowland and Barker 1880 produced a different result “but as the experiment shows this result not to be attained in fact, it is evident that the assumptions on which the mathematical reasoning is based do not include all the conditions present in the experiment.” They reported that two subsequent efforts to measure the intensity of light gave results which “agree very closely with each other and with our former determinations.” In August, the eminent electrician Moses Farmer offered Edison a lengthy analytical comparison of the results reported by Morton and his colleagues with those of Rowland and Barker. Farmer to TAE, 11 Aug. 1880, Upton (TAEM 95: 608; TAED MU049).

  • From George Gouraud

London 6th April 1880a

No 11

Dear Edison,

I cabled you some time since in the affirmative in reply to your enquiry as to whether I had closed with Bouverie on the new basis.2 The Parliamentary Elections and the consequent absence of all the Directors from town so upset everything that Page 711the agreement has not yet been finally executed—indeed I did not get the final draft of it until a day or two ago when I found to my astonishment that it contained an alteration in the clause concerning the dividend to the share capital by which it provided that they were to have 5% more than you under all circumstances. In the first draft submitted to me it was quite clear that only the usual preference dividend was contemplated but there being some ambiguity I undertook to make it clear when they returned it to me made clear quite the other way giving me to understand that that was what you had given your assent to. This concession was so enormous that I did not feel disposed to take anybodys word for itb so cabled you as follows:—3

“Have you consented giving capital 5 per cent more than half profits that is if profits are fifteen capital gets ten you five. This is too much concession: we agree on all points but this. I am willing capital have five preference you having next five Answer immediately”

to which I have your reply as follows:—

“I think we should be satisfied with five: to capital ten. Onerous contracts are decidedly unsafe”

You make it so very evident to me that you wish to make all these concessions that I have to choose between following your wishes and my own and I have chosen the former and have today returned to Mr Waterhouse the final draft of the agreement approved in the above terms

I cannot but feel that it is most unfortunate that you should have allowed any direct communications with yourself in this matter for they must inevitably complicate matters and compromise my position towards you and of course leaving me at an entire disadvantage with the opposite parties in the negotiations if they have the feeling that they would go to you if they could not get what they wanted from me. I have so far as possible endeavoured to make them understand that I am satisfied from [you?]c my correspondence with you that you have not intended to ignore me in any wise nor that you would make any agreement over my head which I am afraid they have thought you would. However we may consider the thing settled now and I trust to the advantage of all concerned— But we have given an enormous concession there can be no doubt— As to the expediency or the necessity of giving it there may be two opinions but you are evidently satisfiedd and this is the most important consideration— If I have erred it is on the side of getting too much for youe for the for the Patents.—a fault easily pardoned—f Page 712

I shall hope in a day or two to have the final execution of the agreement the only alteration being in the dates of the notes which I have provided shall be due as follows £5000 on June 30th £5000 December 31st and that they shall be executed at the time of the signing of the agreement 4

Please advise me by return if you would like your share of these notes discounted or if I shall hold them for you until they become due— They could probably be easily negotiated at about the current rate Yours truly

G E Gouraud

LS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 56:584; TAED D8049ZDF). Written by Samuel Insull; on letterhead of George Gouraud;. a“London” and “18” preprinted. bInterlined above. cCanceled. d“but . . . satisfied” interlined above. e“for you” interlined above by Gouraud. f“a fault easily pardoned—” written by Gouraud.

1. It is not clear why Gouraud began numbering his letters concerning the London telephone company. He sent Edison numbers three through six on 20 April (one of which is Doc. 1933) and number seven two days later; no number two has been found. DF (TAEM 56:615, 619–20, 638; TAED D8049ZDR, D8049ZDS, D8049ZDT, D8049ZDX).

2. Edison cabled Gouraud on 24 March “Have you closed with Bouverie new basis” and also sent a similar question to Johnson. Gouraud answered promptly that he had done so but the next day wrote a letter explaining that the contract “is in the hands of the lawyers and is understood to be definitely settled as regards Mr Bouverie & myself upon a basis which I understand you to have approved and desired me to give assent to.” Edison in the meantime had cabled for confirmation to Johnson, who replied on 25 March: “Not closed still haggling Will cable when agony over.” TAE to Gouraud, 24 Mar. 1880; TAE to Johnson, both 24 Mar. 1880; Gouraud to TAE, 24 and 25 Mar. 1880; Johnson to TAE, 25 Mar. 1880; all DF (TAEM 56:547–48, 552, 549; TAED D8049ZCM, D8049ZCN, D8049ZCP, D8049ZCO, D8049ZCS, D8049ZCQ).

3. Gouraud quotes the complete texts of his 3 April cable and Edison’s reply the same day (DF [TAEM 56:578, 577; TAED D8049ZDB, D8049ZDC]). Johnson explained this issue to Edison in a letter on 5 April:

Bouverie stipulated for 5% [on?] the capital of the Co before any division was had with you— I consented= When Gouraud & Waterhouse came together it transpired that the Company held this 5% to be a sort of 1st mortgage on the earnings under any & all circumstances, that is to say If 7% was earned the 5% was 1st deducted & then the 2% was divided with you— Gouraud held—and I so understood it in the 1st place—that you simply guaranteed the Co 5%—thus if 7% was earned the Co got 5% & you got the remaining 2% . . . or in case 12% was earned each got 6%= But it seems such was not Bouveries intention—it was simply that the Co was to have 5% first & then a division was to be made—thus if the earnings were 12% the Co get 5 + 3½% or 8½% & you got 3½%. Page 713[Johnson to TAE, 5 Apr. 1880, DF ( TAEM 56:579; TAED D8049ZDE)]

Johnson recommended accepting Bouverie’s compromise in which the company would yield its interpretation of the 5% guarantee in exchange for Edison waiving his so-called good will rights because of uncertainty “whether your good will at the expiration of the Patent will be worth as much as the proper division of the Earnings meantime.” See also Doc. 1925 n. 3.

4. Gouraud cabled “Bouveries terms accepted” on 8 April. He sent the contract for Edison’s signature on 17 April and Johnson sent a copy with his own comments two days later, but no copy has been found. Gouraud to TAE, 8 Apr. and 21 May 1880; Johnson to TAE, 17 and 19 Apr. 1880; all DF (TAEM 55:697; 56:663, 603, 607; TAED D8046V, D8049ZEK, D8049ZDN, D8049ZDQ).

  • Draft to Joseph Medill

[Menlo Park, April 8, 1880?1]

Jos Medill, Esq2

I send you tests made by Prof B[arker] & R[owland]. other tests are being made best scientific men—3 Your correspondent named Hall of NY tribune4 is of that class of ability that he couldnt get a situation Came here & staid about 20 minutes and then writes his long tale of article, from inferences based on ignorance & misunderstandings=a It is true that January 1st we put up about 80 lamps the first made, to ascertain the life of the lamps They have all gone out their average life was 792 hours the shortest 26 hours the longest 13803 hours, a very satisfactory result for a 1st experiment I have never concealed this fact when a lamp buusted I let it remain where people could see it. My Laboratory is open & free to sneaks ignoramus detectives & as well asb gentlemen and I could have easily have made new lamps and replaced those destroyed and thus obtain praise whereas by anc honest exhibition experimentc I am lied about by every scribbler who comes along had I wished to deceive the public—5

The first howl was that subdivision was impossible— I subdivided it, now nothing is said about this impossibility The next howl is that although I can subdivide it it is not economical— 6 Now Barker & Rowland has shewn that I can obtain 13 gas jets lights each equal tod the best gas jets obtain 13c (1716) of ordinary gas jets) forper horse power in electricity & with all loses about 10 net— Barker using 20 cubic feet of gas in a gas engine obtained 8e gas jets for 1 hourf with 8 ofg my lights for one hourh whereas on burning the gas direct he only got 4 lights one hour7 After all these scientific tests are over they Page 714will probably acknowledge the cheapness over gas, but they will say that the lamps wont last or that I cannot make them for 25 cents cheaply.c In fact I am sorely puzzled to understand the motives of these attacks, [-----]i since I havent cheated any body but I am going to do all I said I would and more too.

please do not publish this as

ADf, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 53:720; TAED D8020ZDN1). a“& misunderstandings” interlined above. b“as well as” interlined above. cInterlined above. d“lights each equal to” interlined above; “each” interlined separately; “to” overwrites obscured text. eObscured overwritten text. ffor 1 hour” interlined above. g“8 of ” interlined above. h“for one hour” interlined above. iCanceled.

1. Stockton Griffin’s docket note indicates he sent this letter on 8 April 1880. It was published in the Chicago Tribune on 11 April (p. 5) in essentially the same form as Edison’s corrected draft.

2. Joseph Medill acquired an interest in the Chicago Tribune by 1855 and took full control of the paper in 1874. He was a lawyer by training but spent most of his working life in the newspaper business; he also helped found the Republican Party. ANB, s.v. “Medill, Joseph.”

3. See Doc. 1916 n. 3. The American Machinist also had unidentified engineers making preliminary tests of the efficiency of Edison’s system on 6 April, and they planned to return for more complete experiments (“Change in Edison’s Electric Lighting System,” American Machinist, 24 Apr. 1880, 8; Mott Journal N-80-03-14:50, Lab. [TAEM 33:709; TAED N053:26]). In response to its initial report, Edison sent the American Machinist a lengthy and highly critical letter based on drafts and calculations by himself and Charles Clarke. One point of contention was the amount of power required to turn the shafting and dynamo with no load, with Edison referring to an informal competition in April during which he and several assistants each succeeded in turning the machine by hand more than a thousand revolutions per minute. In addition he had Clarke calculate frictional losses in the belts and pulleys of the dynamometer (TAE to American Machinist, 20 Apr. 1880, Lbk. 5:847 [TAEM 80:246; TAED LB005847]; N-80-02-08.2:129, N-80-03-31:70–137, N-80-03-15:81–85, Mott Journal N-80-03-14:75, 82–83; all Lab. [TAEM 34:388, 904–38; 35:631–33; 33:722, 726; TAED N066:66, N072: 36–70, N082:42–44, N053:38, 42]). In its 1 May issue the journal indicated that the report was being revised by the engineers and would be published later. At that time it did describe generally the new fiber filaments and durability of the lamps. The following week, however, it stated that the report was complete “but upon consultation with the engineers making it, we have decided to withhold its publication until the complete test can be made, which we purpose making whenever lights enough are in operation to make the report authoritative. As Mr. Edison has substituted a fibre loop for the paper loop formerly used, materially affecting the essential points of resistance, power and durability, it is believed that publication of results at this time would be unfair both to the public and to the Edison lighting system.” There is no evidence either of subsequent tests for this purpose or that the report was ever published Page 715(“Change in Edison’s Electric Lighting System,” American Machinist, 8 May 1880, 8).

4. Henry Hall was a New York Tribune reporter who had written on electric lighting for that paper and the London Times, in the latter case to Edison’s apparent dissatisfaction. In November 1879 he had complained to Edison that “in the past it has been perfectly impossible for me to get any exact information about your light. You have never let me see it, and all my information has been at second hand.” Edison invited him later that month. Hall may have come for the purpose of this article on 20 March, when Mott reported that Edwin Fox visited with unidentified reporters from the New York Tribune and Sun. Hall’s dispatch to the Chicago Tribune was dated 1 April 1880 and published on 5 April (“Electric Light,” Chicago Tribune, 5 Apr. 1880, 7; an abbreviated and undated republication from an unidentified source is in Cat. 1241, item 1486, Batchelor [TAEM 94:594; TAED MBSB21486X]). Hall to TAE, 3 Nov. 1878, 6 Nov. 1879, DF (TAEM 17:221, 49:738; TAED D7805ZEF, D7906ZBJ); Mott Journal N-80-03-14:20, Lab. (TAEM 33:694; TAED N053:11).

5. Hall’s article (see note 4) declared that Edison was making no further progress and only continued experimenting to “kill time” or manipulate stock prices. It stated that Edison had originally made two hundred lamps, of which “only about eighty ever were able to burn any length of time, and these eighty have followed each other, one at a time, into the outer darkness of disaster, two only excepted. . . . One of these two surviving lamps has burned 1,700 hours, so Edison says. The average of the others was 600 or 700 hours, which would be equal to four months of ordinary usage.”

6. Edison may have had in mind the critique of Doc. 1927, which would have been available about a week before this.

7. Hall did discuss the test of Henry Rowland and George Barker, whom he described as “personal friends of Edison,” but concluded that it “goes for nothing after all. It is a laboratory experiment, with everything in favor of a favorable result,” particularly the report’s assumptions about dynamo efficiency. He also noted the authors reserved judgment about the durability and manufacturing cost of the lamps (see Doc. 1914 n. 3). Referring to construction of new generators at Menlo Park, the article anticipated that “If Edison can maintain 600 sixteen-candle lights with his eighty horse-power engine and twenty machines, he will undoubtedly make a certain success of his light. Barring breakages of lamps he will be able to sell his light as cheaply as gas. I predict, however, that he will not maintain more than 240 or 300 lights with this power, his achievement so far being between three and four lights per horse-power. We shall see in due time.”

  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

[Menlo Park,] April 9—1880—

Experiments begun today for the purpose of removing gums, resins, ect—from the various kinds of woods1

All foreign substances to be removed leaving nothing but the cellular structure of the wood—

Small pieces of the different kinds of wood 1 or 2 in. square and 1⁄16 in. thick are first weighed in air then placed in alcohol and allowed to remain until all matter soluble in alcohol has been removed=, they are then placed in ether until all matter soluble in ether has been removed, next are treated with aquaa ammonia,b hydrochloric acid, well washed in water, and subjected to the action of chlorine gas2

J. W. Lawson

X, NjWOE, Lab., N-79-03-10.2:109 (TAEM 31:1170; TAED N032:44). Written by John Lawson. aObscured overwritten text. b“aqua ammonia” interlined above.

1. On 6 April Charles Batchelor began drawing tools for cutting, trimming, and forming wood for lamps, each piece “to be 4 × .02 × .02 and bent into shape by steaming or heating process.” According to Charles Mott, whose journal provides an almost daily record of experiments related to wooden loops, his brother Samuel was on the same day “set at work on drawing of very thin wood (or vaneering) to be cut in narrow strips, bent in horse shoe or other shapes for carbonizing.” Batchelor sketched various alternative shapes on 7 April, when he and Edison prepared a list of 160 types of wood to try. Mott noted that the first samples were carbonized on 8 April but these did “not turn out entirely satisfactory being some-what misshapen.” On 25 April Edison executed a patent application for strips with broadened ends that were cut, shaved, or split off a block of wood and then bent into shape. He also filed an application on 24 May for “cutting or stamping from a veneer, a piece of wood with thickened or broadened ends” to be carbonized. This was rejected repeatedly and finally abandoned; only the drawings and claims are extant. N-80-03-29:27–44; Mott Journal N-80-03-14: 50–54, both Lab. (TAEM 33:427–36; 709–11; TAED N051:15–24, N053:26–28); U.S. Pat. 238,868; Patent Application Casebook E-2536:84, PS (TAEM 45:705; TAED PT020084).

On 8 April Batchelor sketched a “New loop for lamps.” Charles Dean began on 10 April to make an attachment for the lathe which would cut wood to the desired shape, eliminating the need to steam and bend it. He finished three days later and it was successfully tested in the laboratory (N-80-03-29:45; Mott Journal N-80-03-14:58, 63, 66, 70, 75; both Lab. [TAEM 33:436, 713, 715, 718, 720, 722; TAED N051:24; N053:30, 32, 34, 36, 38]). On 15 April Batchelor drew up thirteen specifications for a “New Machine for cutting closed wooden loops” that were probably embodied in the “Automatic machine for cutting wood loops” that was tested on 20 April (N-80-03-29:75, Mott Journal N-80-03-14:90, both Lab. [TAEM 33:451, 730; TAED N051:39, N053:46]); sketches and notes from around this time are probably related to that machine as well Page 717(N-80-03-29:45–117; Mott Journal N-80-03-14:86, both Lab. [TAEM 33:436–72, 728; TAED N051:24–60, N053:44]). Edison described this method of forming the loops in a patent application executed on 15 June: “a block of wood is taken and cut in a machine or lathe for turning irregular forms until its shape is that of an elongated oval. . . . The interior is then reamed out in a suitable machine, so that the block then resembles a series of carbon horseshoes with closed ends piled upon each other. The length of the oval is with the grain of the wood. The block is then split or sawed into very thin layers or slips, each forming ultimately one horseshoe carbon” (U.S. Pat. 248,417).

Charles Batchelor’s drawing of a machine for shaping wood filaments.

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By the first of May a hydraulic press operated by an electric motor was being used to press wood for related experiments. On 21 May Mott observed that Charles Dean was “jubilant over his success today in working the cam milling machine with complete success and getting out about 100 loops of box[wood] & Holly in excellent shape and in several cases sawing them so perfectly that the whole five loops were left joined at the thick ends.” In early June Dean began building a machine which he apparently intended to perform all the milling operations without requiring transfer of the work to another machine. His first prototype was not satisfactory and he continued to work on the design into July. Mott Journal N-80-03-14:119, 127, 130, 138, 142–43, 156, 163, 184, 212, 226, Lab. (TAEM 33:744, 748, 750, 754, 756, 763, 766, 776, 790, 797; TAED N053:61, 65, 67, 71, 73, 80, 83, 94, 108, 115); Doc. 1950.

Several dozen wood samples were carbonized and tried in lamps in April and May without notable success. Edison later attributed this both to the fact that wood fibers do not all grow parallel and consequently were often damaged while cutting the loops, and to the relatively large dimensions of the fibers resulting in “very porous and friable” carbon (N-80-03-06:99–129, Lab. [TAEM 33:1009–24; TAED N057:49–64]; Edison’s testimony, 5:3106–3107, Edison Electric Light Co. v. U.S. Electric Lighting Co., Lit. [TAEM 48:60; TAED QD012F:58]).

2. Following this entry Lawson listed nineteen wood samples (and their weights) placed in alcohol this day. He removed them on 13 April, Page 718noting the color of the alcohol extract in each instance, and placed them in ether. He soaked them successively in aqua ammonia and hydrochloric acid until 4 May, and on 12 May treated them with chlorine gas and washed them in water. Thirteen days later, he weighed the samples “After being well dried” and found substantial losses from their initial values. He weighed them again on 26 May after a day’s exposure to the atmosphere, finding in most cases a slight gain in mass; he repeated this the next day and found a gain or loss in only nine samples. Also on 27 May Lawson started over with samples of eighteen different woods; these experiments continued until 1 July. On 28 June he also tried drying bast fibers by similar methods. N-79-03-10.2:111–41, Lab. (TAEM 31:1171–81; TAED N032:45–55).

  • Notebook Entry: Mining

[Menlo Park,] April 13/80—

Experiments with auriferous pyrites—1a

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A glass jar was taken, in this was placed a porous cup, in the porous cup was placed the pyrites together with a litt small quantity of common salt; in the glass vessel and around the porousb cup was packed common salt; two carbon plates were taken one placed in the porous cup in contact with the pyrites the other in the glass vessel in contact with the salt; wires leading from both plates were connected together at the ends; water was then added to both vessels2 〈N. g. ttry 5〉c

2 Powdered marble, cokeb and pyrites mixed together and placed in water—a

3 Sodium carbonate, coke and pyrites in water—a

4 Calcium fluoride, coke and pyrites in water—a

5 Manganese dioxide, sodium chloride, coke and pyrites in water—a

6 Pot. cyanide, coke and pyrites in water—a

7 Caustic lime, coke and pyrites in water—a

8 Bleaching powder and pyrites in water—a 〈Surface attack [tines?]d of the pyrites〉e

J. W. Lawson

X, NjWOE, Lab., N-79-03-31:107 (TAEM 32:638; TAED N040:32). Written by John Lawson. aFollowed by dividing mark. bObscured overwritten text. cMarginalia written by Edison across the paragraph. dIllegible. eMarginalia written by Lawson and demarcated from text by line at left.

1. Page 719Mott noted in his journal that on this day “Lawson commenced a series of experiments with the view of obtaining gold and other metals from Pyrites tailings.” About a month earlier Lawson had begun subjecting forms of chalcopyrite, a copper-iron sulfide which sometimes bears gold, to a variety of chemical processes but did not report any results. Then on 25 March he “fused chalcopyrite with metallic lead, part of this lead entered into combination with the other two sulphides forming an easily fusible sulphide; a bar of this was cast and used as an anode to try whether copper could be removed from it by means of the electric current.” Again he did not indicate results and seems to have made no further experiments until those described in this document. Mott Journal N-80-03-14:66, N-79-03-31:101–105, both Lab. (TAEM 33:718, 32: 635–37; TAED N053:34, N040:29–31).

It is not known exactly what material Lawson had to work with at this time but Edison was receiving samples of mine tailings from throughout the West and instructed one correspondent to describe a container he had sent “as we are rec[e]i[vi]ng several daily & Everyone fails to mark box.” TAE marginalia on Baldwin, Sexton & Peterson to TAE, 1 Apr. 1880, DF (TAEM 54:638; TAED D8034ZAI).

2. This experiment marks a return to research on chlorination of ores (see Doc. 1844 n. 6). On 1 June Charles Mott noted in his diary that Edison explained to two mining men

how cheaply Chlorine water could be made and had a battery jar filled with salt and water. (I should judge about one pound of salt and two quarts of water) a paper partition was then placed in the jar and a carbon plate immersed in water one on each side of paper the electric current derived from the Dynamo line was then passed through by connecting to each carbon plate. In very few minutes the gas was quite preceptible to the smell and soon after, the water on one side of partition began to turn green. [Mott Journal N-80-03-14:204–205, Lab. (TAEM 33:786; TAED N053:104)]

This process was repeated on 9 and 10 June, and Otto Moses and Alfred Haid made further experiments with powdered gold and also silver ores the next week. Moses believed the process would be “economical especially in ores that do not contain too much metal other than gold, as in presence of other metals the chlorine would act first upon them and leave the gold till the last.” Additional gold was later found in one of the carbon electrodes. Mott Journal N-80-03-14:225, 232, 246–49, 252, Lab. (TAEM 33:796, 800, 807–808, 810; TAED N053:114, 118, 125–26, 128).

In mid-May Lawson tried a different approach, pouring finely powdered pyrites through a red-hot iron tube; the results are unknown. About that time he also attempted to purify mercury with auriferous pyrites in an electrochemical process but this proved unsuccessful. Mott Journal N-80-03-14:162, 160, 200; N-79-03-31:111, Lab. (TAEM 33: 765, 764, 784; 32:640; TAED N053:82, 81, 102; N040:34).

  • From John Michels

New York Apl 17a 1880.—

Dear Sir,

I am thinking of taking action about the establishment of a strong Scientific Journal, and intended to have made you a visit to renew my conversation with you on the subject, but having been confined to my room this week have not had the opportunity.—

I think you said that when you were further advanced you would cooperate with me, I notice you will shortly make another move forward, and I now suggest that something be done.—

There could not be a better time for literally the field is open, for with the exception of Patent office organs, and journal limited to particular to particular interests, there is nothing in the market, and English Journals are establishing good subscription lists here in consequence.—

I shall produce a good ten cent weekly intrinsically better than anything on either side, that shall in fact give each week a thorough record of Science, and be made popular by good editorials, discussions, and correspondence on current scientific topics, useful inventions, appliances, sanitary matters manufactures, in fact a thoroughly live paper.

When I see the wretched sheets with limited subjects and no editorial capacity, paying , I can have no doubt of the commercial result of what I propose, as it would be an advertising medium covering a very wide field.—1

The capital required is a small matter, and I would like it confined to yourself and another of those acting with you, as with your present interests at stake, it is really what you should have, and judiciously manage would save you and your friends many thousands, and if you prefer it could be managed so as to be unknown who is backing me.—2

I have recovered from my attack and shall be about on Monday, and will try and get down to your place, and can follow this matter up on my return with your suggestions, seeing those with whom you act as you direct.—

I intend to have the paper selling on every news stand in the U.S., but I shall have a strong backing from Scientists, and can depend on some of the best men to help me in special departments, and when I proposed at first starting the Journal, Prof. Burt Wilder of Cornell3 sent me long lists of subscriptions from several Universities.—

If you can kindly think the matter over so as be prepared to Page 721advise with me when I see you (probably on Monday) next, I shall be obliged Yours Truly

John Michels.—4

I like the form of the English Mechanic and many of its features, it has killed out a lot of rivals and is a success

ALS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 55:361; TAED D8041A). a“Apl 17” interlined above, possibly in another hand.

1. Michels intended to replicate the size and layout of the British scientific journal Nature. In early May, as he was arranging for publication of the first issue, he predicted that the journal would become “a power, and the leading Scientific Journal in this Country, and the only one which will be read abroad— A new face will be put on the reports of Scientific inquiry (not before it is wanted) and the ring of corrupt Scientific men and their pretended scientific Journals will feel the force of ‘ Science.’” This is the first extant reference by Michels to the journal’s title. Michels to TAE, 7 May 1880, DF (TAEM 55:374; TAED D8041F).

2. At Edison’s suggestion, Michels prepared a prospectus for potential investors by 27 April. Michels planned to capitalize the journal by sale of one hundred twenty shares at $100 apiece, with twenty going to each of five investors and the remainder to himself. He told Edison that he had enlisted Frederic Shonnard and a second prospective investor but wanted “three out of the five to be your firm friends” and also wished “to establish it as quietly as possible, and keep private who financially back it.” Edison agreed to take twenty shares and to try to interest New York investors. Michels later proposed increasing the initial capital to $25,000, half to be arranged by Edison and the remainder by Shonnard. At that time he also suggested that sales would be higher if the journal were “considered your organ.” Prospectus enclosed with Michels to Griffin, 30 Apr. 1880; Michels to TAE, 27 Apr. and 6 May 1880; Shonnard to TAE, 26 July 1879; all DF (TAEM 55:367, 364, 372; 50:91; TAED D8041C, D8041B, D8041E, D7919ZBN); Stockton Griffin to Michels, 29 Apr. 1880, Lbk. 5:867 (TAEM 80:257; TAED LB005867).

3. Burt Wilder was a noted comparative anatomist. He had been a professor of zoology at Cornell and since 1874 had taught physiology at the University of Maine medical school. NCAB 4:481.

4. John Michels was a journalist and former editorial writer for the New York Times who also contributed to Popular Science Monthly and other journals. About this time he was editor of the Industrial News, a publication of the Inventors’ Institute in New York. Michels prospectus, April 1880; Michels to TAE, 16 Oct. 1879; both DF (TAEM 55:368, 49:734; TAED D8041C, D7906ZBH).

  • From George Gouraud

London April 220ndth 1880a

No 5

My Dear Edison,

Having regard to the probable early future of the telephone question here1 and the certain large premium at which the Consolidated Interests will be saleable in the market and consequently the relative value of our reversion interest2 in the same and also having regard to the fact that there are several parties interested with you in the matter besides Johnson and myself all of which involves more or less intricate booking keeping, it has occurred to me that it would be very desirable to have these interests in such a form as to enable them to be represented by some form of negotiable certificate so that not only could we put an end to all existing agreements with respect to these different interests and close up the accounts in our respective books but either of the parties interested wishing to either increase by purchase or decrease by sale his interest at any time could the more easily and inexpensively do so. I have accordingly taken advice as to how this could be done and the means are found to be very simple and are contained in the Deed of Trust which I send you herewith and which I hope will meet with your approval. The Trustees certificates under this deed would in the event of the Telephone Companies share being at a premium be as readily negotiable as the sharesb themselves. 3

I have proposed Mr A. G. Renshaw as the Trustee he having been our solicitor in all these negotiations and being conversant with all the circumstances of the case besides being a lawyer of high professional and social position.

The expense of the Trust would be merely nominal in fact the Trustees compensation can be arranged on the basis of a fee for transfer In fact if this were done already I could at this moment sell a portion of your or my interest or that of anybody else concerned at a price which shows the absurdity of suggesting that you should be content with merely £10,000 in the shares of the Amalgamated Coy. I could at this moment dispose of a portion of your interest upon the ac basis representing the value of the whole as equal to £50,000.

The only alternative to your taking shares in the New Coy would be the simple necessity of keeping the present company alive for the purpose of working out its agreement with you in which case the only asset of the present Coy would be the shares of the Amalgamatedb Company a course for which there Page 723are thousands of precedents and one which would involve no complications whatever and very insignificant expense

Here in this country in the face of our vigorous competition and threatened litigation and the open admission at least on their part that what they use is not a Bell telephone and with all the evidence we have that their Transmitter they use is an Edison Telephone their shares are selling at present at between £400 & £600 per cent Taking the average of this at £500 and if the shares of the Amalgamated Company are worth no more which is scarcely possible (they should be worth double and possibly will) but taken at £500 a share the £115,000 shares in the Treasury of the Edison Company would be worth £575,000. Now at that same premium the Edison Company would have only to sell £15,000 to recoup all the advance royalties paid to you plus a like sum plus 5% interest on both (say £75,000)4 and then after selling another £17 400 to recoup them the amount of what their capital will probably viz £87 000. They would then have £82,600 shares which at the above price would realize £413,000 to divide equally between the shareholders and yourself5

Now in the light of these facts it would be simply dishonest to ask you much less to persuade you to take £10,000 in sharesd when there can be no other reason for it than a desire to prevent your making anything further if possible

I think you are not likely to hear anything further of that suggestion as when I placed it before those who originated it in its true light I observed that it was quietly dropped 6

Why! I would not think of taking twice £10,000 for my interest alone at this moment with all the uncertainties of the future!

When you have executed the proposed the proposed Trust and the various parties have to represent their interests the proposed certificates then of course any request that you should capitalize your reversion you could easily meet so far as you are concerned by dealing with your own portion as you might please leaving the others interested to do likewise

You will observe in the Deed that I have provided for the remote, so far as I can see the almost impossible, contingency ever arising of having to be referred to the parties interested as in the present state of affairs the only thing the Trustees would have to do would be to receive and pay dividends— In the event of anything arising you and I would always control the action of the trustee by our larger interests 7 Yours truly

G E Gouraud

Page 724This arrangement would also be of great importance in event of the death of any of the parties interested—e

LS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 56:623, 625, 624, 626; TAED D8049ZDU). Written by Samuel Insull; letterhead of George Gouraud. a“London” and “18” preprinted. bObscured overwritten text. cInterlined above. d“in shares” interlined above. ePostscript written by Gouraud.

1. Gouraud outlined the terms of the presumptive merger in a separate letter the same day (“No 4”). Gouraud to TAE, 20 Apr. 1880, DF (TAEM 56:620; TAED D8049ZDT).

2. That is, property to be returned to the grantor after a specified period; in this case Edison’s share of the company’s goodwill. Black 1879, s.v. “reversionary interest.”

3. The undated draft agreement designating Alfred Renshaw as trustee is in DF (TAEM 56:858; TAED D8049ZIP); it was superceded by an amended version (see Docs. 1945 n. 3 and 1954 n. 3). On 5 May Edison replied, “Like your trust scheme but must satisfy Johnson,” to whom he cabled a few minutes later, “Gourauds trust idea good investigate with lawyer. whats objections” (TAE to Gouraud, 5 May 1880; TAE to Johnson, 5 May 1880; both DF [TAEM 56:658, 657; TAED D8049ZEG, D8049ZEF]).

4. That is, selling shares worth £15,000 at par to net £75,000.

5. The value of the company’s “goodwill”; see Doc. 1925 n. 2.

6. In his letter “No 3” written the same day, Gouraud reported that the company directors had asked him

to take in the paid up capital of a proposed amalgamated company of the Bell & Edison interests share to the amount of £10,000 in full liquidation of your reversion—that is that you should have nothing more out of it no matter what the Company made. . . . I resolutely objected as there was no reason given for the request other than that it would make easier the amalgamation with the Bell Company and no one could give a single substantial reason for this assumption as the basis of the proposed amalgamation is of such a character as it cannot be the slightest concern to the Bell people what the Edison Company gives you or whether you hold your reversion under the several agreements or cancel it by the acceptance of shares. As they must have known that the position that they assumed was utterly untenable, and they quickly abandoned it. [Gouraud to TAE, 20 Apr. 1880, DF (TAEM 56:615; TAED D8049ZDR)]

Nevertheless Edward Bouverie urged Edison on 21 April to accept the offer, stating that he was advised that the chance of the company accruing goodwill in excess of royalties already paid was “remote & not worth regarding as a matter of pecuniary value to be estimated” (Bouverie to TAE, 21 Apr. 1880, DF [ TAEM 56:627; TAED D8049ZDV]).

Johnson had written Edison on 19 April that he “had reason to believe that he [Gouraud] considers the amount proffered a liberal one—but with him there is a much more important Consideration viz= His voting & representative power for you= You will see that in case you sell outright your reversionary interests you have no longer any use for a representative Page 725director.” He suggested that the reversionary question could be addressed independently of amalgamation in a supplemental agreement, without consulting Gouraud (Johnson to TAE, 19 Apr. 1880, DF [ TAEM 56:607; TAED D8049ZDQ]). Three days later he put the proposal in this light:

Bell Co’s stock is at a high premium but whether it will be when a large amount of the new Co’s stock is thrown upon the market or not is another thing— In any event the question for you is—Are you likely to get 10 000£ from your def[erre]d interests after the Co has repocketed the 35 000£ already paid you & a 5% on their capital additional— Then dividing the remainder by 2= Will half of it Equal 10,000£ shares in the new Co immediately in hand—& saleable if you so elect—suppose we say at the present premium— about 500%? Rose colors eh? [Johnson to TAE, 22 Apr. 1880, DF (TAEM 56:634; TAED D8049ZDW)]

On 7 May, several days after he would have received these various letters, Edison informed Bouverie that he did not wish to “be an obstructionist but I cannot in view of my knowledge of the commercial aspects of the telephone in this country the enormous profits now being made and the great future here, accept the £10,000 cash or shares. I much prefer to wait and I will be glad to take my chances” (TAE to Bouverie, 7 May 1880, Lbk. 6:2 [TAEM 80:283; TAED LB006002]). Bouverie subsequently asked him to reconsider (see Doc. 1954).

7. The first article of the proposed trust (see note 2) provided that any modification of Edison’s agreements with the telephone company should be approved by at least a two thirds majority of the certificate holders voting in proportion to the size of their interest.

  • From Edward Johnson

London Apl 27d 1880a

My Dr Edison

It has been found that Gouraud has the power to out vote the company in matters relating to amalgamation that is to say in ordinary matters a mere majority is sufficient—this the company have—but in a matter of this importance it seems a vote of ⅗ is requisite— this was evidently slipped into the contract by Gouraud without the company seeing its bearing—at all events they have only just run afoul of it= Its operation is to give your vote the power to stop further progress—and you may be sure Gouraud is availing himself of it= There is therefore but one thing to do viz: Make a direct appeal to you to nominate a new Director1 This is to be done formally by a vote of the Board today and White is to go out to see you in person in regard to it= Meantime we are at a stand still= The contract which has just gone out to you will not now be signed by the Company as it simply pays over to you a large sum of Page 726money without in the least leaving them at Liberty to work out their own salvation= Thus you see a still further confirmation of my charge that Gourauds grasping policy operatesb to prevent the consummation of what is today possible untillb tomorrow finds it impossible It will be the same thing with this matter of amalgamation unless you take the Bull by the Horns & displace Gouraud— The Bell Co. are already growing restless under the delay and it is an open question whether they will consent to allow the Proffered terms to stand after May 1st—the Day fixed forb [a?]c final action on our part.

It is all very well to say—let amalgamation go—and go on independently—but what chance of success has a concern under such circumstances—2 All the Zeal has been taken out ofb our people by a long array of unexpected obstacles— we might go on and even succeed fairly well—but what prospect would you have of ever realizing anything from such a weak concern— It is not good policy to go against the line of action the shareholders mark out as the surest & speediest way for them to earn a profit on their investment—since by so doing they earn a profit for you also—

If Gouraud succeeds in holding things in check until the present board are frozen out I would not give you 10 000£ for the whole of your interest

The company will ask you to nominate me as your representative on the Board— You must not think I want this for any other purpose than to consummate the present negotiations— Immediately they are happily closed I shall resign the position and return to America There is no longer any room for action here—it is all stagnation—& when the new company is formed you will not have sufficient direct interest in it to care whether I remain or not— It is therefore only a question of terminating the present Lock—& putting 25,000£ in our Pockets—yourself Gouraud & I=

You will be made fully aware of the terms & conditions of the proposed amalgamation as well as of the financial & other difficulties of our company by White who has been, next to Bouverie the most valuable instrument in promoting the success of your interests here— You should in some manner reward him— He is like myself working for a living—and a thousand pounds—say of the united companies stock would be a liberal compensation— Gouraud has promised him a sum Equal to this—but as he only gave a verbal promise & is now at Loggerheads with him you can readily see the chance of its fulfillment are as slender as a thread of thought in a weak mind. Page 727Holmes3 is over here looking up anti-page Patent evidence— Muirhead4 has been to see me—he speaks very disparagingly of your Light—but cornering him after my usual fashion by boiling his generalities down to particularities I could only get out of him that your Glass was very common—but that he had suggested annealing—to you!!!!—and secondly—that you were very wrong in not accrediting people on this side with having done anything= to which I retorted that all the evidence adduced by your bitter enemies of the English scientific Press—showed thereb had been nothing done in your direction deserving of more than passing mention= One more thing— He says you are too absurd in your criticisms on mathematics & mathematicians— He tells with a sort of withering smile howb you button holed him on the subject— In short my Boy you are not Loved over here by these fellows— you have committed the grave error of having succeeded Truly Yours

E. H. Johnson

ALS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 56:643; TAED D8049ZEB). Letterhead of Edison Telephone Co. of London. a“London” and “18” preprinted. bObscured overwritten text. cCanceled.

1. In a letter on 22 April, Johnson suggested that the company had made Edison a “liberal offer” to settle the reversionary interest “more to get rid of Gouraud than to become possessors of a handle for closing up the concern— They want no more to do with him.” Johnson to TAE, 22 Apr. 1880, DF (TAEM 56:634; TAED D8049ZDW).

2. Johnson reported eight days earlier that because the company was in a “bad fix” for money the board had ordered him “to Reduce expenses to a minimum—not to undertake anything not already contracted for— and to reduce my line force to just sufficient to execute orders in hand= This I hold to be a Death Blow.” Johnson to TAE, 19 Apr. 1880, DF (TAEM 56:607; TAED D8049ZDQ).

3. Probably Edwin Holmes, president of the Holmes Burglar Alarm Telegraph Co., defendant in a suit Western Union brought for infringement of the Page patent. Post 1976, 177–81; “The Page Patent,” New York Times, 13 Mar. 1880, 2.

4. While in New York in January 1880, Muirhead had visited Edison on at least one, and probably two, occasions. He may have witnessed Edison’s light at that time. Muirhead to TAE, 2 and 19 Jan. 1880, DF ( TAEM 53:27, 50; TAED D8004B, D8004Z).

  • To John Puleston 1

[Menlo Park,] Apl 28 [1880]

Dear Sir

Referring to your telegram of the 26th, you labor under a mistake if you think I have promised a settlement. 2 I have already stated to you that I had never rec’d a cent from the arrangement but was out of pocket both for expenses and for my time spent in perfecting the system and going to England. What I stated was that I did not like to see your people lose money by any of my inventions and that I would try and help you to get your money back, that among my many enterprises I could undoubtedly put you in the way of so doing.3 Your people over there have entered into some arrangement with Mr Reiff and Reiff has paid some money to keep the patents up lately4 and I have signed a letter of some kind to the solicitor of Mr John Pender at his request.5 I shall do all in my power to aid your people to get their money returned but I shall not pay that which I do not morally or legally owe, and that from a speculat[io]na from which I have suffered as much as yourselves. I will see Mr Reiff in regard to the nature of the understanding between him and Mr Pender and see what can be done.6 Very truly

T. A. Edison G[riffin]

L (letterpress copy), NjWOE, Lbk. 5:864 (TAEM 80:255; TAED LB005864). Written by Stockton Griffin. aIllegible copy.

1. John Puleston (later knighted) had been a newspaper publisher and banker in the United States before becoming a partner in a London banking house. In addition to that capacity he was at this time also a Member of Parliament. ACAB (supp.), s.v. “Puleston, Sir John Henry.”

2. Puleston had telegraphed from New York: “While here few days next week will hope to see you and be able to get a settlement Please communicate with me” (Puleston to TAE, 26 Apr. 1880, DF [TAEM 55:547; TAED D8042ZAL]). He was referring to £10,000 advanced to Edison in 1873 for automatic telegraph experiments under the Smith, Fleming & Co. contract (Doc. 350) in which he had in the meantime acquired an unspecified interest (see TAEB 2:105 n. 4). Regarding negotiations to settle the dispute, see Doc. 1859.

3. Puleston had discussed the advance money with Edison during a visit to Menlo Park in November 1879 (George Ward to TAE, 17 and 22 Nov. 1879, DF [TAEM 51:928, 932; TAED D7936ZBC, D7936ZBF]). In late January he cabled from London that he had reported their conversation to the other principals who

were gratified to hear that you were ready to turn over to us such interests as you had to a sufficient extent to reimburse us the amount owing to us by you. We have noticed since I saw you, the great rise in the value of your interests in the Electric Light and we feel with this, your Telephone receipts, and the interest you speak of in the Page 729 quadruplex etc, you may now be able without difficulty to pay us fully— I mentioned that you received me frankly and expressed my belief you would make the necessary arrangement— [Puleston to TAE, 24 Jan. 1880, DF (TAEM 55:508; TAED D8042I)]

Edison did not reply to this or two subsequent cables from Puleston but on 27 February he signed a letter ratifying the agreement (Puleston to TAE, 3 and 4 Feb. 1880; Reiff to TAE, 27 Feb. 1880; TAE, Reiff, and George Harrington to Pender, 27 Feb. 1880; all DF [TAEM 55:513–14, 518, 565; TAED D8042K, D8042L, D8042R, D8042ZBB]).

On 11 March Puleston cabled to Edison protesting that “Reiffs proposed arrangement came to nothing, [George] Prescott declining. you frankly acknowledged your readiness to repay and I communicated that fact. You will hardly attempt to fall back on an impossible proposal of Reiff the money was obtained from us and is owing under circumstances which should cause no hesitation whatever on your part to carry out your pledge to me.” Having seen this message as it came through New York, Reiff immediately wrote to Edison that he considered the December agreement final and did “not propose that by any meddleing or statement of Puleston that you shall be made to appear as having consented to return them the money; that suggestion I treated as ridiculous.” Puleston to TAE, 11 Mar. 1880; Reiff to TAE, 11 Mar. 1880; both DF ( TAEM 55:525, 522; TAED D8042V1, D8042U); see Doc. 1859 n. 9.

4. Josiah Reiff paid the seven-year annuity on Edison’s British patent 735 (1873) in February and may have done the same for 1508 (1873) in March or April. Rixon to TAE, 18 and 26 Feb. 1880; Reiff to TAE, both 26 Feb. 1880; Lemuel Serrell to TAE, 22 Mar. 1880; all DF (TAEM 55: 515–17, 70; TAED D8042M, D8042N, D8042P, D8042Q, D8036ZBI).

5. The letter to which Edison referred was probably the one jointly from himself, Reiff, and Harrington to Pender and his associates. Reiff drafted it at the request of Pender’s attorney, A. W. Rixon, to confirm the December 1879 understanding (see Doc. 1859). TAE, Reiff, and Harrington to Pender, 27 Feb. 1880; Reiff to TAE, 27 Feb. 1880, DF (TAEM; 55:565, 518; TAED D8042ZBB, D8042R).

6. Puleston answered this letter from Ottawa, Canada. He protested that “I labor under no mistake whatever—and you have not until now suggested that I was mistaken as to the result of our interview last year,” his recollection of which he claimed to have corroborated by a witness. He stated that he was acting on Pender’s authority and asked Edison to see him upon his return to New York in a few days. Edison marked this letter “no answer” and below Stockton Griffin’s notation that “Mr Puleston sailed for England May 12th 80,” he wrote “are you sure.” The matter evidently lay dormant for two years until Puleston asked Edward Johnson to intercede on his behalf. Puleston to TAE, 2 May 1880; Puleston to Johnson, 17 May 1882; both DF (55:551, 60:141; TAED D8042ZAP, D8204ZBK).

  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

[Menlo Park, c. May 8, 18801]

Questions to ask Mr. Porter.2 How do you intend to provide for the lateral motion of ⅛”? What are you going to make the dimensions of shaft and why? Weight of armature to be considered and also the tremendous strain due to the attraction of a field when the mass of the armature happens to be out of line, amounting to many pounds.

Sudden strain resulting from short-circuiting, very great. Whata will be the weight of your engine and bed with sole plate complete? What do you think of the direct supporting of the heavy weights by pillars as compared with trussing.

How about the arrangements for distributing steam, for settling the water and for returning it to the boiler?

How about head and tail arrangement of dynamo and engine and which end is to be turned toward the passage way.

Straight side for commutator pillow block.

Use two pillow blocks only.

Do you not only make your shafting strong enough for torsion but also much larger to render it perfectly stiff? How about placing the dynamos above the boilers on account of heat?

How about the armature on a ferrule which is keyed to the shaft?

How about trapping the steam and does the steam in jacket3 flow through or is it condensed there and returned to boiler?

Do you prefer to use the Babbit metal in bearings and for what reason?

What would be the effect if dynamo is running free at full speed and current is instantly put on?

The entire pillow block on commutator side must be capable of removal.

Mistake in book on page 117.4

X, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-03-31:181 (TAEM 34:961; TAED N072:93). Written by Charles Clarke. aObscured overwritten text.

1. This entry immediately follows several pages, dated 8 May, of Charles Clarke’s notes and calculations of weight and costs of a large dynamo for “The Central Station Plant.” N-80-03-31:170–80, Lab. (TAEM 34:956–61; TAED N072:88–93).

2. A lawyer by trade, Charles T. Porter introduced the first successful high-speed stationary steam engine in 1862. It employed Porter’s own design of a centrifugal governor that was unusually sensitive because the weight needed to move the valve mechanism was concentrated in a mass separate from the rotating balls. The governor controlled engine speed by acting upon a variable cutoff valve gear mechanism devised by John Allen rather than upon the throttle, which greatly improved fuel economy. The engine also incorporated a high-speed indicator by Charles Page 731Richards. The Porter-Allen had a much shorter piston stroke than other engines, making possible both its compact and relatively lightweight construction, and superior thermodynamic efficiency. Its high operating speed (several times that of contemporaries) and exceptionally smooth operation under widely varying loads suited it to operating machinery directly rather than through expensive belt or gear systems, and Porter-Allen engines were employed in mills of all types. Hunter 1985, 450–72; Hills 1989, 193–203; Bowditch 1989, 84; on the conceptual development of the engine see Mayr 1975.

Charles Clarke had been in Newark on 20 and 21 April “collecting data on steam and engines and examining into the merrits of quick motion engines.” Porter came to Menlo Park on 22 April and “by demonstrations of his thorough knowledge of the subject, still further confirmed Mr. Edison’s belief in high speeds.” Four days later Clarke returned with Edison to Newark, where he took indicator diagrams from a Porter engine. Porter was back in Menlo Park on 30 April, when Charles Mott indicated that Edison had ordered one of the engines. This may have been for the small dynamo which, according to Mott, John Ott began designing that day as a field exciter “in cases where but few generators are necessary, such as for Steamers, factories, &c.” In a 6 May notebook entry Edison wrote that “Porter can make us a pair of small Engines to work two magnetos. Each self contained. The current from one being used to Energize all the field mags of a central station. the other is for a spare; We have a lever connected with the Governor so that any required speed may be obtained of the Engine hence we can regulate the Electromotive force of the main circuit by varying the speed of the Engine.” It was probably about this time that laboratory assistant Albert Herrick sketched and wrote out the specifications of a small Porter-Allen high speed engine rated at 69⁄33 horsepower. Clarke memorandum, 21 Apr. 1880, DF (TAEM 53:736; TAED D8020ZEF); Mott Journal N-80-03-14:95, 99, 107, 122, 121; Unbound Notes and Drawings [1880]; N-79-06-12:122; N-79-08-28:137–41; all Lab. (TAEM 33:732, 734, 738, 745; 44:999–1002; 35:542, 1124–26; TAED N053:48, 50, 55, 63, 62; NS80AAI; N080:59; N088:70–72).

Edison apparently never acquired one of Porter’s small engines and instead abruptly began planning a much larger dynamo. There is no direct evidence regarding this change. On 5 May Clarke completed his measurements of heat in the dynamo journals. However, he ran more trials on 6 May and reported less favorable results showing 2% of mechanical energy lost as friction in the bearings (Mott Journal N–80-03-14:126, 130, 137–38, 141; N-80-03-31:145–69; both Lab. [TAEM 33:748, 750, 753–55; 34:942–55; TAED N053:65, 67, 70–72; N072:74–87]). Edison’s response was not recorded but the next day Clarke started working out the arrangement of a steam engine with respect to a much larger dynamo and Francis Upton began making the related calculations in Doc. 1937. In the notes he began on 8 May for “ The Central Station Plant” (see note 1) Clarke computed the area and mass of the magnets and began calculating dynamic loads and articulating some of the design concerns expressed in this document. Similar notes regarding the central station follow this document in the notebook (Mott Journal N-80-03-14:147; N-80-03-31:184–95; both Lab. [TAEM 33:758; 34:963–68; TAED N053:75; N072:95–100]). There is no extant correspondence Page 732with Porter from this month but on 11 May Edison drafted a letter to Babcock & Wilcox asking if his boiler could safely carry 120 pounds of steam pressure. Mott reported on 13 May that “Clarke finished details and diagrams for the large 120 horse power dynamo,” which would weigh well over seven tons. Four days later Clarke took the plans and diagrams to the Philadelphia foundry which constructed Porter’s engines (TAE to Babcock & Wilcox, 11 May 1880, N-80-03-29:161; Mott Journal N-80-03-14:165, 173; both Lab. [TAEM 33:492, 766, 770; TAED N051:80; N053:84, 88]).

3. It was common engineering practice at this time to reduce condensation in the cylinder by filling an enclosure or “steam jacket” around the cylinder and steam passages with boiler steam. Hunter 1985, 2:673–74.

4. This is part of Clarke’s analysis of the dynamo efficiency test by the American Machinist (see Doc. 1929 n. 3). In a paragraph that he crossed out Clarke discussed steam engine indicator cards which appeared to “show that the steam does not follow the theoretical law of expansion but is very far from it.” N-80-03-31:117, Lab. (TAEM 34:928; TAED N072:60).

  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

[Menlo Park, c. May 10, 18801]

Recapitulation 10 × 10 armature

surface 470 sq. in. p. 152 When taking 75 lamps from this surface about 85 ohms each 8 per H. P. in current 2

81.3 ft. lbs given off from each sq. in of armature3 a

20 × 30 inches armature

surface 2488 sq. in Wound with 8 deep of .048 in. wires Resistance .00555 Ohms4

120 H. P in current gives 84.8 ft. lbs per sq. inch of surface

That is aif a machine can be built which shall give the E.M.F required.


X, NjWOE, Lab., N-79-07-07.1:177 (TAEM 32:334; TAED N037:86). Written by Francis Upton. aFollowed by dividing mark.

1. Francis Upton’s notes and calculations on this subject dated 8 May immediately precede this document in the notebook. N-79-07-07.1: 148–76, Lab. (TAEM 32:320–34; TAED N037:72–86).

2. The notes preceding this “Recapitulation” are the first evidence since Doc. 1889 of consideration of a longer armature, and are also Upton’s first effort to extrapolate the design characteristics of the larger armature with proportionally more wire. He prefaced them with an attempt to find an algebraic expression of a generator’s resistance and voltage as functions of its armature dimensions and number of coils. He then calculated (on p. 152) the surface area of the “Present Armature,” ten inches in both diameter and length, which produced 110 volts. (Two arithmetic errors led to his determination of 470 square inches, rather than the correct figure of 471.) Under the heading “Heat on machine,” Page 733he specified that the armature could operate 75 lamps, each having resistance of 85 ohms, “for two hours.” In addition to the two armature sizes discussed in this document, Upton also considered one 20 × 20 inches and another 20 X 60 inches long. N-79-07-07.1:148–55, 173, 157, 161, Lab. ( TAEM 32:320–23, 332, 324, 326; TAED N037:72–75, 84, 76, 78).

Upton continued to make notes and calculations through late May regarding the surface area, winding, and electrical features of armatures. The exact purpose of these notes is unclear (N-79-07-07.1:178–235, Lab. [TAEM 32:335–62; TAED N037:87–114]). On 31 May Upton was “conducting a series of experiments to determine some of the laws governing the construction of electric generators, and to study the economical proportioning of the same, and for determining the best method of winding armature of 120 Horse power Dynamo, which has been determined to be constructed with 47 commutators.” About this time he began to formulate “Laws of winding Dynamo Machines” for which he set out a number of algebraic relationships among voltage and current and two or more design variables such as wire thickness, armature dimensions and speed, and number of commutators (Mott Journal N-80-03-14:202, N-79-07-07.1:238–47, both Lab. [TAEM 33:785, 32:363–67; TAED N053:103, N037:115–19]).

3. This is the power that Upton determined was wasted by internal resistance, or “given off” as heat. He computed this by comparing the known ratio of the resistance of the lamps in multiple arc (1.133 ohms) to that of the armature (.14 ohms), with the unknown ratio of horsepower active in the lamps (9.37) to that lost in the armature. The armature consumed 1.15 horsepower, or 38,200 foot-pounds throughout its area of 470 square inches. Upton also noted that the same machine operating 60 lamps would lose 52 foot-pounds per inch in the armature. N-79-07-07.1:148–75, Lab. (TAEM 32:320–333; TAED N037:72–75).

4. The area given is not that of the armature cylinder. It is not apparent how Upton obtained this figure, although he seems to have included the wires leading to the commutators. It is likewise unclear how he calculated the resistance of this 120 horsepower machine. In one example he did so based on the length of wire on the armature, and in another based on the weight of the copper wire which could be wound in the available space. N-79-07-07.1:163, 172–73, 160–61, 188, Lab. (TAEM 32:327, 332, 326, 340; TAED N037:79, 84, 78, 92).

  • To Frank McLaughlin

Menlo Park N.J. May 17, 1880

Dear Sir,

Your reports and telegrams were duly rec’d.1 The black sand process is now perfected. I would like to commence on black sand which is as pure as can be had. What about the boats?2 We are working at a process that we think will do away with the mill entirely and this is the reason why the plans are not sent to you. We propose after taking black sand out to take the gold out of the silica in the same way.3 If it can be made to Page 734work it will be enormous. Keep a lookout for black sand— make enquiries of miners regarding deposits of the same and make a record of them. I should like some lava black sand and more of the boat sand. Have Powers4 save all the black sand in cleaning up so we can work it. There was very little gold in the tailings you sent from Bryan Tyson.5 After you left, Tyson sent us a bag of pyrites which he panned out from his sluices in the clean up. I panned some on the glass but could see no gold— but the Dr in testing found an enormous quantity of gold, we thought it must be in the pyrites. We picked some pyrites out & found no gold— This puzzled us greatly but I soon found out that the gold was covered with the thickest coat of rust that I have ever yet seen.6 It required 5 days to eat off the rust without dissolving the gold but I suppose there is not much of this. The Spring Valley tailings you sent were quite poor, evidently the gold is down deeper—still what you sent could be concentrated by sifting up to $5 per ton. At present our blk sand process is absolutely perfect Now if you can furnish us a deposit of blk sand we are ready for business.7 What about that party that promised to send you a large boulder of pyrites a piece of which you brought here?

Also how about that place in a tunnel where you said it was 200 feet of black sand?

The North Bloomfield8 sent me some black sand which contained $5.50 to the cubic yard. There was more gold in the Spg Valley tailings than in the lower flume which you sent me. Very truly

T. A. Edison per S. L. Griffin

L (letterpress copy), NjWOE, Lbk. 6:24 (TAEM 80:287; TAED LB006024). Written by Stockton Griffin; circled “C” written at top of page.

1. Frank McLaughlin telegraphed Edison from Reno, Nev., on 12 April while returning to California from New York, and again several times from Oroville. On 17 May he wired: “Did tailing shipped by Cummings ever arrive Have you sent me plans etc of mill Answer.” McLaughlin’s letters from that period have not been found. George Carman was dispatched from the laboratory as McLaughlin’s assistant on this trip. McLaughlin to TAE, 12, 16, and 27 Apr., 17 May 1880, DF (TAEM 54:482, 484–85, 488; TAED D8033ZAE, D8033ZAG, D8033ZAH, D8033ZAK); TAE to Robert Cutting, Jr., 26 Mar. 1880, Lbk. 5:787 ( TAEM 80:229; TAED LB005787).

2. This reference is unclear but see Doc. 1941 esp. n. 3.

3. A month earlier Edison replied to a correspondent from Georgia that “I do not work quartz ores but simply the auriferous sand or tailings from hydraulic mines.” Some placer mines produced gold-bearing Page 735quartz in great quantities but this material required a stamping mill to pulverize it (TAE to W. A. Ramsey, 15 Apr. 1880, DF [TAEM 54:679; TAED D8034ZBG]). Around this time Edison was also experimenting with arrangements in which a blast of air was used in conjunction with electromagnets to segregate the material (see also Doc. 1921 n. 1). He sketched such a device on 20 April; experiments continued sporadically through late July (Cat. 1146; N-79-06-12:67; N-80-07-02:29–31; Mott Journal N-80-03-14:90, 99, 135; Mott Journal N-80-07-10:22, 42–43, all Lab. [TAEM 6:671; 35:516; 36:611–12; 33:730, 734, 752; 37:313, 323; TAED NM014:49; N080:33; N108:9–10; N053:46, 50, 69; N117:11, 21]). The 17 July issue of Scientific American described and illustrated this approach, which resembled the 20 April drawing:

The auriferous sands are placed in the hopper and allowed to fall between the poles of a powerful electro-magnet, and a blast of air is directed at right angles against the falling stream of sand just as the latter passes between the poles of the magnet. The non metallic substances are readily blown away, while the metallic portions are retarded by diamagnetism, so that the blast of air has less effect on them than it has on the non-metallic substances. The consequence of this operation is that the sands are divided into two heaps, one containing a large percentage of metal, the other containing a very small percentage, or none at all. [“New Ore Separator,” Sci. Am. 43 (1880): 3]

Scientific American illustration of Edison’s ore separator in which a jet of air was directed against the material falling between the poles of the electromagnet.

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4. Oliver Powers.

5. Bryan Tyson operated what was apparently a modest hydraulic claim on the American River at Gold Run, Calif. McLaughlin sent the sample to Edison on or about 16 April. Alfred Haid conducted the assay and reported that the ores “contain too little gold to work them.” Tyson to TAE, 26 Apr. 1880; McLaughlin to TAE, 16 Apr. 1880; both DF (TAEM 54:693, 484; TAED D8034ZBO, D8033ZAG); N-80-04-17:11, Lab. (TAEM 33:276; TAED N050:5).

6. Haid reported that the pyrites in this sample from Tyson “are not auriferous, but there is some covered gold among them, besides a great deal of amalgams.” Edison noted on Tyson’s letter: “we could work the sulphurets you sent they were very rich.” N-80-04-17:11, Lab. (TAEM 33:276; TAED N050:5); TAE marginalia on Tyson to TAE, 26 Apr. 1880, DF ( TAEM 54:693; TAED D8034ZBO).

7. In addition to seeking tailings from existing hydraulic mines, during the late winter or spring Edison joined with James Banker, Robert Cutting, Jr. and other financiers to form the Miocene Mining Co. to work in the Big Bend area of the North Fork of the Feather River. McLaughlin built the necessary ditches in the latter half of 1880 and began operations in April 1881. TAE to Cutting, Jr., 26 Mar. 1880, Lbk. 5:787 ( TAEM 80:229; TAED LB005787); Enclosure with George Cummings to McLaughlin, 1 Apr. 1880; McLaughlin to Banker and Cutting, 10 Nov. and 10 Dec. 1880; McLaughlin to TAE, 10 and 25 Aug., 16 and 19 Sept., 16 and 30 Dec. 1880, 3 May 1881; all DF (TAEM 54:467, 527, 533, 506, 515, 519, 521, 544, 558; 59:175; TAED D8033Y, D8033ZBH, D8033ZBJ, D8033ZAU, D8033ZAX, D8033ZAZ, D8033ZBC, D8033ZBK, D8033ZBR, D8139K).Page 736

8. The North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Co. operated a large and highly profitable hydraulic mine near the town of that name in Nevada County, Calif. Gudde and Gudde 1975, s.v. “North Bloomfield”; Kelley 1959, 40–53.

  • Charles Mott Journal Entry

[Menlo Park,] Tuesday May 18. [1880]

Tramway.1 The engine with power from one machine made a successful trip the entire length of the road and return. A Second generator was brought out of Dynamo Station and set running in old Dynamo Room to increase the power for Rail Road, the passenger car was then attached and witha nine men on made the round trip very successfully, without accident or assistance, running the return in 1 minute 16 seconds.2 After which a number of trips were made all with equal success. And all the trials today have been decidedly more encouraging and successful and fully up to the most sanguine expectation with the belt and pully gearing now in experimental use. The results have been so eminently successful that Mr. Edison and Mr. Batchelor area contemplating extending the track three quarters of a mile with grade at one point of about 1 foot to seven,3 and adding three more passenger cars. 4

Quite a number of visitors were conveyed over the road among others several foreign naval officers, and those who have been so favored speak of the ride as exciting and pleasant.

Nickel former. the slotted nickel plate in which Bast fibers are secured for carbonizing and the one used by Flammer yesterday with good results, was by him made and sketched in Book No. 57 page 124.5

Poles for wires for telephonic wires are being drawn and placed across lots to day by Ayers 6 from Machine Shop to old factory.7

Clamp Machine Bradley8 commenced work on machines devised by Mr. Batchelor for making the clamps. diagrams of which may be found in Book 51 pages 145a &c.9

Sparkers. Four sparkers such as previously used on vacuum pumps were made to day and exhausted on the pumps to be sent, as I am informed, to West Point Military Academy. 10

Bast fiber (8) Eighta Bast fiber lamps are on Pumps to day being exhausted11

AD, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-03-14:175 (TAEM 33:771; TAED N053:89). Written by Charles Mott. aObscured overwritten text.Page 737

1. At the beginning of April Edison ordered rails to build one-half mile of track for a demonstration of the electric railroad conceptualized in Doc. 1745. Construction was underway by 10 April, supervised by Julius Hornig. The line consisted of rails spiked to thick ties (so as to remain insulated from the ground) and electrically connected to each other by copper bars (Mott Journal N-80-03-14:43, Lab. [TAEM 33: 705; TAED N053:22]; Hornig memorandum, 4 Apr. 1880, DF [TAEM 55:301; TAED D8039A]; Hornig’s testimony, 18–19, 5–6, 10, Edison v. Siemens v. Field, Lit. [TAEM 46:14, 7–8, 10; TAED QD001:10, 3–4, 6]). Work on the track continued for about a month, during which time a station was built and Hornig designed and oversaw construction of the locomotive with motor and running gear, couplings, and one passenger car (Mott Journal N-80-03-14:56, 58, 60, 83–84, 89, 92, 97, 103, 111, 113, 122, 130, 149, Lab. [TAEM 33:712–14, 726–27, 729, 731, 733, 736, 740–41, 745, 750, 759; TAED N053:29–31, 42–43, 45, 47, 49, 52, 57–58, 63, 67, 76]; TAE to Pioneer Iron Works, 6 and 19 Apr. 1880; Hornig to Pioneer Iron Works, 20 Apr. 1880; Lbk.5:815, 842, 846 [ TAEM 80: 235, 241, 245; TAED LB005815, LB005842, LB005846]; Hornig’s testimony, 3–5, 12–13, Edison v. Siemens v. Field, Lit. [TAEM 46:6–7, 11; TAED QD001:2–3, 7]). The track was completed on 11 May. The next day the locomotive motor, essentially a small Edison dynamo, was tested in the shop and, according to Mott, “found to run like a top.” On 13 May the locomotive was put on the tracks for the first time. Mott reported that it “started off and run slowly with current of 40 Volts after which Mr. Edison put it up to about 120 volts and that current gave it much greater power. the test so far as made shows the electrical parts complete and successful, but by nervousness and inexperience, Mr. Hornig who was running the motor, threw the friction gear on so powerfully and suddenly that he broke [one?] of the large friction wheels and thus ended the fun for today.” The friction drive was replaced by a belt and pulley mechanism the next day, when a number of trips were made, one with nineteen people on board. Edison found that the locomotive could not return up a steep hill at the end of the line and on 14 May decided to alter the pulley ratio “for the purpose of getting more power at sacrifice of speed.” Around this time Charles Batchelor sketched devices apparently intended to grip the rails and pull the train along, but on 17 May the new pulley transmission was tested with Calvin Goddard on board and found to give “very satisfactory results” (Mott Journal N-80-03-14: 160, 162, 164, 167–68, 170, 172; N-80-03-29:163–79; both Lab. [ TAEM 33:764–70; 493–501; TAED N053:81–83, 85–88; N051:81–89]). The 5 June Scientific American (42:354) contains an illustration of the locomotive with the friction drive, which can be compared to the belt and pulley mechanism shown in the 27 July New York Daily Graphic drawing reproduced in Jehl 1937–41 (p. 576). The locomotive was restored in 1930 and is located at the Henry Ford Museum (Acc. no. 29.1980.629), as are two of Edison’s coaches (Acc. nos. 29.1980.1245 and 29.1980.630).

In an interview for an unidentified newspaper in April Edison reportedly predicted that electric railroads could be built in the West which would “go up and down all elevations, like an ordinary highway; there will be no tunnels or heavy cuts or fillings. You see the train would stick to the rails like a tack to a magnet; it couldn’t get off very well unPage 738less the whole track should turn over. The electrical force would give a tremendous traction; the wheels would grasp the track like an iron hand, and climb up a steep hill as a boy would climb a ladder.” Edison also cautioned against “the mistake of attributing this idea primarily to me. In Berlin Prof. Siemens has already built a little road on this pattern, and has organized a great company to construct a system of roads. I have devised an important improvement on his method, and I believe my generator will deliver twenty-five more per cent. of electricity than his; besides which, the road is especially adapted to our long ranges and sparse population, and not to Europe” (“Our New York Letter,” c. 17 Apr. 1880, Cat. 1241, item 1495, Batchelor [TAEM 94:597; TAED MBSB21495]). On 3 June Edison filed a patent application for a “system of electrical rail-roading.” It was rejected, amended, placed in interference, and eventually abandoned. Drawings and the text of its eighteen claims are in Patent Application Casebook E-2536:90–92, PS (TAEM 45:707–709; TAED PT020090); see also Edison v. Siemens v. Field, passim, Lit. (TAEM 46:5–114; TAED QD001).

Charles Batchelor driving the electric railroad with Julius Hornig seated to his right. In the passenger car are several members of the laboratory staff.

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2. Not every trip was uneventful. On 14 May the weight of nineteen people carried the train past the usual stopping point and it hit the station bumper with enough force to lift the locomotive off the tracks. Again on 4 June, according to Mott, the brakes were not applied in time to prevent “a pretty severe bump against the bumper.” The next day Grosvenor Lowrey and Calvin Goddard visited “and after assurances from Mr. Edison and Kruesi that it was perfectly safe and free of danger were pursuaded to take the second ride over the electric tramway. All went very well and with fearful speed until the curve at Freemans road was reached, when the motor jumped the track throwing Martin Force and Kruesi off—and running over the ties seventy yards before it came to a stop. No one was hurt and no damage done.” Mott Journal N-80-03-14:167–68, 215, 217, Lab. (TAEM 33:767–68, 791–92; TAED N053: 85–86, 109–10).

3. Mott noted work on extending the track in several of his weekly summaries beginning 29 May; the project continued into early July (see Doc. 1950). The ruling grade in American railroad construction had been standardized by this time to 116 vertical feet per mile, or about 2 Page 739feet in 91. Mott Journal N-80-03-14:199, 219, 229, 231, 249, 263, 277, Lab. ( TAEM 33:783, 793, 798–99, 808, 815, 822; TAED N053:101, 111, 116–17, 126, 133, 140); Vance 1995, 43.

4. On 3 June Edison received castings for three additional cars and his carpenters began constructing the frames almost immediately. One of the new cars was run on the track for the first time on 14 June. In the meantime, Mott noted that a bell and headlight were put on the locomotive on 26 May and “Mrs Edison and some of her friends riding on same in evening probably the first electric lamp ever used as head light.” Mott Journal N-80-03-14:213, 216, 231, 234, 191, Lab. (TAEM 33:790, 792, 799, 801, 779; TAED N053:108, 110, 117, 119, 97).

5. Charles Flammer sketched the new mould and specified that it should be “5 inches long to lay fibers in slot and ends will draw up in carbonizing.” The use of nickel for carbonizing moulds was apparently suggested by Julius Hornig about 7 May. According to Mott, when Flammer tried his new design on 17 May he got ten of twelve bast fibers out “in first rate order, convincing himself that nickel is preferable to carbon in moulds probably in consequence of containing less air.” During the next ten days Flammer obtained even better results by securing the fibers in the mould and by cutting the slot more closely to the dimensions of the fibers. N-80-03-06:124; Mott Journal N-80-03-14:145, 173, 188, 193; both Lab. ( TAEM 33:1022, 757, 770, 778, 780; TAED N057:63; N053:74, 88, 96, 98).

Charles Flammer’s drawing of a fiber lying in the slotted nickel mould.

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6. Possibly Brown Ayres. Having just completed a fellowship at Johns Hopkins under Henry Rowland, Ayres wrote to Edison in March asking for a job (Ayres to TAE, 23 Mar. 1880, DF [TAEM 53:496; TAED D8014G1]). He had visited Edison in 1878, the year he graduated from the Stevens Institute. There is no record of his employment at Menlo Park and later in the year Ayres was appointed professor of physics and electrical engineering at Tulane University; he eventually became president of the University of Tennessee (see TAEB 4:159 n. 3).

7. At the end of April Edison purchased from Robert Gilliland the former electric pen factory across the railroad tracks in Menlo Park, which had stood vacant since the transfer of manufacturing to Western Electric in late 1876 (TAE agreement with Robert Gilliland, 24 Apr. 1880, Gilliland receipt to TAE, 30 Apr. 1880, DF [TAEM 54:13–14; TAED D8021I, D8021J]; see Doc. 817 and TAEB 3:410 n. 1). Mott reported that as early as 9 April Charles Clarke included the factory when calculating the size of conductors to be laid through Menlo Park. Edison’s carpenters began repairing the structure on 3 May; by 1 June they had finished this work and also made a frame for the electrically-powered pump for supplying mercury and set up “tables for about twenty four glass blowers. One double table in center of room to accomodate 8 on a side and one next outside wall for about same number. Also bench to accomodate five persons for putting carbons in clamps & clamps on conductors &c.” On 3 May John Ott had disassembled and carefully measured the vacuum pump prototype and prepared scale drawings for the glassblowers. The first one hundred pumps were completed on 2 June and were tested and carried down the hill to the factory three days later (Mott Journal N-80-03-14:56, 67, 131, 143, 186, 199, 207, 129, 209; Mott Journal N-80-07-10:4, 6, 15–16, 21, 25, 45, 54–56, Page 74059, 65, 68–69, 72, 75, 80; both Lab. [TAEM 33:712, 718, 750, 756, 777, 783, 787, 749, 788; 37:304–305, 309–310, 312, 314, 324, 329–31, 334, 336, 338–39, 342; TAED N053:29, 34, 67, 73, 95, 101, 105, 66, 106; N117:2–3, 7–8, 10, 12, 22, 27–29, 32, 34, 36–37, 40]).

8. James Bradley first worked as a machinist for Edison in Newark in 1872. When Edison moved to Menlo Park he remained in Newark and worked successively for Joseph Murray and Edward Weston; he hired on again in Edison’s machine shop at the end of 1879. TAEB 3:589 n. 4.

9. Batchelor had started sketching this apparatus on 6 May, which two days later Mott indicated was intended “for making the clamps entire, without handling and running through the different machines as has heretofore been the custom.” Accompanying drawings he made on 8 May, Batchelor specified eleven discrete operations this machine would perform (N-80-03-29:135–55, Mott Journal N-80-03-14:149, both Lab. [ TAEM 33:480–90, 759; TAED N051:68–78, N053:76]; see Friedel and Israel 1986 [pp. 168–69] for two of the 8 May drawings). Construction was well under way by 29 May and continued through late June as Batchelor designed components for it (Mott Journal N-80-03-14:199, 219, 230; N-80-03-29:183–91, 199–223, 237–49, Lab. [TAEM 33:783, 793, 799, 802, 480–90, 503–507, 510–22, 529–35; TAED N053:101, 111, 117; N051:91–95, 98–110, 117–23]). On 28 June he made sketches and notes on the “New clamp making machine” and on 20 July listed fourteen alterations to be made in the present design (N-80-06-28:1–3, 23–31, Lab. [TAEM 36:72–73, 83–87; TAED N102: 1–2, 12–16]). Batchelor made drawings related to the clamp machine through the summer (N-80-06-28:5–17, 67; N-80-06-02:89–95, 105, 109–117; N-80-03-29:265; all Lab. [TAEM 36:74–80, 105, 438–42, 446, 448–52; 33:536; TAED N102:3–9, 34; N105:42–46, 50, 52–56; N051:124]). Mott made reference to work on the machine in nearly all of his weekly summaries of “work general” through mid-October (Mott Journal N-80-07-10, passim, Lab. [TAEM 37:302; TAED N117]).

10. Mott refers to the spark tubes used to measure atmospheric pressure. S. E. Tellman, a lieutenant at the U.S. Military Academy, inquired if Edison would make and sell four vacuum tubes for classroom use at the Academy. Edison replied that he would do so and instructed Stockton Griffin to “give order to Boehm to make & [William] Hammer to bring to high vacuum— Say to Tellman that we do not manufacture for sale but will give them to him.” On 18 May Ludwig Böhm wrote out the order, indicating that the tubes were to be about eight inches long (Tellman to TAE, 10 and 12 May 1880, with TAE marginalia, DF [TAEM 53:753, 755; TAED D8020ZES, D8020ZET]; N-80-03-19:98, Lab. [TAEM 34:654; TAED N068:48]). During the summer Edison also made a vacuum tube for Charles Young, who used it for brief research on the thermo-electric properties of iron and platinum (Young to Upton, 12 Aug. 1880, Upton [TAEM 95:615; TAED MU050]; Young 1880).

11. These lamps were numbered 1082 through 1089. The bast loops were carbonized in the slotted nickel mould and fitted with cocoanut shell clamps. N-80-03-06:25, Lab. (TAEM 33:1002; TAED N057:13).

  • From W. Willshire Riley

New York, May 28th 1880a

My Dear Sir,

The exhibition of your Electric Motor last Tuesday, was so satisfactory to myself and friends that we have determined to introduce it upon our Road at Rockaway Beach,1 provided you will adapt one to itb and can construct one in a short time, and at a reasonable cost. our Cars will be light seat 45 passengers, and probably three in a train our grade need not be over one foot in a hundred and our line at present not more than half a mile in length. our location for bringing both of the inventions before the public, cannot be surpassed Will you please inform me how soon you can construct me a motor and its probable cost at your earliest convenience, and oblige yours most faithfully

W. Willshire Riley2

P.S. State the size of the Engine to generate the Power &c &c

〈Write & say cannot go into building apparatus yet—the apparatus Her Road here is merely for Experimental purposes & can do nothing in way of biz until our Experiments are completed.〉 3

ALS, NjWOE, Cat. 2174, Scraps. (TAEM 89:252; TAED SB012AAC). Letterhead of Rockaway Elevated Rail-Road Co., W. Willshire Riley, president. a“New York,” and “18” preprinted. bMuch of the text to this point underlined later by William Hammer.

1. Riley organized the Rockaway Elevated Rail-Road Co. to build and operate an elevated line across the narrow peninsula of southern Long Island from Jamaica Bay to Rockaway Beach on the Atlantic Ocean. He intended to employ his patented “Riley centre and safety rails,” and after seeing a news account of Edison’s electric railroad he wrote on 18 May to ask if the motor could be adapted to his track. Edison noted on that letter, “Can’t go into it if you want to see the RR come down.” Riley visited Menlo Park on Tuesday, 25 May. Riley to TAE, 18 May 1880; Riley circular letter, 1880; both DF (TAEM 55:302, 304; TAED D8039B, D8039C); Mott Journal N-80-03-14:189, Lab. (TAEM 33:778; TAED N053:96).

In early August Edison also agreed to meet with backers of the Brooklyn & Atlantic Beach Elevated Railroad about the electric engine but the meeting did not take place. B. F. Newhouse to TAE, 2 Aug. 1880, Cat. 2174, Scraps. (TAEM 89:263; TAED SB012AAJ); Newhouse to TAE, 3 Aug. 1880, DF (TAEM 55:334; TAED D8039ZAC).

2. Riley was president of the Rockaway Elevated Rail-Road Co. (see note 1).

3. This draft reply is the basis for Edison’s answer, to which he added that his electric railroad would still “require quite a great deal of work to make it practical. I am making changes in it daily and do not know yet where the end is” (TAE to Riley, 1 June 1880, Lbk. 6:55 [TAEM 80:294; TAED LB006055]). Despite this disclaimer, Edison collected information Page 742from the month of April on the “Cost of Motive Power & Lighting” of the Manhattan Elevated, which operated all of New York’s elevated lines. Calvin Goddard arranged for two officers of that company to visit Menlo Park on 10 June and advised Edison to “have the RRd in good order & don’t try to break anybody’s neck” (Manhattan Railway operating expenses, Apr. 1880; Goddard to TAE, 8 June 1880; both Cat. 2174, Scraps. [TAEM 89:251, 253; TAED SB012AAB, SB012AAD]; Klein 1986, 282–83).

  • Notebook Entry: Mining

[Menlo Park, May 29, 1880?1]

McLaughlins ores sent May 19 1880=2a

No 14— Henrietta boat,3 plenty mercury saw no gold, butb only used handful of sand on glass= test with sieve full—a

No. 5 Powers clean up. one sieve full ½ out rest panned & then glassed over 100 small colors,4 very rich 123 free gold not amalgamated—rusty—rest mercury—all very fine will go through very fine seve & thus be made very rich—

No. 8. Lava bed black sand very rich fine gold no amalgam—small handful on glass 30 colors fine—nearly all magnetic5a

No 9— 2 colors (—small) 1 handful on glass—nearly all black sand say 70 pc—could be nicely concentrated.a

12— very poor 1 smallc color ½ pan full— no Hg— Little black snd. 5 p.c.a

No 7— After about 75 pc black sand after sifting about 90 pc .3. colors small in ¼ pan full no Hg— 〈½ oz silver traces gold.〉6 d

No. 6— 50 pc black sand— 2 colors in large handful on glass— No Hg— 7a

No 5*. 〈$40 to the ton〉d

Total amount 8 lbs— 3840 grammes
sifted to 900 mesh. 873 gramsa
Lifted magnetically from this 267e gramsa
also substract sand lifted by magnet 31e
Leaves gold in 267
Substracted from 873
Leaves— 575f—in which is gold

ieg total 3840—sieve & mag leaves 575 grames with gold or 6½ times concentrated=Page 743

No 5*— one handful of the 575 grams gave on glass 20 or 30 colors & lot of small colors—there was lot of mercury & amalgam— gold has rusty spots or rather a fluculent 8 porous quartz colored reddish yellow— I now put it into a bpaper box marked 5* 575 grammes lot—but there is not that amount after my handful was taken out 〈3840 gr down to 575 the 575 contain $39.8 to the ton〉9h

No 12—

Coarse 3700b
Sifted 990
Magnetic   18

Scarcely any if anyi gold in Coarsea

No 14.—

Coarse 1860
Sifted 1885
Magnetic   70

There is very little gold in theis—little amalg & Hg—gold exceedingly fine—a

Coarse no gold some Hga

Dry Creek Tailings

No 3—10 500 grammes taken= There was lifted by magnet from this— 190f Leaving 310f gramms containing the gold— A curious thing is the mnon magnetic is black. I found that a stronger magnet took out more, & I think a very strong Electro mag would take out still more 〈30 gr. yield 0.005 gr. gold= $80 per ton + 1.5 milligs. Ag 1.2 T.[r]o[y] ounces Ag per ton〉j

X, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-04-17:15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27 (TAEM 33:278–84; TAED N050:7–13). aFollowed by dividing mark. bObscured overwritten text. cInterlined above. dMarginalia by Alfred Haid and followed by dividing mark. eWritten in underlined gap. fWritten in gap. gCircled. hMarginalia written by Haid and set off by dividing marks; Haid’s computations of this figure have been omitted. i“if any” interlined above. jMarginalia by Haid.

1. Charles Mott noted on this date that “Seventeen or eighteen bags of Ores and tailings were received to day most of them from Powers claim and sent by McLaughlin. Mr. Edison has been testing some of them.” The following day he wrote that “Mr Edison is to day much interested in testing the ores and tailings received from McLaughlin and directed Lawson to make certain experiments for removing the coating from particles of gold so they would be rendered in a state subject to the Page 744action of mercury.” Mott Journal N-80-03-14:198, 201, Lab. (TAEM 33:783–84; TAED N053:101–102).

2. In his covering letter Frank McLaughlin indicated that this shipment, the most recent of several, “about exhausts the claims in the immediate vicinity of the contemplated mill, and will doubtless be all that you will require. . . . If the result of the assays of the samples forwarded warrent it I can contract with the Chinese working the Lava Beds for twenty five to one hundred tons per day of tailings like sample for $2.00 per ton.” McLaughlin included a list identifying the numbered samples he sent that day by Wells Fargo express. However, Stockton Griffin noted on 27 May that “part of this letter went to Dr Haid” and most of the list has not been found. McLaughlin to TAE, 19 May 1880, DF (TAEM 54:489; TAED D8033ZAL).

McLaughlin’s samples were just a few of the many that Edison received for analysis, most of them unsolicited. Edison and Alfred Haid used part of the notebook for recording assay results from dozens of samples; they usually recorded the sources, many of which Charles Mott also noted in his journal (N-80-04-17:3–89; Mott Journal N-80-03-14, passim; Lab. [TAEM 33:285–315, 683; TAED N050:1–44, N053]). Related correspondence which sometimes includes Edison’s marginal notations about his separation process and results of particular assays, is in Mining—Mines & Ores (D-80-34), DF (TAEM 54:577; TAED D8034). In August Edison filed a patent application (Case 226) covering a “method of treating so-called auriferous sulphurets [gold-bearing metallic sulphides (Raymond 1881, s.v. “sulphurets”)], which consists in reducing them to powder, and then subjecting the resulting material (either raw or roasted) to the action of a magnetic separator.” The application was rejected and eventually abandoned (Patent Application Casebook E-2536:114, PS [ TAEM 45:710; TAED PT020114]).

3. The meaning of this phrase is uncertain. “Henrietta,” a lightweight dress cloth, suggests that it may refer to material captured in so-called “blanket-tables,” which were essentially sluice boxes lined with fine cloth to catch the gold, mercury, and amalgam settling from the discharge of a stamping mill. OED, s.v. “henrietta”; Lock 1882, 1052–54.

4. That is, small particles of metallic gold. OED, s.v. “colour,” 10a.

5. Haid noted on a facing page that a wet assay determined that this ore would yield 0.447 ounces of gold per ton. By a fire assay he determined it would produce 0.5 ounces of gold and an equal amount of silver. Edison later entered this information himself in the notebook, indicating that the results given by Haid were from non-magnetic material; the magnetic portion yielded a tiny fraction of this amount, which Edison concluded was “probably picked up by particles.” Haid also reported results from McLaughlin specimen number seventeen, containing roasted pyrites from a mine near Stockton which contained $1,152 in gold to the ton. N-80-04-17:18, 67, 16, Lab. (TAEM 33:280, 304, 279; TAED N050:9, 33, 8).

6. Edison later recorded Haid’s assay and the amount of material in this sample classed as “Coarse,” “magnetic,” and “Auriferous.” He noted the presence of two scales of gold and much mercury and observed that “more magnetic could probably be taken out with strong mag.” N-80-04-17:43, Lab. (TAEM 33:292; TAED N050:21).

7. Edison also made a separate entry for this sample, recording the amount of material in each category. He again commented that “about Page 74550 grms more could be taken out with strong magnet.” N-80-04-17:41, Lab. (TAEM 33:291; TAED N050:20).

8. Edison may have intended fluctuant, meaning undulating or wavelike. OED, s.vv. “fluctuant,” “flucti-.”

9. Haid arrived at this determination through computations at the bottom of the page which have been omitted. He assumed the valuation of gold at $20 per (troy) ounce, a figure consistent with other sources. Lock 1882, 121–44, 179; Ency. Brit., s.v. “Gold.”

10. This sample is the only one for which a portion of McLaughlin’s description survives (see note 2). He indicated that it consisted of tailings from a flume at Dry Creek (one of several mining locations by that name in the vicinity) after a month of operation. He stated that the mine produced about five tons of such material every day. Gudde and Gudde 1975, s.v. “Dry Creek.”

  • From Edward Johnson

London June 2nd 1880a

My Dr Edison

Thanks to your keeping your grip on the Reins Amalgamation was happily accomplished yesterday P.M. at 2 oclock, by a unanymous vote of the shareholders of both Companies— 1 Gouraud voted for it—though protesting up to the last moment that unless certain things were done he would not=

The new “bone of contention” was simply this= Under the plea that if he consented to amalgamation your future interests might be destroyed by reason of theb possible misconstruction of the clause referring to a Division of the Profits with you— He demanded Either one of two things as the price of his consent they were—1st That the Edison Co should bind theirmselves to hold its shares (Edison Co shares)—in Trust for the joint benefit of yourself & thier own—thus making their shares unmarketable & preventing them from reaping any advantage from Amalgamation.

2nd That the surplus of shares of the new Co over those of the Edison Co. obtained by the trade—say 43,000£—should be considered as a profit—and immediately divided between you & the Co—or in other words giving you 21,500£= for your reversionary interest—& leaving the Co £21,500 only— as their Entire possible profit—on the whole Telephonec venture— Both these things were simply inadmissable & Bouverie finally got mad—& swore ifb Gouraud did not vote for Amalgamation without such terms He Bouverie would throw the whole Damn business up—& Let the responsibility rest with Gouraud=2

At the instance of Bouverie I sent you a cable simply asking you to cable your approval of Amalgamation=3 Page 746

Gouraud then sent for me & I met him Renshaw & Parish— Renshaw gave it to me as his Legal opinion that unless the Company gave some additional guarantee than was contained in the last Contract with you—your future was not properly protected= They then made a dead set on me to get me to join Gouraud in a Telegram to you—asking you not to interfere= I positively refused= And after a long discussion I finally got the three of them to pledge me their word of honor that come what might—they would vote for Amalgamation— I then cabled you that I had seen both Bouverie & Gourauds cables & not to cable— I then went home—rather more than half suspicious that Gouraud afterwards changed his cable so as to make me say I had seen something quite different from what I did. 4

However—your cable saying you would approve if you knew the basis—came at 10 P.M. & was sent to White & by him to me—5 We came to the ofs to answer it—& I was in a Devil of a funk to know how to answer it—for you see I was between 2 fires I had cabled for one party asking you to do it & for another asking you not to = Now if G. went back on me & the thing failed for want of your approval I was responsible— On the other hand I did not want you to unqualifiedly approve— because I did think Gouraud should have some assurance from the Co. that your interests would not be affected by Amalgamation— As I had got Renshaw to admit that a simple assurance of the Board—in writing—was fully quite sufficient—& had the word of honor of Renshaw G & Parish that with such assurance from Mr Bouverie, they would be content & vote— and knowing that Mr Bouverie would cheerfully accord that—I finally cabled you to cableb your approval without prejudice to your future—6 This you did not do—I am sorry to say but fortunately 15 minutes before the meeting Gouraud met & told B—that such simple assurance was all he required—& of course got it immediately—

The real fact is this= Gourauds power passed from him by Amalgamation—and with it his last chance of a squeeze— He therefore laid himself out to get another 10 or 15 000£= In fact he admitted as much to me by saying “Now dont breathe what I have told you as to my determination to vote tomorrow— They may come forward yet with an offer to settle for 15 or 20 000£”= There you have the whole thing in a nut shell— Your future is all right=

Now in re—to that Trust— Gouraud wants me to join him in a cable to you asking you to sign it— If I do—He simply Page 747manipulates it to his own ends— Mr Bouverie is looking forward still to an adjustment of this matter with you— If you put yourself in a Trust—you cannot do anything without the consent of the others in the Trust. Do you want to do this? I think not—at least until I can see you—say in Sept.7 Yours

E. H. Johnson

ALS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 56:682; TAED D8049ZFB). Letterhead of Edison Telephone Co. of London. a“London” and “18” preprinted. bObscured overwritten text. cInterlined above.

1. George Gouraud cabled Edison on 1 June “Amalgamation unanimous both Companies.” The agreement forming the United Telephone Co., Ltd. was dated 13 May but not executed until 2 June. The new company’s deputy chairman was Edward Bouverie; five of its eleven directors, including Bouverie and Gouraud, had been connected with the Edison company (Gouraud to TAE, 1 June 1880; Arnold White to TAE, 8 June 1880; Agreement of 13 May 1880; United Telephone Co., Ltd. circular, 8 June 1880; all DF [TAEM 56:681, 693, 694, 701; TAED D8049ZFA, D8049ZFE, D8049ZFF, D8049ZFF1]). A promotional pamphlet and subscriber directory published in August by the United company is in PPC (TAEM 96:636; TAED CA018A).

2. Johnson had cabled Edison on 25 May: “Gouraud imperilling amalgamation by new and absurd demands Cable him following withdraw claim to profit on United Company Capital vote for amalgamation without further demur.” The next day Edison queried Gouraud, “what causes delay amalgamation.” Shortly before 1 p.m. on 31 May Edison received a message from Bouverie on behalf of the London company stating “Amalgamation in great peril if it fails Company must wind up board and myself will abandon it. Gouraud asks fresh terms last moment inadmissable Rush answer shareholders meeting tomorrow last chance.” Johnson to TAE, 25 May 1880; TAE to Gouraud, 26 May 1880; Bouverie to TAE, 31 May 1880; all DF (TAEM 56:672–73, 678; TAED D8049ZEP, D8049ZEQ, D8049ZEU).

3. Shortly after 1 p.m. on 31 May Edison received Johnson’s message to “Cable quephone [the London company] your approval amalgamation.” On the same paper on which Bouverie’s earlier cable (see note 2) was transcribed Edison wrote a message to Gouraud which he sent at 2 p.m.: “Telegrams state you ask for fresh terms which will imperil amalgamation. The terms stated in your letter satisfactory to me why not close matter up.” Johnson to TAE, 31 May 1880; TAE to Gouraud, 31 May 1880; both DF (TAEM 56:679, 678; TAED D8049ZEX, D8049ZEV).

4. At 3:20 p.m. on 31 May Johnson cabled “Have seen Bouveries Gourauds cables Dont cable reply either all will be right.” Six minutes later Edison received Gouraud’s message: “Counsel advised settling your reversion before amalgamation This endeavor frightened Bouverie hence his misleading Cable I shall vote for amalgamation as independent shareholder but not as your proxy which is unnecessary and counsel advises would jeopardize your future Your only course silence I guarantee amalgamation.” Johnson to TAE, 31 May 1880; Gouraud to Page 748TAE, 31 May 1880; both DF ( TAEM 56:677, 678; TAED D8049ZEY1, D8049ZEY2).

Gouraud later explained that he was advised, in the absence of a guarantee of Edison’s future interest, that he should not “vote on your proxy for the amalgamation lest the fact of so doing might be used against you in the future I at no time in the negotiations said that I would vote your proxy against the amalgamation but that is evidently what Bouverie feared I would do if I did not vote your share for it. Of course I did not show him my whole hand but allowed him to draw whatever inference that he might please.” Gouraud to TAE, 4 June 1880, DF (TAEM 56:688; TAED D8049ZFD).

5. Edison wrote the reply, “I will if I knew the basis,” on the reverse of the first cable from Johnson that day. He also wrote and then canceled a draft reply on the same paper which concluded “You and Gouraud have mixed me up. Cannot answer too perplexed by you and gourauds communications.” TAE to Johnson, 31 May 1880; TAE marginalia on Johnson to TAE, 31 May 1880; both DF (TAEM 56:680, 679; TAED D8049ZEY, D8049ZEX).

6. Johnson cabled at 6:40 p.m.: “Contention on reversionary only basis as you know it cable approval amalgamation without prejudice your interest in future profits.” Johnson to TAE, 31 May 1880, DF ( TAEM 56:681; TAED D8049ZEZ).

7. Johnson had already declined a position with the United Company and, on the assumption that Edison would not be ready to introduce the electric light in England during the summer, planned to travel on the Continent before returning to New York. Johnson to TAE, 12 May 1880, DF (TAEM 56:661; TAED D8049ZEJ).

  • Notebook Entry: Electric Lighting

[Menlo Park,] Junea 4 [1880]


  • Exs. to be made and calcu[lated].

  • Make artificial system

  • Required resistances of a system 100 Ohm boxes1

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Page 749Machines

  • Lawa of winding in general terms2

  • Law of magnets

  • Cast and wrought iron3

  • Whether the armature is magnetic at high speeds

  • Summaries of tests already made


  • Laws

  • Test with varying EMF and with varying resistances

  • New absorbing dynamometer water friction

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Shunts with various currant to determine how the law of the shunt varies. The surface of the copper plates should be varied. The contrary E.M.F is probably a function of the intensity of the currant per unit surface 5

Comparisons bwt. galva. and Cu. cell.6


Full test of at least five lamps of a kind

Resistance candle power foot lbs. with surface and kind of lamps.

Bridge, substitution, [gl?]b cu. deposition & calor[imeter]. Galvanometerc

The cells should be thoroughly cleaned every week, plates amalgamated &c. A cu. test should be regularly made each day to see it all is in order and to make allowances.

It has been proved that a givend curraent of a certain fixed strength depositsa a fixed amount of Cu undera varying all thee conditions of practice.

Two deposition cells should be used to check observations and all the currenta passed through them

Resistance boxes in line How do you [get und?]b

X, NjWOE, Lab., N-79-07-05:255, 254, 256–61 (TAEM 33:257–60; TAED N048:124–28). Written by Francis Upton. aObscured overwritten text. bCanceled. cFollowed by dividing mark. dInterlined above. e“all the” interlined above; “the” overwrites obscured text.

1. Upton may have planned this experiment to verify calculations that Charles Clarke made, according to Charles Mott, “of the fall in electromotive force in a system of conductor and lamps as established and Page 750put down here in the Park, with view of devising means of maintaining the same constant and further calculating the additional cost of maintaining it by feeding the mains with extra conductors and the points where such feeding can be done most effectually and economically.” On 8 June Mott stated that Francis Jehl carried out this experiment with “the resistance coils he had prepared each of the ten to represent a lamp of 100 ohms. the purpose of the experiment being to determine the fall of Potential. The fall through the ten resistances was from 84⅔ to 79⅔ volts and from 16½ to 12½ candle power” (Mott Journal N-80-03-14: 214, 224, Lab. [TAEM 33:791, 796; TAED N053:109, 114]). Several of Francis Upton’s rough sketches from 1 June showing various distribution arrangements precede this document; Upton made additional related notes and sketches on 7 June (N-79-07-05:246–53, 269–71, Lab. [TAEM 33:253–56, 264–65; TAED N048:121–25, 132–33]). The drawing below, which appears on the facing page, is probably a form of resistance box.

2. See Doc. 1937 n. 2.

3. At the end of May Upton made experiments in which “The wires [were] connected on the large machine so that the current generated in each could be separately tested. . . . This shows that the distribution of magnetic effect is very nearly the same throughout the whole field.” A few days later Upton had made more tests with one of the “small dynamos” designed at the end of April and used for laboratory experiments (see Doc. 1936 n. 2). Mott noted that he was “unable, with 75 volts, to saturate the cast iron bases of the magnets. The inability to saturate is explained as due to the resistance to magnetism of cast iron in consequence of the amount of carbon it contains. Test was to determine the electromotive force at varying saturation of magnet” (N-79-07-05:235–43; Mott Journal N-80-03-14:220; both Lab. [TAEM 33:247–51, 794; TAED N048:115–19, N053:112]).

4. Upton began a series of motor tests in mid-May, first using a regular Edison dynamo and later a small “cast iron motor.” His intention seems to have been to determine the amount of mechanical power produced under various conditions of the line current and field magnets. Upton’s notes are difficult to interpret because, as Mott noted on 14 and 21 May, he made some of the experiments in conjunction with meter tests and on other occasions ran the same machine alternately as a motor and a generator. N-79-07-05:7–73, 111–21, 139–43, 179, 197, 203–207, 227–31; Mott Journal N-80-03-14:167, 185; both Lab.(TAEM 33: 138–67, 186–90, 199–201, 219, 228, 231–33, 243–45 767, 776; TAED N048:5–34, 53–58, 67–69, 87, 96, 99–101, 111–13; N053:85, 94).

5. Mott reported on 1 May that John Lawson started a series of meter tests designed to “ascertain whether or not the rolling of copper plate injures the surface of the copper to an extent sufficient to cause uneaqual deposit thereon”; this proved not to be the case. On 10 May Lawson began practical trials in conjunction with Upton’s motor tests (see note 4) by putting “meters in line of Dynamo current, to be tested for accuracy with readings of Galvanometer and calculations by Francis.” Mott noted on 15 and 17 May that Upton was continuing experiments to determine “the influence of strong and weak currents upon shunts for meter purposes” (Mott Journal N-80-03-14:126, 185, 156, 167, 171, 173; N-79-07-05:75–108, 123, 127–31,145–47, 209–13, 262–68; N-80-01-02.4: Page 75184–93; both Lab. [TAEM 33:748, 776, 763, 767, 769–70, 168–85, 191, 193–95, 202–03, 234–36, 246, 261–64; 35:776–80; TAED N053:65, 94, 80, 85, 87–88; N048:35–52, 59, 61–63, 70–71, 102–104, 129–132; N084:34–38]).

6. During the second week of June Upton conducted tests which, unlike those described in note 5, appear to have been designed specifically to measure the electromotive force of the meters themselves and to compare meter and galvanometer measurements of battery currents. N-79-11-21:31–133, 148, Lab. (TAEM 32:485–536, 544; TAED N039:7–58, 66).

  • Charles Mott Journal Entry

[Menlo Park,] Wednesday June 16 [1880]

Tailings five bags received from Lazard Bros. taken from the Turel Mine, 1 some of it very rich a small handfull showing eight and ten colors.

Specific Gravity. Dr Moses had Boehm make a very delicate apparatus for testing the specific gravity of metals or ores &a to ascertain whether they contain metals. It is composed of a small cup shaped pan in which the substance may be placed, joined by ring to a bulb partially filled with mercury above which is a considerably larger bulb containing air and still above is a long slender tube that may be scaled off as desired. the whole is made of glass and both bulbs are made air tight, on top of the neck is permantly secured another cup similar to one on bottom. the apparatus is immersed in water and the mercury in bulb always draws it down to a certain point and by placing the material first in the top vessel and by adding weight sufficient to immerse to a certain point, and then placed in bottom vessel and weights added in the top vessel to immerse to the same point the specific gravity may be calculated, or at least that is the modus operandi of Dr’s experiments made to day.2

Alumina. Dr. Moses tried another experiment to day on reducing Alumina. 3 using plumbago discs as conductors in contact with the charcoal crucible, the product showed appeared very metalic under the microscope, but Mr. Edison thought it was fused Alumina. The plumbago crumbled, almost to pieces under the heat. The stop cock was opened to admit the air before the carbon and parts had lost their red heat, and the instant the air reached the globe or bell covering of the pump, an explosion occured breaking the globe. It was thought due to the formation of carbonic oxide which was ignited by the heat of the crucible

Absent. Mr. Batchelor left to day for a trip with his familyb and sister.4 Page 752

Spectrocopic examinations of the fiber lamps were made to day by Prof. Young.5 he got carbon lines in all cases except on the last lamp tested which was the partition lamp with low vacuum. he got two lines of Hydrogen Having been convinced that the vapory appearance and slight deposit on the negative clamp was carbon in some form, the questions arose as to theb cause, remedy, and whether the carbon was carried along the loop or passed across from one side to the other.6 The action being observable only when lamp is at intense heat and current of high electric motive force. Those were attributed as the causes, and by discussions it was concluded that the carbon was carried along the loop and not across as was supposed by some. To further convince themselves of the action, An experiment was made byof, placing a thin copper wire in a u shaped glass tube filled with meter solution, and passed the current through to observe the action of the deposits of the copper and the points from which the metal was carried.

on the first experiment the wire was eaten off at the positive connection or clamp and againb reduced quite thin at about one third of the length of wire or at point where the larger part of the carbons have broken, and depositing of the metal heaviest as it neared the negative connection. This experiment showed that the carrying was entirely along the wire as no means were allowed for the current to pass or jump across. further experiments are being conducted. on As remedies it was suggested to reverse the current frequently,7 as another to taper the carbon thereby giving it more substance to loose and permit it to equalize itself. Another was by use (in some way) of magnets—and experiments requested to be made on the different ideas. 8

Rail Road. Martey9 with his men commenced to day working from six oclock till dark, on the track of electric Rail Road and to night made great improvements in the curves and track down nearly to Moffetts crossing.

Gum. & Rosin. Lawson extracting gum & Rosin from Bast fibers. 10 100 milli grams was used for experiment

AD, NjWOE, Lab., N-80-03-14:238 (TAEM 33:803; TAED N053:121). Written by Charles Mott. a“or ores &” interlined above. bObscured overwritten text.

1. Unidentified.

2. Ludwig Böhm sketched and briefly described this instrument the previous day. In the next week he apparently made two similar instruments for Moses. N-80-03-19:115, 121, 123, Lab. (TAEM 34:662, 665–66; TAED N068:56, 59–60).

Page 753 Drawing by Otto Moses of apparatus for smelting aluminum. Aluminum oxide was to be placed in the cup at d and heated by an electric current; the entire device was enclosed in a bell jar connected to a vacuum pump.

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3. Edison took no evident steps to carry out his earlier proposal to produce pure aluminum (see Doc. 1902) until 2 June, when Otto Moses began trying “to reduce to metallic form Al2O3 by reduction in a stick of incandescent Carbon, heated by passage of the electric current: the experiment to be conducted in vacuo.” Moses sketched and described the experimental apparatus but concluded that it “is not durable, difficult to be made and liable to make bad contacts.” He tried several modifications to overcome these objections but did not succeed until 7 June with a crucible of carbonized boxwood. He tried more experiments without success and this journal entry is the last record of his investigations. N-80-01-28:[51–55]; Mott Journal N-80-03-14:209–210, 218, 220, 231, 235; both Lab. (TAEM 33:855–57, 788–89, 793–94, 799, 801; TAED N055:25–27; N053:106–107, 111–12, 117, 119).

4. This was a rare extended leave for Batchelor, who did not return to work until 28 June. Mott Journal N-80-03-14:264, Lab. (TAEM 33:816; TAED N053:134).

5. Two days previously Edison had telegraphed Princeton physics professor Charles Young: “When will you be able to make an examination of the mysterious blue halo in the lamp by the spectroscope.” Young replied the same day that he could “come down and examine it anytime you like.” TAE to Young and Young to TAE, both 15 June 1880, DF (TAEM 53:770; TAED D8020ZFD and D8020ZFE).

6. See headnote p. 623. On 15 June Mott indicated that “Mr. Edison was of opinion that the carbon was being carried from one side to the other of the loop directly across and for farther investigation he had a lamp made with a oval shaped glass partition attached between the connecting wires and extending nearly to the top of the loop at right angles with the faces. The lamp was put on pumps but not yet heated.” Ludwig Böhm sketched two views of this arrangement the same day. Mott Journal N-80-03-14:235–36, N-80-03-19:113, both Lab. (TAEM 33:801–02, 34:661; TAED N053:119–20, N068:55).

Ludwig Böhm’s 15 June drawings of the experimental partition between the filament legs.

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On 17 June Mott noted that the

lamp made with glass partition and tested at intense heat yesterday and the one from which the Hydrogen lines were obtained in spectroscope Page 754 was broken in the carbon today. Other lamps were made with mica partition extending down nearly to bottom of large globe, one was exhausted on the pump and heated up Mr. Edison then for experiment let air in so the guage mercury filled about three fourths the globe and burned it at high incandescence for long time the lamp showed all the charasterics of lamp with high vacuum and showed the vapory blue the same as the plain lamps. [N-03-14:242, Lab. (TAEM 33:805; TAED N053:123)]

7. In mid-July Francis Jehl designed a “Circuit changer” that rapidly reversed the polarity in a lamp circuit. The device was tested in several lamps but was unsatisfactory at the speed at which it was intended to operate. Edison and an assistant later designed variations on this apparatus (see Doc. 1985). Mott Journal N-80-07-10:7; N-80-06-29:141, 157, 257–59; N-80-07-23:23, 29; all Lab. (TAEM 37:305; 36:195, 203, 253–54, 852, 855; TAED N117:3; N103:72, 80, 130–31; N112:11, 14).

William Hammer’s November 1880 magnet arrangement for manipulating the blue emanation at the clamps.

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8. Edison explored the former suggestion in November (see Doc. 2026). Efforts to use magnets to disperse the blue emanation at the clamp (associated with electrical carrying) were made in the third week of July and again in November, when William Hammer sketched a “Revolving magnet” at the base of a lamp globe (N-80-07-23:33–35, N-80-11-25:260, Lab. [TAEM 36:857–58, 37:640; TAED N112:16–17, N120:55]). In January 1881 Edison applied for a patent on a lamp with a magnet fixed at its base to “attract the highly electrified carbon vapor” so that the “carbon particles thrown off by the carbon filament may be attracted downwardly, in order that the formation of an arc between the limbs of the carbon, and also whereby the blackening of the inclosing glass chamber . . . may be avoided” (U.S. Pat. 251,548).

9. Martin Force.

10. This was apparently a continuation of the experiments described in Doc. 1930.

  • From George Gouraud

London 17th June 1880a

No 15

My Dear Edison,

I send you herewith for your execution (which please do without delay in the usual manner cabling name of steamer bringing them back) the following Agreements:—

1st Contract between ourselves regarding my interest in Foreign Telephone patents1

2nd Agreement between yourself and a Trustee for the formation of the Foreign TGeneral Telephone Supply & Maintenance Company which is the name we have finally decided upon (This I withold until receipt of further cable from you) as to basis you approve 2b

3rd Deed of Assignment respecting your Reversionary Interest in the Edison Telephone Company of London Limited Page 755which has Johnsons approval and I understand that he writes you by this mail to that effect3

In connection with this latter the more I think of it the more I am impressed, and I think Johnson is equally of the same opinion of the necessity of your placing this matter in the hands of a Trustee. This deed will upon your execution be filed with the Edison Telephone Company of London and they are far less likely to ask of Mr Renshaw any such unreasonable terms looking to the liquidation of the London Company as might otherwise be urged upon you and myself. The present intention so far as I have heard it expressed is that the London Company shall not be liquidated but continued to the end of your patents in which case it is highly important to all parties concerned that there should be certificates issued representing the various interests which certificates would probably have a market value somewhat proportionate to the shares of the Telephonec Company. If on the other hand the Company should propose a liberal division say ½ of surplus after giving shareholders share for share viz. surplus 243,000£c say ½ 21,500 or maybe a round £20,000d of the surplus shares of the United Company we can always accept the same through Renshaw and thus the Trust does not in any wise either become an obstacle to either the continuance of the London Companys existence or the winding of it up.

Foreign Telephone Company I am actively engaged in the formation of the Board and the usual preliminaries of such an undertaking. Gardener Hubbard is here and professes to control in his own rights Bell patents for India [Ausstalia?]e Australiaf and the South African Colonies. He also thinks he has the control of your Australia patents. In any case I have New Zealand and we have agreed to put the Patents together on equal terms and divide what we can get out of it

We are at this moment engaged in the preparation of the Agreement &c for the British India & Colonialg Telephone Coy Bell & Edison Patents. There seems no reason to doubt that a strong Company can be formed for this Subsiduary Company. Hubbard4 is altogether in favour of our taking no cash but a larger interest in the shares than we otherwise would get if we demanded cash as according to his experience this has been the most profitable course both here and in America.

I shall of course before absolutely committing myself submit the general basis to you for your approval.

I send you besides the above documents Power of Attorney including all the countries mentioned in your several cables.5 Page 756Renshaw thought it better to name all the countries in one Power of Attorney notwithstand that I have your Power of Attorney already for all of them except South American Countries India & New Zealand As this will be in part duplicate upon the receipt of this I will cancel the otherh

I annex copies of cables between us in this matter which I confirm & remain Yours very truly

G E Gouraud


[London, June 17, 1880]


12th To Edison “Cable approval sale telephone rights Norway Sweden Holland Denmark Portugal Switzerland Egypt Cape Turkey India China South America excpept Peru Chile Argentine to new Company £20 000 cash money plus fourth issued capital Strong Board assured Bouverie probable chairman” 6

14th From Edison— “I approve of sale telephone rights Norway Sweden Holland Denmark Portugal Switzerland Egypt, Cape, Turkey India China but not Japan & west Coast of South America for twenty thousand pounds cash & one fourth issued capital new company”7

14th To Edison “Name South American countries included. How about New Zealand”8

15th From Edison “Include Brazil Argentine Equador & New Zealand” 9

16th To Edison “Instead quarter shares & 20 000 cash approve half shares & no cash. Latter better for us if obtainable. Have agreed with Bell this basis British colonies”10

LS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 55:723; TAED D8046ZAT). Written by Samuel Insull; letterhead of George Gouraud. a“London” and “18” preprinted. b“This . . . approve” written in left margin and followed by dividing mark. cObscured overwritten text. d“say . . . £20,000” written by Gouraud in left margin; asterisk indicates placement in text. eCanceled. fInterlined above. g“& Colonial” interlined above. h“As this . . . the other” written below signature line; asterisk indicates placement in text. iEnclosure is an L, copied by Insull.

1. This unexecuted agreement is in Miller (TAEM 86:349; TAED HM800138). What may be a fragment of a draft written in an unknown hand with Edison’s emendations is in Miller ( TAEM 86:277; TAED HM800127). Gouraud’s interests in Edison’s telephone contracts in a number of foreign countries were secured by agreements executed in August 1880 (see Doc. 1978).

2. A damaged and undated copy of the contract Edison apparently Page 757signed with George Newington, trustee for the prospective company, is in DF (TAEM 56:852; TAED D8049ZIO). Its terms are the same as those first outlined in the enclosure below. It was superceded in August 1880 (see Doc. 1978).

3. Johnson’s letter has not been found. On 4 June Gouraud had written Edison to disregard the trust deed sent earlier (see Doc. 1933 n. 2) because the telephone amalgamation necessitated some alterations (DF [ TAEM 56:687; TAED D8049ZFC]). Edison executed a revised agreement in mid-July (see Doc. 1954 n. 3).

4. Gardiner Hubbard, Alexander Graham Bell’s father-in-law and organizer of the Bell Telephone Co., had been among the organizers of the Edison Speaking Phonograph Co. See ANB, s.v. “Hubbard, Gardiner Greene” and TAEB 3:500 n. 5; Doc. 1190.

5. Not found but see Doc. 1978.

6. This is essentially the text of Gouraud’s cable. Gouraud to TAE, 12 June 1880, DF (TAEM 55:718; TAED D8046ZAM).

7. Edison sent this cable on 12 June 1880. TAE to Gouraud, DF (TAEM 55:719; TAED D8046ZAN).

8. Gouraud to TAE, 14 June 1880, DF (TAEM 55:719; TAED D8046ZAN1).

9. This message has not been found.

10. This is essentially the text of Gouraud’s cable (Gouraud to TAE, 16 June 1880, DF [TAEM 55:722; TAED D8046ZAS]). These terms were incorporated into the revised contract with Newington (see note 2).

  • From George Gouraud

London 17th June 1880a

No 16

My Dear Edison

Edison Telephone Coy of Europe. I confirms cables which have passed between us as to this, copies of which I annex.

As regards the Patents controlled by this Company I am endeavouring to ascertain what are the chances of our being able to immediately to take over this countries so as to include in our Foreign General Telephone Supply & Maintenance Coy all your continental & foreign patents but cannot say anything at this writing but what has isb already known to you from the above confirmed cables 1 Yours truly

G E Gouraud


[London, June 17, 1880]


From Edison 15th Controlling or whole share of telephone here for continent can probably be bought four hundred dollars share: Capital 100,000—28 in treasury. They have Russia Austria Germany Italy Spain Cuba Belgium. Have contracted Page 758out Russia Belgium Hungary Latter Government monopoly. Thirty years royalty basis. If you do anything it must be immediately

To Edison 15th Twenty eight what in treasury what Royalty from Russia Belgium Hungary

From Edison 16th 28,000 of the 100 capital Royalties vary from $2 to lesser sums according to number extend to end of concession notwithstanding expiration of patents years previous to termination

To Edison 16th How much realized from royalties to date & since when

From Edison 17th Contracts only just made Russia put up $10,000 Hungary $5,000 advance. without something done quickly they will probably enter into new contracts for other countries2

LS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 55:728; TAED D8046ZAU). Written by Samuel Insull; letterhead of George Gouraud. a“London” and “18” preprinted. bInterlined above. cEnclosure is an L, copied by Insull.

1. Telegraphic communication on this subject began on 8 June, when Gouraud cabled “Cannot you possibly include any more countries for universal telephone company.” Edison replied the next day, “The Edison Telephone Company of Europe are open for a trade.” Gouraud wrote on 10 June that he intended the new company “to go into this business wherever it may be done and to that end acquire such patents as it can in any case when it may be desirable.” He also stated that he would instruct Michael Moore (who had arrived in New York in April with letters of introduction from Edward Johnson) to open negotiations with the European Edison company. Edison assigned a number of European patents and pending applications to that company on 28 May; on 11 June, with the minimum of stock subscribed, the directors voted to issue shares for the first time. Gouraud to TAE, 8 and 10 June 1880; TAE to Gouraud, 9 June 1880; Johnson to TAE, 30 Mar. 1880; Moore to TAE, 19 Apr. 1880; Edison Telephone Co. of Europe resolution, 5 June 1880; directors’ minutes, 11 June 1880; all DF (TAEM 55:714, 717; 56:606, 604, 186, 196; TAED D8046ZAI, D8046ZAL, D8046ZAJ, D8049ZDP, D8049ZDO, D8048ZDU, D8048ZEB2).

2. Gouraud reported on 18 June that he could not meet all the demands of the European Edison company “unless Bell same countries can be united can that be done,” to which Edison promptly answered: “Bell has no patent leaves us only valid exploitieurs.” Gouraud to TAE and TAE to Gouraud, both 18 June 1880, DF ( TAEM 55:730; TAED D8046ZAV, D8046ZAW).

On 19 June Edison cabled Gouraud the suggestion that the company might agree to “royalty three dollars year per telephone in European Countries if guaranteed vigorous & immediate exploitation, with Johnson in charge.” Gouraud made a counter-offer two days later and pledged a “vigorous working policy immediate establishment exchanges chief Page 759cities Johnson chief engineer.” However, Johnson had just cabled Edison that he would not accept the position and Edison wired Gouraud, “Johnson declines, would not do anything without him.” Johnson reiterated his decision the next day but after Edison advised him “Better accept four or five months engagement Continent until light ready” he cabled on 23 June, “Cannot remain longer in Europe am offered absolute control policy men and apparatus with appointment electrician will this accomplish your object” (TAE to Gouraud, 19 and 21 June 1880; Gouraud to TAE, 21 June 1880; Johnson to TAE, 21, 22 and 23 June 1880; TAE to Johnson, 22 June 1880; all DF [TAEM 55:731, 733–35; TAED D8046ZAX, D8046ZBA, D8046ZAZ, D8046ZBB, D8046ZBC, D8046ZBE, D8046ZBD]). Gouraud informed Edison that same day that Johnson had accepted “as special favor appointment electrician” on those terms. He followed this by cabling another counter-offer, prompting Edison to reply that the “Stockholders will accept if ten thousand pounds is paid advance royalty. But will give no option on stock; remember they can do as well by settling peicemeal as with Russia Belgium Hungary.” After another cautionary cable from Edison, Gouraud sent word on 29 June that he would come to New York and asked Edison to “keep European offer open.” On 24 August Edison telegraphed Banker that “Gouraud offers in addition to two dollars yearly Royalty a guarantee that first year shall net us ten thousand in Royalty think we better close the thing up this basis as he sails tomorrow” to England (Gouraud to TAE, 23, 25, and 29 June 1880; TAE to Gouraud, 26 and 28 June 1880; TAE to Banker, 24 Aug. 1880; all DF [TAEM 55:735–37, 744; TAED D8046ZBF, D8046ZBG, D8046ZBK, D8046ZBI, D8046ZBJ, D8046ZBO]). During this period Edison also entertained negotiations with the Bell interests for a combination in Russia, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. No settlement was reached, however, and the European matter was unresolved at the beginning of October when Gouraud cabled “What about Edison European They make a great mistake in this delay large and powerful Anglo American syndicate forming here to work. Bell everywhere” (H. S. Russell to TAE, 14 and 22 July1880; Russell to Griffin, 31 Aug. 1880; Gouraud to TAE, 1 Oct. 1880; all DF [TAEM 56:222, 228, 249, 261; TAED D8048ZEW, D8048ZFB, D8048ZFU, D8048ZFZ]; TAE to Russell, 13 Aug. 1880, Lbk. 6:303 [TAEM 80:360; TAED LB006303]).

  • Edward Johnson to Edison and Charles Batchelor

London [c. June 18, 1880]1 a

My Dr Edison & Batch

Please take care that nothing concerning Insull’s application for a position with you reaches Gouraud—2 It might prejudice him—

Also bear in mind that all my correspondence tob you—& other correspondence to me while there—is kept confidential Yours


Page 760ALS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 53:504; TAED D8014H1). Letterhead of the Edison Telephone Co. of London. a“London” preprinted. bObscured overwritten text.

1. Stockton Griffin made a docket note on the reverse on 1 July, presumably the date Edison received this letter.

2. Samuel Insull (1859–1938), a London native, had been Gouraud’s secretary since early 1879. On 7 April he wrote Edison that Johnson had “handed me your cable saying ‘If Insull can translate French send him,’” to which he had already replied “No regretfully.” It is not known exactly what job Edison had in mind at that time. Insull did become Edison’s secretary in February 1881 and remained closely associated with him until 1892; thereafter he built a multi-state electric and gas utility empire based in Chicago. ANB, s.v. “Insull, Samuel;” McDonald 1962, 11–22; Insull to TAE, 7 and 5 Apr. 1880, DF (TAEM 53:501, 143; 56:578; TAED D8014H, D8004ZCM, D8049ZDD).

  • John Michels to Stockton Griffin

New York, June 26th, 1880a

Dear Sir,

I herewith hand you full statement of account up to this day.— I have paid cash for everything and have vouchers for all items. It shows a balance in hand at this date of $33.10.—b This includes all saleries up to date also.—1

The amounts still to be paid are as follows. 1 months rent, Printers bill ($30 paid on a/c),2 and $20 to Professor Holden—3

There are $59. due to Journal not collected.—

I am happy to say the first number is now ready for delivery. 4 I have only showed it to one person a professor from Yale, who was enthusiastic over it, and said “all the fellows will have it, when they return from vacation.”—

Although a first number I think it already compares favorably even with “Nature,” which is saying much— The contents is good, and the form, paper, and type is all that can be desired, and I consider it the handsomest Journal on either side of the Atlantic and when we begin with illustrations will be ahead of everything.—

The Journal is now before you, and I need not say how essential it is that the Company should be formed at once, my arrangements as you can imagine have to be made many weeks ahead, and any check now will tell on the future numbers.— You can see I am one of the slow and sure kind in money matters and economical, but of course proper working capital is necessary. As I said my friend Mr Shonnard5 is ready with $12,500, and he suggests a similar amount being added.—

You will notice by the Journal and those who have promised Page 761to support me with their literary cooperation, that I have struck very high ground, which lifts it above the crowd of mediocral productions, to keep this up you will have to make my position very definite— 6 I think Mr. Shonnards cooperation would be good, he is a very agreeble and nice man to do business with, and his cooperation would give a tone. If a Company is formed perhaps Mr Edison name should not appear as a stockholder, as I could then if necessary assert such to be a fact.7

The Journal should be advertised in theb Herald and a few papers next week.

It is a very dull time to start as all the Colleges &c are closed, but in the fall when it will be taken up more, [we?]c will have to keep back numbers, as it will be a Journal for binding, and will sell also at the Booksellers in its bound form.—

Please ask Mr Edison to write me what he thinks of it, let him put it side by side with Nature, and think what “Science” will be when it also reaches Vol 22.—

If you can call in on Monday or Tuesday I should be glad to see you.

I have my 4000 wrappers addressed to scientific men, and will start them off at once— The Naval Observatory have ordered 50 copies for their own use, which will take 25 pc off Prof Holden’s fee.

I shall be glad to know your opinion of “Science,” and I can assure you I have had a fearful battle with the printers to get in my form in all its details.— I think the various forms of type very handsome, and the paper is as made for Mess Harper for their Journal.— 8 Yours Truly,

John Michels

ALS, NjWOE, DF (TAEM 55:401; TAED D8041P). Letterhead of Science. a“New York,” and “188” preprinted. bObscured overwritten text. cIllegible.

1. The enclosed statement follows in DF (TAEM 55:405; TAED D8041P). On 3 June Edison leased an office for Science at 229 Broadway in New York and by 9 June had advanced Michels $350 in cash (agreement with John Hamilton, 3 June 1880; Michels receipt to TAE, 9 June 1880; both DF [TAEM 389, 396; TAED D8041L, D8041N1]). Sometime during the month Edison had drawn up an agreement to provide full financial support for one year, after which Michels was to have a 20% interest if the journal had become profitable. This contract was never signed but Edison continued to pay all expenses, including the salaries of Michels and an assistant (draft agreement with Michels, June 1880, DF [TAEM 55:412; TAED D8041R1]). Michels subsequently sent Page 762weekly statements of his account, which are in Science (D-80-041 and D-81-044), DF (TAEM 55:360, 59:451; TAED D8041, D8144).

2. Michels forwarded the bill for $67.76 a few days later. Five thousand copies of the first issue were printed. Michels to Griffin with enclosure, 30 June 1880, DF (TAEM 55:408; TAED D8041Q).

3. Edward Holden was an assistant to Simon Newcomb at the U.S. Naval Observatory. He was concurrently a principal advisor for construction of the Lick Observatory, of which he subsequently became director; he also served (1886–88) as president of the University of California (ANB, s.v. “Holden, Edward Singleton” and DSB, s.v. “Holden, Edward Singleton”). Holden wrote the lead article, “The United States Naval Observatory, Washington,” for the first issue of Science, which was dated 3 July 1880 (pp. 1–3).

4. This issue included a short article by Francis Upton on “Electricity as Power.” Upton discussed in general terms the economics of generating and transmitting electricity for power, and devoted the final four paragraphs to electric railroads and Edison’s experiments on that subject. Science 1 (1880): 5, Cat. 1008:84, Scraps. (TAEM 23:369; TAED SM008084).

5. Frederic Shonnard, whom Michels described as a nephew of Senator Roscoe Conkling and “a gentleman of wealth having considerable property at Yonkers,” was connected with the Malleable Nickel Alloy Co. in New York. Michels to TAE, 6 May and 27 Apr. 1880; Malleable Nickel Alloy Co. to TAE; 26 July 1879, all DF ( TAEM 55:372, 364; 50:91; TAED D8041E, D8041B, D7919ZBN).

6. In a separate advertising supplement to this issue (and subsequent ones) Michels published the names of seventeen “well known and esteemed Scientists” who had “expressed either their intention to contribute, or their approval of the object of the Journal, and good wishes for its success.” He had enumerated all but one of these, including Holden, Spencer Baird, Charles Young, and Othniel Marsh, the week before in a letter to Griffin, to whom he had earlier excerpted letters of support from Baird and Young. Science 1 (1880): ii; Michels to Griffin, 19 June 1880; Michels to TAE, 24 May 1880; both DF ( TAEM 55:397, 381; TAED D8041O, D8041H).

7. Michels presumably had in mind an assertion of the journal’s independence. The unsigned lead article in the second issue was a defense of the planned electric light demonstration at Menlo Park, which it called “Edison’s answer to all the meretricious arguments and scientific hair-splitting which has been of late, with little generosity, carefully disseminated to his disadvantage. Taking the view that it is a waste of time to argue theoretically, on that which can be demonstrated practically, Edison, through all this wrangle has been silent, but not idle; while others talked, he has worked. ” “The Edison Light,” Science 1 (1880): 18, Cat. 1017 (TAEM 24:189; TAED SM017063a).

8. The magazine’s full title was Harper’s Weekly, A Journal of Civilization. The firm Harper & Bros. was managed at this time by five sons of the founding Harper brothers. Tebbel 1975, 191.

  • To W. H. Patton 1

[Menlo Park,] June 29 [1880]

Dear Sir

Your favor of the 8th was duly rec’d.2 I have my system of transferring power perfected. I have in operation here an Electric railway ⅗ of a mile long. 20 h.p. applied gives 13½ h.p. available at the extreme end. Roughly speaking if it was desired to translate 700 h.p. in to Virginia3 from the Carson River, say 6 miles, there would have to be applied to the apparatus at Carson River 1000 if there was no loss on the conductor but this loss may be great or little according to the money invested in the copper conductor Perhaps 80 h.p. would be the loss although the exact estimate can be made. This would call for 1080 h.p. giving 700 h.p. available for use in one or 100 places in Virginia City without material loss by subdivision. To carry 12 000 h.p. from Lake Tahoe to Virginia is a perfectly practical scheme and would pay big. Very truly

T. A. Edison G[riffin]

L (letterpress copy), NjWOE, Lbk. 6:125 (TAEM 80:312; TAED LB006125). Written by Stockton Griffin; circled “C” written above. A transcription of this letter by William Hammer is in Cat. 2174, Scraps. (TAEM 89:254).

1. W. H. Patton was superintendent (since 1878) of the Consolidated Virginia Co., which developed the most lucrative mine holdings in the Comstock Lode. Smith 1943, 149.

2. Patton asked Edison to apprise him of the “present condition of your researches in the application of Electricity to the conveyance of power—for instance the generating of the Electricity by water power— conveyance of the same to any distance and its utilization by transformation into power again—also what loss is sustained during the transmission.” Edison’s draft reply on this letter is essentially the same as the final version written by Griffin (Patton to TAE, 8 June 1880, DF [TAEM 54:396; TAED D8032P]). On Edison’s prior interest in this subject, see Doc. 1788 esp. n. 1.

3. Virginia City was located directly over the “Big Bonanza” of the Comstock Lode, in extreme western Nevada. Smith 1943, 151; Elliott 1973, 144–51.

Previous Chapter

5. January–March 1880
