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i n d e x abolitionism: c. Barton and, 11, 14–15; humanitarianism and, 12, 117 accidents: industrial, viii, 118, 143, 155, 260; mine, 142-43, 145-55, 330n21; railroad, 30, 38, 143, 145 African Americans: in Arc leadership, xxiii, 264, 281; Arc treatment of, xxii, xxvi, 41, 59–60, 167, 180, 286; Arc treatment of, in 1927 flood, xv, 199–200, 207–10, 214–20, 222–23; and c. Barton, 11, 18, 34, 42, 56, 59; and Chicago Defender, 216, 219, 221, 257-58; and Galveston hurricane, 99; Gullah community, 54, 60; nurses, 46, 167–68, 171, 216, 220, 258; and racial ideologies, 54; relief efforts of, 53, 192, 215, 258; and scientific charity, 57 AmA. See American medical Association American indians, 29, 33, 76, 236; Arc aid to, 235–36; c. Barton and, 4, 76–77; and irish famine relief, 30 American Legion, 205, 208, 247, 256 American medical Association (AmA), 210–11, 267 American red cross (Arc): auxiliaries of, local , 42, 44–46, 48, 51, 68, 91–92, 99, 109–10, 165; Board of, xxvi–xxviii, 94, 97, 99–101, 103–4, 112–13, 155, 163, 265, 285–86; federal funding for, 39, 230–31; founding of, 24, 27–28, 33–34, 301n9; governance of, vii, xxiii, 94, 113, 137, 155, 202, 227, 265; and leadership disputes, xv, 97, 102–5, 108–10, 112, 114–15, 148, 161; management of, 102, 117, 132, 166, 173, 175, 284; Women’s motor corps, xxii, 158, 165, 172, 263–64. See also blood donor program; central committee; chapters; charter, federal; criticism; federal government , American red cross relationship to; fund-raising; military, U.s., relationship to American red cross; neutrality; nurses, American red cross; public relations and publicity; scandals; seed distribution programs ; state department, U.s., and American red cross; volunteers, American red cross; women and American red cross American social hygiene Association, 213 Andersonville Prison, Georgia, 16–17 Anthony, susan B., 19, 32 AP. See Associated Press Appia, Louis, 25 Arc. See American red cross Arkansas, 229 Armenia: Arc relief expedition, 70, 75–79; massacres of 1894–96, 69, 76–77, 86 Army, U.s.: and c. Barton, 10; and Long Beach earthquake, 241; and missing soldiers work, 15; and san Francisco earthquake, 122–23, 126–28 Army, U.s., and American red cross, viii, 160; and Arc disaster relief, xxiii, 40, 42, 122, 124, 126, 206–7, 209–10, 230–31, 249, 254, 256; and flood of 1927, 206; and influenza pandemic, xxi, 171; and nursing, 167–68, 171; and spanish-American War, 90–92; and wartime obligations, 94, 160; and WWi, 159, 168; and WWii, 263, 358n8 Army corps of engineers, 198, 201–2, 210, 246, 249, 253, 260 Arthur, chester A., 35 Ashe, elizabeth, 168–70 Associated Press (AP), 34–35, 94, 254 Atwater, dorance, 16–17, 19 auxiliaries, local American red cross, 42, 44–46, 48, 51, 68, 91–92, 99, 109–10, 165 Barnett, claude, 264, 346n31 Barton, clara: and African Americans, 11, 18, 34, 41–42, 56, 59–60; awards and medals for, 26; childhood and family of, 4–5; class background and financial status of, 106–7; and gender ideologies, 13–14, 19, 37, 107–8; home of, Glen echo, vii, xx, 73, 82, 102, 107–8, 111–12; illnesses and death of, xviii, 20, 27, 82, 98–99, 101, 103, 163; missing soldiers Work, 15; nervous collapses of, 5, 20, 368 Index Barton, clara (cont.) 27; and nursing, 4–5, 8–9, 15, 44–46, 48, 51, 53, 87–89, 91; professional work of, 6, 14, 19; relief work of, during Franco-Prussian War, 25; and religion, 4; resignation of, from Arc, 94, 112; romantic interests of, 13, 73, 86, 107–8 Barton, stephen (father), 4 Barton, stephen (nephew), 33, 85, 89, 91, 94, 101, 110 Bellows, henry, 27 Bicknell, ernest, viii, 118–19, 166, 180; and international relief, 170; and mining disaster relief, 148–53, 155, 187; and organized labor, 148, 152, 154–55; and san Francisco earthquake relief, 120–22, 126, 128–30, 132–33 Blaine, James G., 33–34 Blanco, ramón, 84 blood donor program, xxii, 263, 266–68, 271, 359; and hiV/Aids, xxvi, 282–85; in Korean War, 267–68; and racial discrimination, 263–64; in WWii, 263–64 Boardman, mabel, viii, xiv, xix, 97, 102, 116, 137, 202; and c. Barton, 102–3, 105–8, 112, 142, 163; family and background of, 102, 107, 115; and gender ideologies, 107; and T. roosevelt , 104, 117; and...
