In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Adams, Abigail,  Adams, Daniel,  Adams, John, , , , , n Aesop’s Fables, ,  affection, , , , , ; authority and, , –; education and, , , , , ; Great Awakening and, , –; law and, , ; slavery and, , , . See also affectionate citizenship affectionate citizenship, –, , ; children ’s literature and, , n; consent and, –, ; Lockean liberalism and,  affectionate reading, , ,  affectionate republic,  Aiken, John,  Alcott, A. Bronson, – Aldrich, Thomas, n Alien and Sedition Acts (),  alphabet books, –, –, , , , – Alryyes, Ala, ,  Althusser, Louis, – American Civil War, ; citizenship and, –, , , . See also Reconstruction American Revolution, , , , –, ; affection in, , , ; children’s dissent and, , , ; citizenship and, , , ; gender in, , ; Great Awakening’s impact on, , ; paper money in, , n; reading and, , ; role of child in, –, – American Sunday School Union, , – Anderson, Benedict, –,  Anderson, Nick,  “anchor babies,” , ,  Anthony, David,  Anti-Slavery Alphabet, – Ariès, Philippe, , n, n Ashley-Cooper, Anthony,  Augustine, St.,  Austen, Jane,  automata, , –, n The Aviary; Or the Child’s Book of Birds,  bad readers, , –, –, –, – Baier, Annette C.,  Bailyn, Bernard, n Baker, Jennifer Jordan,  Balibar, Étienne, – Barbauld, Anna Laetitia, ,  Barber, Benjamin R.,  Barnes, Elizabeth,  Barnum, P. T., – Baxter, Richard,  Baym, Nina, , n Bell, Andrew, n Bennett, John,  Bennett, Tony, n Benthem, Jeremy, , n Bercovitch, Sacvan, n, n Berlant, Lauren, , , , ,  Bewick, Thomas, , n Bhabha, Homi,  Birthright Citizenship Act (), n      Bold page numbers refer to figures  Index Blake: or, the Huts of America,  book eating (bibliophagia), , ,  Boone, Troy,  Bowen, Daniel,  Boyer, Paul S., n Brantlinger, Patrick, , n Breen, T. H.,  Bremner, Robert, , n Brewer, Holly, , , n, n; on boundaries of childhood, , –, n; on children’s economic practices, ; on Halfway Covenant, ; on Locke,  Brooks, Thomas,  Brown, Gillian, –, , n; on children ’s freedom, , , ,  Brown, Matthew P., n Brown, William Hill, , , , n; The Power of Sympathy, , , – Browne, Sir Thomas,  Brückner, Martin, n Bunn, James,  Bunyan, John, –,  Burder, George, n Butcher, Elizabeth, –,  Cadava, Eduardo, n Calvinism, ,  capitalism, , , –; children as capitalists , , ; citizenship and, , –; expansion of, , . See also economics; Panic of ; Panic of  Caraccioli, Marquis, ,  Casmier-Paz, Lynn A.,  catechisms, –, , , n, n; Mather’s, , n; patriarchal nature of, – censorship,  Chapone, Hannah,  Child, Lydia Maria, , , , n childhood: boundaries of, , –, , n, n; as metaphor, –, –; political history of, – children, , n, n, n; as aligned with slaves, , –, , , n, n; as aligned with women, –, ; as authors, , , , ; as automata, –, n; as book eaters (bibliophagia ), –; boy readers, ; church membership of, –, –, –; citizens as, –, –, , , , , –; citizenship defined through, –; closet reading of, –, , –, n; contemporary representations of, n, n; conversion narratives of, –; dissent of, , , –, –; economic practices of, –, , n, n; feral, ; Fourteenth Amendment and, –, –; French Revolution and, –, , , n; girl readers, –, , –, –, n; Lacan on, n; Locke on, , –, , –, n; as mini adults, n; novel readers , , –, n, n; race and, –, –; readers as, –; religious communities and, –, n; rights of, –, –, , , ; role in history, , , , ; role in politics, –; Rousseau on, –; studying, –, n. See also alphabet books; citizenship: imaginary ; citizenship: natural; diaries; literature (children’s); Locke, John; pedagogy; spelling books; United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child () The Child’s New Play-Thing, , n choice, , , , ; defining citizenship, , ; in reading, , , , ; in religion, , , , ; slavery contrasted with, , , , n; social contract and, , , . See also consent citizenship, , –, n, n, n; age and, , –, n; alternative definitions of, , –; citizens as children, –, –; economic, –, –; Emerson on, , ; gender and, –, , –, –, –, ; Hawthorne on, , –, , –; ideology and, , , ; imaginary, –, , , n, n; immigrants and, –, , , , –; infantile, , –, , , ; legal versus literary, , , n; natural, –, , –; and naturalization , , , , , , ; novels and, , –; race and, –, , , , , , n; Republican versus Federalist definitions of, –; Rousseau on, , , –, n; slavery contrasted with, [] Project MUSE (2024-04-23 14:48 GMT) Index  , , , , n, n; subjecthood contrasted with, –, –, –; suffrage and, , –; teaching, , –. See also affectionate citizenship; consent; Constitution (U.S.); Fourteenth Amendment; law; Locke, John; social contract theory Civil Rights Act (), – Civil Rights Act (),  Civil War. See American Civil War Clapp, David,  Clark, Beverly Lyon,  Cobbett, William,  Cohoon, Lorinda B., n Coke, Sir Edward,  Coleman, William H., – collecting, , , ; books, , ; curiosities , , –, , n; letters, , , n. See also scrapbooks Colley, Thomas,  colonialism, , –, –, , n; colonial government, , ; print culture and, , , , , , n. See also empire The Columbian Orator, ,  Connell, Phillip, ,  consent, –, , –, , ; affection and, , , ; age of, , ; defining citizenship, –, , –, , ; Fourteenth Amendment and, –; gender and, , ; Locke on, , –, –, , n, n; race and, , ; religion and, , –, n; social contract and, , , –; slavery and, , n; suffrage and, . See also choice Constitution (U.S.), , , , ; definition of citizenship, , , , ; race and gender in, , . See also Fourteenth Amendment Cooper, James Fenimore,  Cooper, William,  Cotton, John,  Cowan, Edgar,  Cowan, Frank, – Cowles, Julia,  Cox, Caroline,  Crain, Patricia A., , n The Crayon Reading Book,  The Cries of London,  Cummins, Maria Susan, , , n Darley, Felix O. C.,  Darley, Matthew,  Davidson, Cathy N., , –,  Davis, Peggy Cooper,  Day, Angel, n Day, Thomas,  Defoe, Daniel, , , , ,  Dennie, Joseph, –,  De Rosa, Deborah,  Desiderio, Jennifer, n diaries, , , n; representation of reading practices in, , , , n, n DiGiromalo, Vincent,  Dillon, Elizabeth,  dissent, , , ; children’s, , , –; gender and, ; political, –; religious, – Douglass, Frederick: on citizenship, , –; on slavery, , –, n...
