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Page 263Index Italic page numbers refer to tables. 1. academic freedom, 188–91, 196 2. academic plans, 164, 239–42 3. adjunct faculty, 42 4. administrative personnel, 103, 107 5. administrators, in-depth interview guide for, 205–6, 207 , 209, 210 , 211, 213 6. Aisenberg, N., 66 7. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 75 8. American Association of University Professors (AAUP), 23, 37, 72, 123, 177, 186 –87, 188, 189, 196, 198 9. American Council on Education Issue Brief, 22 10. Amy, L., 99 11. Anderson, E., 42 12. annual review, 55–60, 112 , 215– 18, 220–22 13. Argyris, C., 158 14. Armenti, C., 68, 69 15. artifacts, 157 16. Asian/Pacific Islander faculty: distribution of, 11 , 12 ; employment status of, 15 , 16 , 17 , 21 ; female, 12–13, 22 ; full-time vs. part-time, 8 ; and gender, 20 , 21 ; increase in, 12–13 ; male, 12–13, 22 17. assistant professors: at Auburn University, 119, 140 ; female, 69, 71, 79 ; as “ideal worker,” 73 ; in normative faculty career, 199 ; at North Carolina State University, 52, 53, 56 ; at Ohio State University, 56, 108, 141 ; and post–COACHE survey interviews, 32 ; and publish or perish, 38–39 ; understanding of tenure process by, 45 ; at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 119, 234 ; at University of Iowa, 54, 146–47, 153, 154 ; at University of Kansas, 58, 141, 150 18. Astin, H. S., 69 19. Auburn University, 27 ; Auburn Creed, 116, 138, 247n2 ; COACHE survey response rates, 35 , 36 ; as exemplary university, 2, 32 ; high climate scores of, 137–38, 139–40, 147–48, 154, 155 ; high scores on support for research and/or teaching of, 108, 111, 113, 114 –15, 116, 119, 120 ; high tenure clarity scores of, 45–46, 48 , 51 ; high work-life scores of, 80, 82–83, 84–85 ; institutional data, 2008–9, 28 ; strategic planning at, 168–72 20. Austin, A. E., 123, 124, 125, 126, 196 21. automatic stop-the-clock provisions, 76, 88 1. Bailey, L., 96, 100–101, 104 2. Batalden, Paul, 201 3. Beazley, H., 188 4. Belcher, W. L., 101 5. Bensimon, E. M., 132 6. Berberet, W. G., 100, 102 7. Bielby, Denise, 67 8. Bielby, William, 67 9. Billings, D. A., 64 10. Birnbaum, R., 156, 163 11. Black / African American faculty: distribution of, 11 , 12 ; employment status of, 15 , 16 , 17 , 21 ; female, 12, 22 ; full-time vs. part-time, 8 ; and gender, 20 , 21 ; male, 12, 22 12. Blackburn, R. T., 95, 98, 102, 103, 104 13. Boardman, C., 40, 41 –42 14. Boyer, E. L., 193–94 15. Bozeman, B., 40 16. Burgan, M., 188, 189 17. Burrows, Dave, 94 18. Byrne, P., 189 1. Page 264Cadwallader, M. L., 189 2. Carlson, Toby N., 185 3. Chait, R. P., 187 4. change, radical, 160–61 5. changing culture, 159–63 6. Chemerinsky, E., 188 7. children: availability of child care for, 3, 69, 71, 76, 78 , 79, 85, 86, 91 ; effect of, on female faculty, 63–64, 65 ; and lack of accommodation for faculty parents, 71–72 ; work-life integration and, 82, 83, 84, 85, 88, 89 8. climate: COACHE data on, 135–37 ; coding data on, 33 ; collegiality and, 132 ; high scores on, 137–54 ; in-depth interview guide, 212–13 ; overview, 122–24 ; recommendations for administrators, 154–55 9. coding, 33–34 10. Colbeck, C. L., 68 11. collaboration: and collegiality, 133–34 ; at exemplary institutions, 181 ; at Ohio State University, 151–52 ; opportunities for, 135, 139–47, 155 ; at University of Iowa, 149, 154 12. Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE), 24 ; categories measured by, 2 ; climate data of, 135–37 ; data collected by, 1 ; faculty support data of, 105–7 ; tenure data of, 43–45 ; work-life data of, 77–79 13. collegiality, 132–34 ; at Auburn University, 45–46, 61 ; coding data for, 33 ; in-depth interview guide, 212–13 14. colloquia, 34, 114–16, 120 15. committee assignments, 105, 106 16. community, importance of, 147–50, 155 17. community colleges, 42, 43 18. Cooke, T. J., 67 19. corporatization of higher education, 184 20. Crow, A., 99 21. culture: coding data for, 33 ; collegiality and, 132 ; defined, 122, 156–57 ; in-depth interview guide, 212–13 ; and leadership, 156 ; leaders in changing, 159–63 ; organizational, 156–59 ; overview, 122–24 ; recommendations for administrators, 154–55 ; socialization, 125–27 ; of support, 3, 147–50, 176, 177 ; three layers of, 157–59 22. Curtin, C., 195 23. Davis, D. E., 69 24...
